
Book Description

Disarmament and Security

Book Description

A Basic Bibliography

Book Description

Disarmament Series

Book Description

Disarmament Series

Book Description

Le Désarmement / Disarmament

Book Description

Cette etude, completee d'une bibliographie, sur les efforts faits par les Nations Unies dans le domaine du desarmement est destinee a combler une lacune. En effet, malgre toute la documentation sur le travail des Nations Unies a cet egard, on ne trouve aucun resume objectif des propositions des differentes nations et des conclusions des deliberations qui se poursuivent depuis la creation des Nations Unies en 1945. En septembre 1956, l'Assemblee pleniere de la Federation Mondiale des Associations pour les Nations Unies adopta une resolution priant le Comite executif "d'examiner la possibilite de favoriser plus largement l'information et l'edu cation et de provoquer des etudes plus approfondies et des reunions d'etudes sur les differents aspects du probleme du desarmement". Pendant la periode 1956/57, le Comite executif accepta qu'une etude, completee par une biblio graphie, soit publiee sur cette question et M. Yves Collart, Assistant du Directeur de l'Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales de Geneve fut charge de la preparer. Cette etude a ete faite par M. COllart selon les directives generales de la Federation Mondiale des Associations pour les Nations Unies qui desirait notamment que les faits soient presentes de maniere aussi objective que possible. La respon sabilite de ce texte incombe a son auteur et non a la Federa tion. Les membres du Comite executif de la Federation furent neanmoins invites a faire par ecrit leurs remarques sur le premier projet de cette etude et M. Collart a tenu compte de leurs commentaires en redigeant le texte final.

Arms Control and Peacekeeping

Book Description

Making Peace Pay

Book Description

Strange Allies

Book Description

Strange Allies examines three intersecting themes of fundamental importance to the international history of the period between the two world wars. First, and most broadly, it is a study of the international history of the pivotal ‘hinge years’, running from the onset of the Depression in late 1929 to the Nazi capture of power in Germany in early 1933. The second theme is the strategic relationship between Britain and France, the critical dynamic in the management of global and European international relations during this time of great fluidity and uncertainty. The most contentious and intractable issue that divided the two countries was the pursuit of international disarmament, which forms the third theme of the book. Strange Allies is based upon extensive research in British and French archives, as well as in the archives of the League of Nations in Geneva. The book’s focus on 1929–31 in particular makes a major contribution to the international history of the interwar period by re-examining the security and strategic policies of the second Labour government in Britain and of foreign minister Aristide Briand in the post-Locarno years in France. For 1931–33, the book looks at the impact of the great financial and economic crisis of 1931 on security and disarmament planning in Britain and France. It then considers the impact of the Anglo-French relationship on the instability of Europe and on the failure of the World Disarmament Conference. This book is the first detailed study of the Anglo-French relationship during a critical period which saw a reshaping of the boundaries of global security. Although the Anglo-French alliance is rightly seen to be pivotal to both the initial phase of implementing the Versailles settlement of 1919 and the efforts to contain Hitler and protect Europe after 1936, Strange Allies demonstrates the degree to which these states’ conflicting views of security were central to international relations in the years leading up to Hitler’s accession to power.