Analytical Modeling of the Effect of Crack Depth, Specimen Size, and Biaxial Stress on the Fracture Toughness of Reactor Vessel Steels

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Fracture, toughness values for A533-B reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel obtained from test programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and University of Kansas (KU) are interpreted using the J-A2 analytical model. The analytical model is based on the critical stress concept and takes into consideration the constraint effect using the second parameter A2 in addition to the generally accepted first parameter J which represents the loading level. It is demonstrated that with the constraint level included in the model effects of crack depth (shallow vs deep), specimen size (small vs. large), and loading type (uniaxial vs biaxial) on the fracture toughness from the test programs can be interpreted and predicted.

Nuclear Safety

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An Analytical Investigation of the Effect of Crack Depth (a) and Crack Depth to Width (a/W) Ratio on the Fracture Toughness of A533-B Steel

Book Description

The use of various crack depths (a) and crack-depth to specimen-width (a/W) ratios in laboratory tests to model flawed structural components has led to considerable interest in the role of both the crack depth (a) and the a/W ratio on fracture toughness. To investigate the separate roles of crack depth and the a/W ratio, three-dimensional elastic-plastic finite element analyses, (FEA) of square SE(B) specimens with a/W ratios ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 [crack depths ranging from 2.0 mm (0.08 in.) to 50.8 mm (2.0 in.)] have been conducted. The material properties used in this analysis were those for the material used in an experimental study conducted at the University of Kansas (KU) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The specimen dimensions were chosen such that the results for specimens having a fixed crack depth and varying a/W ratios could be compared to the results for specimens with a fixed a/W ratio and varying crack depths.

Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics

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