Art of War/Art of Chess - Arte de la Guerra / Arte Del Ajedrez

Book Description

"What is my best move?" This question plagues the mind of the chess player in every game. Art of War/Art of Chess makes it easier to find the answer. It works regardless of which color you find yourself playing.This book is written in Spanish and English. Each turn of the page reveals a passage in Spanish on the left and in English on the right. ------Most chess players desire to win more and lose less. Without a chess engine, many chess enthusiasts feel somewhat overwhelmed and helpless when playing a real expert. Chess is hard. Also, there is the growing embrace of Fischer Random and other variations, which put creativity and mastery of the game to new tests and new glories. The personal accomplishment of losing less often than most others is immensely satisfying. The defeats are learning experiences on the path.-------Chess players continue to struggle on the black side. Previous strategies have produced more losses than wins for black. It is unrealistic for black to expect to begin winning more using the white strategy of 'control the center and win the endgame.' It is time for a more effective approach. ------- Part One introduces the reader to Alexander the Great, Hannibal of Carthage, and King Leonidas of Sparta. Each of these Titanic leaders defeated an army which controlled the center and possessed superior numbers. The same strategy has been successfully applied to the black side of the chess board by a handful of Grandmasters. ------Art of War/Art of Chess illuminates the way forward. The specifically black strategy builds on the Hippopotamus Defense. The reason is that, like the Hippo, the Black position develops into something which appears slow and lethargic. However, once it engages with White forces, it is like a combination of behemoth and leviathan. White inevitably will send some pieces to the Black side of the board where they will get tangled up and eliminated. Eventually, the Black juggernaut will grind the White player into submission. The Hippo is quite fierce once it engages with opponents. It is not easily handled and it causes a lot of confusion for White players who have extremely limited experience with it. -------Part Two draws inspiration from the works of Sun Tzu (The Art of War) and Miyamoto Musashi (The Book of Five Rings). Sun Tzu (Chinese general, military strategist, and philosopher) wrote the original Art of War 2500 years ago. It is the definitive work on military strategy and tactics. Musashi was undefeated in over 60 duels. The Book of Five Rings is the ultimate guide to one-on-one dueling with an eye towards total victory. ------The author played 15,000 hours of chess before considering writing this book. This experience combined with the knowledge from these two books is synthesized and applied to the game of chess. The reader is introduced to a new way of analyzing the situations which arise on the chess board, and responding forcefully with accurate moves.

Arte de la Guerra / Arte del Ajedrez

Book Description

"¿Cuál es mi mejor movimiento?" Esta pregunta plaga la mente del jugador de ajedrez en cada juego. Art of War / Art of Chess hace que sea más fácil encontrar la respuesta. Funciona independientemente del color con el que te encuentres jugando.Este libro está escrito en español e inglés. Cada vuelta de página revela un pasaje en español a la izquierda y en inglés a la derecha.------ La mayoría de los ajedrecistas desean ganar más y perder menos. Sin un motor de ajedrez, muchos entusiastas del ajedrez se sienten algo abrumados e indefensos cuando juegan a un verdadero experto. El ajedrez es difícil. Además, existe la creciente aceptación de Fischer Random y otras variaciones, que ponen la creatividad y el dominio del juego a nuevas pruebas y nuevas glorias. El logro personal de perder con menos frecuencia que la mayoría de los demás es inmensamente satisfactorio. Las derrotas son experiencias de aprendizaje en el camino.------- Los jugadores de ajedrez continúan luchando en el lado negro. Las estrategias anteriores han producido más pérdidas que victorias para las negras. No es realista que las negras esperan comenzar a ganar más usando la estrategia blanca de "controlar el centro y ganar el final". Es hora de un enfoque más eficaz.------- La primera parte presenta al lector a Alejandro el Grande, Aníbal de Cartago y el rey Leónidas de Esparta. Cada uno de estos líderes del Titanic derrotó a un ejército que controlaba el centro y poseía un número superior. La misma estrategia ha sido aplicada con éxito al lado negro del tablero de ajedrez por un puñado de Grandes Maestros.------ Arte de la Guerra / Arte del Ajedrez ilumina el camino a seguir. La estrategia específicamente negra se basa en la Defensa Hippopotamus. La razón es que, como el hipopótamo, la posición de las negras se convierte en algo que parece lento y letárgico. Sin embargo, una vez que se relaciona con las fuerzas blancas, es como una combinación de gigante y leviatán. Las blancas enviarán inevitablemente algunas piezas al lado negro del tablero donde se enredaron y eliminarán. Eventualmente, el gigante negro someterá al jugador blanco. El hipopótamo es bastante feroz una vez que se enfrenta a sus oponentes. No se maneja fácilmente y causa mucha confusión para los jugadores blancos que tienen una experiencia extremadamente limitada con él.------- La segunda parte se inspira en las obras de Sun Tzu (El arte de la guerra) y Miyamoto Musashi (El libro de los cinco anillos). Sun Tzu (general chino, estratega militar y filósofo) escribió el Arte de la guerra original hace 2500 años. Es el trabajo definitivo sobre estrategia y táctica militar. Musashi estuvo invicto en más de 60 duelos. El Libro de los Cinco Anillos es la guía definitiva para los duelos uno contra uno con miras a la victoria total.------ El autor jugó 15.000 horas de ajedrez antes de pensar en escribir este libro. Esta experiencia combinada con el conocimiento de estos dos libros se sintetiza y aplica al juego de ajedrez. Se presenta al lector una nueva forma de analizar las situaciones que surgen en el tablero de ajedrez y responder con contundencia con movimientos precisos.

Chess and the Art of War

Book Description

Inside Chess and the Art of War, you'll find an ancient military history drawn from and adapted into a helpful guide on how to become a chess master at any skill level. 2,500 years ago Sun Tzu wrote a military treatise called The Art of War. Since then, the book has been used not just by military tacticians but by business leaders, planners, traders, politicians, and even sports coaches. Here, Sun Tzu's lessons are applied to how to play a winning game of chess. Chess is not an easy game to learn, nor an easy game to master, even if you've been playing chess for years. In Chess and the Art of War author and chess teacher Al Lawrence and International Grandmaster Elshan Moradiabadi have studied Tzu and drawn on his philosophies to deliver 40 fascinating lessons organized into the opening, the middlegame, and the end game. Illustrated with extracts from classic chess games, the authors prove that playing by Sun Tzu's philosophies will make you a skilled opponent and a winning player. Whether you're a beginner or a tournament veteran, Sun Tzu's ancient lessons in Chess and the Art of War will teach you something new and useful on and off the chessboard.

The Art of the Game of Chess

Book Description

The Art of the Game of Chess is the first English translation of Fr. Ruy López’s 1561 book about chess, Libro de la invención liberal y arte del juego del ajedrez. López was a priest who served as King Philip II’s confessor and royal advisor. As a connoisseur of chess, King Philip II promoted the game in his court, and it did not take long for López to become known as Spain’s and one of Europe’s greatest chess players. López is widely acclaimed as one of the most influential chess thinkers of all time whose theories of chess are an integral part of how chess is played today. Academics, including historians, linguists, sociologists, and Hispanists, as well as non-academics, especially chess enthusiasts, will appreciate this translation, which opens with a Foreword by Andrew Soltis, who is a Grandmaster and a United States Chess Hall of Fame Inductee, and includes a critical introduction and more than 275 footnotes.

The Art of War

Book Description

Written in the 6th century BC, Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is still used as a book of military strategy today. Using a new translation by James Trapp, this bilingual edition of The Art of War lays the original Chinese text opposite the modern English translation.

Resumen - El Arte De La Guerra (The Art Of War)

Book Description

RESUMEN: EL ARTE DE LA GUERRA (THE ART OF WAR)– BASADO EN EL LIBRO DE STEPHEN KAUFMAN ¿Estás listo para potenciar tu conocimiento sobre “EL ARTE DE LA GUERRA”? ¿Quieres aprender de manera rápida y concisa las lecciones clave de este libro? ¿Estás preparado para procesar la información de todo un libro en tan solo una lectura de aproximadamente 20 minutos? ¿Te gustaría tener una comprensión más profunda de las técnicas y ejercicios del libro original? ¡Entonces este libro es para ti! CONTENIDO DEL LIBRO: Introducción a "El Arte de la Guerra" Sun Tzu y su Legado Estratégico La Importancia de la Planificación La Estrategia del Engaño La Organización y la Estructura Militar La Importancia de la Inteligencia La Estrategia de la Guerra Ofensiva La Estrategia de la Guerra Defensiva El Uso de la Energía y la Velocidad La Importancia de la Flexibilidad La Estrategia de la Guerra en el Terreno La Importancia de la Moral y la Disciplina La Diplomacia y la Guerra Aplicaciones Modernas de "El Arte de la Guerra" Lecciones de Sun Tzu para la Vida Cotidiana

The Art of War

Book Description

Sun Tzu. The art of war. Study of planning and conduct of military operations.

The Art of War

Book Description

The ultimate Chinese classic. "The Art of War" helps in finding decisions.

Art of War / Art of Chess

Book Description

"What is my best move?" This question plagues the mind of the chess player in every game. Art of War/Art of Chess makes it easier to find the answer. It works regardless of which color you find yourself playing.This book is written in Spanish and English. Each turn of the page reveals a passage in Spanish on the left and in English on the right. ------Most chess players desire to win more and lose less. Without a chess engine, many chess enthusiasts feel somewhat overwhelmed and helpless when playing a real expert. Chess is hard. Also, there is the growing embrace of Fischer Random and other variations, which put creativity and mastery of the game to new tests and new glories. The personal accomplishment of losing less often than most others is immensely satisfying. The defeats are learning experiences on the path.-------Chess players continue to struggle on the black side. Previous strategies have produced more losses than wins for black. It is unrealistic for black to expect to begin winning more using the white strategy of 'control the center and win the endgame.' It is time for a more effective approach. ------- Part One introduces the reader to Alexander the Great, Hannibal of Carthage, and King Leonidas of Sparta. Each of these Titanic leaders defeated an army which controlled the center and possessed superior numbers. The same strategy has been successfully applied to the black side of the chess board by a handful of Grandmasters. ------Art of War/Art of Chess illuminates the way forward. The specifically black strategy builds on the Hippopotamus Defense. The reason is that, like the Hippo, the Black position develops into something which appears slow and lethargic. However, once it engages with White forces, it is like a combination of behemoth and leviathan. White inevitably will send some pieces to the Black side of the board where they will get tangled up and eliminated. Eventually, the Black juggernaut will grind the White player into submission. The Hippo is quite fierce once it engages with opponents. It is not easily handled and it causes a lot of confusion for White players who have extremely limited experience with it. -------Part Two draws inspiration from the works of Sun Tzu (The Art of War) and Miyamoto Musashi (The Book of Five Rings). Sun Tzu (Chinese general, military strategist, and philosopher) wrote the original Art of War 2500 years ago. It is the definitive work on military strategy and tactics. Musashi was undefeated in over 60 duels. The Book of Five Rings is the ultimate guide to one-on-one dueling with an eye towards total victory. ------The author played 15,000 hours of chess before considering writing this book. This experience combined with the knowledge from these two books is synthesized and applied to the game of chess. The reader is introduced to a new way of analyzing the situations which arise on the chess board, and responding forcefully with accurate moves.

The Art of War

Book Description

The Art of War (Dell'arte della guerra), is one of the lesser-read works of Florentine statesman and political philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli.The format of 'The Art of War' was in socratic dialogue. The purpose, declared by Fabrizio (Machiavelli's persona) at the outset, "To honor and reward virtù, not to have contempt for poverty, to esteem the modes and orders of military discipline, to constrain citizens to love one another, to live without factions, to esteem less the private than the public good." To these ends, Machiavelli notes in his preface, the military is like the roof of a palazzo protecting the contents.Written between 1519 and 1520 and published the following year, it was the only historical or political work printed during Machiavelli's lifetime, though he was appointed official historian of Florence in 1520 and entrusted with minor civil duties.