Libertad de emprender

Book Description

El actual modelo económico en el mundo occidental se caracteriza por un sobredimensionamiento del Estado que ha provocado déficit público, desempleo y bajas tasas de crecimiento económico. Esta obra defiende la necesidad de recuperar las bases del libre mercado que hicieron triunfar al sistema capitalista occidental y que ahora están aplicando con éxito Corea del Sur, Taiwán, Hong Kong y Singapur, casos que se estudian pormenorizadamente en este trabajo. Alentar al individuo a desarrollarse plenamente por sí mismo, sin olvidar a los más necesitados, favorecer el espíritu emprendedor, la tolerancia y la autonomía, fomentar la cooperación recíproca y voluntaria sin restricciones ni privilegios y con un Estado limitado que proteja la propiedad privada y los contratos individuales son algunas de las recetas propuestas para superar la situación actual y volver a un camino de crecimiento sostenido.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education

Book Description

This book explores the concepts for innovation and entrepreneurship through multiple lenses in the context of education. Mixing equal parts theory and practice, this volume takes a closer look on how innovation and entrepreneurship are approached around the globe as disciplines, methods, and mindsets.

Education Tools for Entrepreneurship

Book Description

This book examines education in entrepreneurship through an action-learning environment that uses educational innovation tools. It explores various education tools, technology tools and pedagogical methods being implemented into university curriculums around the world. Entrepreneurship in society is rapidly gaining popularity as entrepreneurial activities aimed to create social value are fundamental in the development of an innovative, sustainable economy. This notion has been encouraging universities to incorporate entrepreneurship-related competencies into the curriculums of almost all subjects. Thus, developing an action-learning environment with educational innovation tools, technology tools and pedagogical methods is becoming increasingly important to universities. Students must be fully prepared to face the many challenges in the world and to help develop an innovative and sustainable economy. Universities should therefore promote active learning through innovation so that students can become active participants in their learning. Featuring contributions and case studies from academics, researchers and practitioners from around the world, the is book provides international perspective into entrepreneurship education and innovation.

Research Anthology on Business and Technical Education in the Information Era

Book Description

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has disrupted businesses worldwide through the introduction of highly automated processes. This disruption has affected the way in which companies conduct business, impacting everything from managerial styles to resource allocations to necessary new skillsets. As the business world continues to change and evolve, it is imperative that business education strategies are continuously revised and updated in order to adequately prepare students who will be entering the workforce as future entrepreneurs, executives, and marketers, among other careers. The Research Anthology on Business and Technical Education in the Information Era is a vital reference source that examines the latest scholarly material on pedagogical approaches in finance, management, marketing, international business, and other fields. It also explores the implementation of curriculum development and instructional design strategies for technical education. Highlighting a range of topics such as business process management, skill development, and educational models, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for business managers, business and technical educators, entrepreneurs, academicians, upper-level students, and researchers.

Rendimiento Grupal en el Emprendedor

Book Description

Este libro te ensenara a manejar los conceptos clave que debes tener en cuenta en tu ambito laboral. Crear un buen equipo de trabajo es emprender. Sacar el maximo de ti mismo y de tus companeros/as es emprender. Seducir es emprender. Es por esto por lo que ponemos a tu disposicion distintas tecnicas (tanto de optimizacion como de autoconocimiento) para que puedas alcanzar aquellos resultados que te permitan codearte con los mejores. A traves de "Rendimiento Grupal en el Emprendedor," los autores consiguen transmitir de forma amena y dinamica aquellos conocimientos de la psicologia de los grupos imprescindibles en cualquier emprendedor, pero sin sumergirse en tediosas teorias cuasi-academicas ni en galimatias de corte catedratico. Siguiendo fieramente el principio de la economia cognitiva, este libro pretende ser un puente directo del papel a la practica. Es posible algo asi?

Emprender con responsabilidad

Book Description

Ni la acumulación de deuda, ni la construcción de viviendas ni el consumo ilimitado de productos y recursos nos sacarán de la profunda crisis económica, energética y medioambiental que vivimos. El futuro pertenece a las sociedades que faciliten el despliegue de la capacidad emprendedora de sus ciudadanos. Bajo esta premisa, Ángel Pes y Norbert Bilbeny se adentran en el papel clave de la responsabilidad social de las empresas y, desde una visión eminentemente práctica, defienden la necesidad de promover la actividad emprendedora sin descuidar la distribución equitativa de los beneficios del desarrollo económico y su carácter sostenible.Para ello, explican cómo dar forma a las exigencias de una economía sostenible a través de numerosos ejemplos de empresas que han sabido ver las ventajas que ofrece la responsabilidad corporativa. Ser empresario responsable no solo es una elección: es una necesidad para construir el futuro.

Senior Entrepreneurship and Aging in Modern Business

Book Description

With the current upsurge of Industry 4.0, the way manufacturers assemble their products to sell in a competitive market has changed, guided by the SMART strategy. Only the most adaptable and suitable firms will be able to survive in this new business and economic world, and in this sense, the combination of (formal and informal) formation and working experience exerted by senior entrepreneurs will generate competitive advantages in the firms they work. Senior Entrepreneurship and Aging in Modern Business is an essential reference source that discusses senior entrepreneurship, its benefits to companies due to its combination of practical experience and training, and the impact technology has on it. Featuring research on topics such as human capital, value creation, and organizational success, this book is ideally designed for entrepreneurs, executives, managers, policymakers, professionals, researchers, business administrators, academicians, and students.

Fórum Universal de Las Culturas

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