Arise My Daughter

Book Description

This remarkable life story tells of one woman's battle to turn from a life of terror into the woman God destined her to become. Barbara survived a childhood of trauma and abuse only to find herself battling to overcome her dysfunctional past and generational curses handed down to her. Through her faith in the Lord, regardless of the many setbacks and continuous battles with issues from her past, layer by layer, the Lord redeemed her from the distorted, “ugly” reflection she saw in her mirror every day. Remarkably, she survived multiple suicide attempts and she has found laughter and light at the end of her ordeal. Now she wants to share her journey with others who need to know God has a destiny for everyone.Truth and transparency found within this book produces an awe-inspiring transformation and testimony to healing through the Lord. It is designed to encourage the reader to embark on their own path to healing by acknowledging one's past, reflecting one's personal struggles, and being brave enough to face the “inner” battles in order to bring forth freedom and new life.

Talitha Cumi "Little Girl, Arise!"

Book Description

Talitha Cumi, Little Girl, Arise! is an unveiling of the image of God and the utter importance of women taking their true place in the heart of the Father. As women discover the real meaning of hard-to-understand scriptures, they will be enthralled with both Paul and Father God’s love for them. While reading this revelatory book, the reader will be totally convinced that the Apostle Paul was not a misogynist, but instead, he had a deep appreciation and love for all female members of Christ’s body. The truths contained within this book will dispel confusion and instill a great honor in the men for their wives and sisters. These same truths will drive out all discouragement in the women and fill them with joy and excitement about the Father creating them as a woman. Never again, will these precious ones feel negative about themselves and their role on the earth. Marriages will be healed, inner wounds mended and the body of Christ, the Ekklesia, will enter more fully into its divine purpose through the divine revelation that is contained in this book. The necessity of the full image of God will be understood and with that, the importance of revealing the fulness of Christ in His risen glory through each member. Some of the important life-changing truths covered are: honor, pride’s power to block all understanding of the true meaning of the Scriptures and the main reason women are hindered and mistreated within the world. While reading about the hidden and unknown teaching called, hatred for weakness, the reader will find answers to many questions. Thank you for purchasing this book, dear reader, and I promise that, as you allow these truths to enter into you - you will never be the same!

Arise, My Beloved Daughter

Book Description

Recently, an increasing number of prophetic words from established, world-class prophets-of both genders-are calling for women to arise and fulfill the callings and destinies that God ordained for them before the world began. And women are rising to the call: thoughtful, godly, competent women, with compassion for the lost, deep intimacy with God, and a passion to see the mercy and blessings of Jesus poured out onto a seriously damaged world. Also, there is a dawning awareness on the part of males in church leadership that they have been missing out on much of what God wants to pour out because highly gifted women have been disregarded, ignored, passed over, and even actively suppressed in their attempts at ministry. God is opening up revelation about things that have been in the Word all along, but about which we have long had a flawed understanding. Why is God revealing it now? Because with the glory that God is intending to pour out in the Third Great Awakening, the Church no longer has the "luxury" of limping along with half of its soldiers in the brig because the other half thinks they're incapable.

Arise My Daughter Devotional Journal

Book Description

Have you been longing to hear a Word from the Lord? Are you ready to open the book of your heart to God…so He can help you rewrite the text of your life?Each page of this journal begins with a stirring Word from the Lord or a sole scripture verse to prompt you in your prayer time with God. This personal journal is for you to bare your soul to the Lord, to reveal your struggles and expose them to the “Light” so He can ease your burden. Allow the daily inspirational prompt to penetrate your heart, mind, and soul while you draw close to God in prayer through journaling.“I love GOD because he listened to me, listened as I begged for mercy. He listened so intently as I laid out my case before him.” —Psalm 116:1-2 TMYou will never be the same as you permit God's Holy Spirit to transform you from the inside out! Can be used independently or as a complement to "Arise My Daughter - A Journey from Darkness to Light”

Rich Wounds

Book Description

Profound reflections on the cross that help you to meditate on and marvel at the sacrificial love of Jesus. This book can be used as a devotional, especially during Lent and Easter. These profound reflections on the cross from David Mathis, author of The Christmas We Didn’t Expect, will help you to meditate on and marvel at Jesus’ life, sacrificial death, and spectacular resurrection-enabling you to treasure anew who Jesus is and what he has done. Many of us are so familiar with the Easter story that it becomes easy to miss subtle details and difficult to really enjoy its meaning. This book will help you to pause and marvel at Jesus, whose now-glorified wounds are a sign of his unfailing love and the decisive victory that he has won: “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) This book can be used as a devotional. The chapters on Holy Week make it especially helpful during the Lent season and at Easter.

Daughters of the King

Book Description

Daughters of the King is a 10-lesson Bible study for a small group or an individual struggling to find themselves on the pages of God's Word. This study will transform how you view your purpose and personal identity as a chosen and cherished Daughter of the King by helping you connect the dots between your story and God's story for the world. Daughters of the King offers readers a systematic look at how the Bible is arranged around the topic of God's kingdom and how God's kingdom applies to women today. This study follows the Scriptures by their canonical divisions – the Law (Torah), the Prophets and the Writings, the History Books, the Gospels, Acts, the Epistles, and the book of Revelation.

King René's Daughter

Book Description

Arise Daughter

Book Description

Arise, Daughter takes you on a journey of healing from trauma to understand and accept the son and daughter you are to God. Arise, Daughter challenges you to be restored and to hear God call you by name. Son! Daughter! Beloved! A journey through the realization that your past does not define you but Jesus does. Walk through healing from abuse, sexual assault and rejection to find restoration. Walk through healing of depression, anxiety and self-destruction into God's goodness and mercy as you run to the Father's open arms and arise.

Why Is My Child in Charge?

Book Description

Solve toddler challenges with eight key mindshifts that will help you parent with clarity, calmness, and self-control. In Why is My Child in Charge?, Claire Lerner shows how making critical mindshifts—seeing children’s behaviors through a new lens —empowers parents to solve their most vexing childrearing challenges. Using real life stories, Lerner unpacks the individualized process she guides parents through to settle common challenges, such as throwing tantrums in public, delaying bedtime for hours, refusing to participate in family mealtimes, and resisting potty training. Lerner then provides readers with a roadmap for how to recognize the root cause of their child’s behavior and how to create and implement an action plan tailored to the unique needs of each child and family. Why is My Child in Charge? is like having a child development specialist in your home. It shows how parents can develop proven, practical strategies that translate into adaptable, happy kids and calm, connected, in-control parents.

New Testament in Modern English

Book Description

Edited by J.B. Phillips Chapters indicated but no verse numbers Introduction to each book Index 5 1/2 X 8 1/4 % Font size: 10