Atomic Transport and Defects in Metals by Neutron Scattering

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The Institut Max-von-Laue-Paul Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble regularly organ ises workshops that deal with the various applications of neutrons in physics, chemistry, biology and also in nuclear physics. The workshop" Atomic Trans port and Defects in Metals by Neutron Scattering", jointly organised by the Institut Laue-Langevin and the Institut fiir Festkorperforschung of the KFA Jiilich, was held in October 1985 in Jiilich. The study of problems in metal physics and in physical metallurgy is a traditional field of neutron scattering. The most commonly used methods are diffuse elastic, small-angle and inelastic scattering of neutrons. A number of problems can be identified where neutrons yield information that is supple mentary to that from other methods such as x-ray diffraction, synchrotron radiation or electron microscopy. In certain fields, for example spectroscopy for the investigation of atomic motions or for the investigation of magnetic properties, neutron scattering is a unique method. The facilities at the High Flux Reactor of the ILL, and also at the Jiilich and at other medium flux research reactors, have contributed numerous re sults in these fields. It was the aim of this workshop to give a survey of the present state of neutron scattering in metal physics.

Handbook of Magnetic Hybrid Nanoalloys and their Nanocomposites

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This comprehensive reference work satisfies the need for in-depth and multidisciplinary coverage of the current state of the art of magnetic hybrid nanoalloys (MHNAs) and their polymer and ceramic nanocomposites. MHNAs represent one of the most challenging research areas in modern science and technology. These materials are stiff and strong with remarkable electronic, mechanical, electrical, thermal and biocompatible properties, and a high potential for multifunctional applications ranging from industry to medicine. The peer-reviewed literature is already extensive, witnessing rapid progress in experimental and theoretical studies on fundamental properties as well as various advanced applications. Part 1 covers theory, modelling, and synthesis (growth and alloying mechanisms) of MHNAs. Formation mechanisms of magneto-electric multiferroic materials, magnetic carbon nanotube (CNTs), and perovskite materials, which are a novel class of next-generation multifunctional nanomaterials, are discussed. The second part focuses on characterization techniques for electrical and dielectrical, rheological, biocompatibility, and other properties, as well as applications in the industrial, agricultural, environmental, and biomedical sectors. Finally, life cycle assessment is considered as essential to the development of nanomaterials and nanoproducts from MHNAs. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and other professionals in the fields of materials science and engineering, polymer science, surface science, bioengineering, and chemical engineering will find comprehensive and authoritative information for solving fundamental and applied problems in the characterization and use of these multifunctional nanomaterials.

NBS Special Publication

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