Aprende el Arte Empresarial de Jack Ma

Book Description

"Este es el camino de la vida; la victoria es s?lo despu?s de la derrota." Las palabras encajan en la historia de vida de Jack Ma, desde los altibajos de la vida hasta la cima. La historia detr?s de c?mo un ni?o simple llamado Ma Yun se convirti? en el propietario de una empresa de miles de millones de d?lares, alibaba.com, est? escrita en la dura superficie de la vida. No solo es inspirador sino que muestra c?mo una part?cula puede convertirse en un alpinista. En palabras simples, nos dice y nos motiva a avanzar hacia nuestras metas. El desarrollo de la historia de vida de Jack Ma se basa ?nicamente en el poder del cerebro. No necesariamente tienes la fuerza y ??el dinero para tener ?xito; todo esto se puede lograr con el poder del cerebro. Si contin?a avanzando pacientemente hacia su meta sin preocuparse por el mundo, entonces ning?n poder en el mundo podr? impedir que tenga ?xito. Esto se puede aprender y traer a la vida a partir de la historia de vida de Jack y sus pensamientos inspiradores. Un libro inspirador y ?til para todos, incluidos los j?venes emprendedores.

Understanding Teaching Excellence in Higher Education

Book Description

Alan Skelton considers what constitutes excellence in higher education teaching, the central case study being the practice of the UK's most excellent university teachers, as judged by the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme.

Disclosing New Worlds

Book Description

Argues that human beings are at their best not when they are engaged in abstract reflection, but when they are intensely involved in changing the taken-for-granted, everyday practices in some domain of their culture—that is, when they are making history. Disclosing New Worlds calls for a recovery of a way of being that has always characterized human life at its best. The book argues that human beings are at their best not when they are engaged in abstract reflection, but when they are intensely involved in changing the taken-for-granted, everyday practices in some domain of their culture—that is, when they are making history. History-making, in this account, refers not to wars and transfers of political power, but to changes in the way we understand and deal with ourselves. The authors identify entrepreneurship, democratic action, and the creation of solidarity as the three major arenas in which people make history, and they focus on three prime methods of history-making—reconfiguration, cross-appropriation, and articulation.

Intelligence Management in the Americas

Book Description

This anthology, Intelligence Management in the Americas, brings together the perspectives of 22 authors from across the Americas. They outline and assess the status and promise of intelligence oversight legislation and actions, and develop various arguments for preserving the best aspects of intelligence autonomy.

Remapping Sound Studies

Book Description

The contributors to Remapping Sound Studies intervene in current trends and practices in sound studies by reorienting the field toward the global South. Attending to disparate aspects of sound in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Micronesia, and a Southern outpost in the global North, this volume broadens the scope of sound studies and challenges some of the field's central presuppositions. The contributors show how approaches to and uses of technology across the global South complicate narratives of technological modernity and how sound-making and listening in diverse global settings unsettle familiar binaries of sacred/secular, private/public, human/nonhuman, male/female, and nature/culture. Exploring a wide range of sonic phenomena and practices, from birdsong in the Marshall Islands to Zulu ululation, the contributors offer diverse ways to remap and decolonize modes of thinking about and listening to sound. Contributors Tripta Chandola, Michele Friedner, Louise Meintjes, Jairo Moreno, Ana María Ochoa Gautier, Michael Birenbaum Quintero, Jeff Roy, Jessica Schwartz, Shayna Silverstein, Gavin Steingo, Jim Sykes, Benjamin Tausig, Hervé Tchumkam

Learning to Write

Book Description

First published in 1982, this influential and classic text poses two questions: what is it that a child learns when he or she learns to write? What can we learn about children, society and ourselves, by looking at this process? The book is based on a close analysis of a series of written texts by primary school children and is written for student teachers with little or no knowledge of linguistics. In this new edition, Gunther Kress has made extensive revisions in the light of recent developments in linguistics and in education. The theoretical focus is now a social semiotic one, which allows a fundamental rethinking of issues such as 'preliteracy' and broad social and cultural questions around the making of texts.

Employment in Metropolitan Areas

Book Description

Learn Like a Pro

Book Description

A book for learners of all ages containing the best and most updated advice on learning from neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Do you spend too much time learning with disappointing results? Do you find it difficult to remember what you read? Do you put off studying because it’s boring and you’re easily distracted? This book is for you. Dr. Barbara Oakley and Olav Schewe have both struggled in the past with their learning. But they have found techniques to help them master any material. Building on insights from neuroscience and cognitive psychology, they give you a crash course to improve your ability to learn, no matter what the subject is. Through their decades of writing, teaching, and research on learning, the authors have developed deep connections with experts from a vast array of disciplines. And it’s all honed with feedback from thousands of students who have themselves gone through the trenches of learning. Successful learners gradually add tools and techniques to their mental toolbox, and they think critically about their learning to determine when and how to best use their mental tools. That allows these learners to make the best use of their brains, whether those brains seem “naturally” geared toward learning or not. This book will teach you how you can do the same.

Apostasy Can Lead a Nation to Self-Destruct

Book Description

This is the story of two nations, ancient Israel and the United States of America. From the beginning, both nations were dedicated and consecrated to God. As a result, God blessed and prospered them with wealth, power and peace. Unfortunately, both nations gradually relaxed their commitment to God over time. Ancient Israel began worshiping foreign gods with their idols. American began worshiping the more sophisticated gods of fame, achievement, money, wealth, sex, pride, power, cars, extravagant houses, clothes, self and others. Then finally both nations began the process of expunging God from their nation and society. God warned ancient Israel to turn form its evil ways. These warnings were recorded in the Bible. Ancient Israel did not heed these warnings and disappeared. Unfortunately the Supreme Court suppressed the Bible's use in America. The leaders of America failed to recognize the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington D. C. as a result of spiritual crisis. As a result, America continues to move forward to its doom.