Property Theory

Book Description

The book brings together a refreshing collection of new essays on property theory, from legal, philosophical and political perspectives.

The Idea of Property

Book Description

Legal scholars and philosophers have long been engaged in studying the secret of the internal structure of property in law. This text aims to advance our understanding of property as an idea and the power that claimed property rights should have against competing public interests.

Property Matters

Book Description

Which matters more--spotted owls or the right to cut timber on your own land? Who has a greater right to the water of the Colorado River--California farmers, Denver housewives, or whitewater rafters? The vitally important right to property--from land to copyrights--is threatened by overzealous bureaucrats, ecological extremists, and an arbitrary judiciary.

Law of Property Rights Protection, 3rd Edition

Book Description

Law of Property Rights Protection: Limitations on Governmental Powers, Third Edition is a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the on-going battle between government's desire to regulate and limit private property use, and property owners' equally powerful desire to avoid economically damaging or unreasonable or unconstitutional limitations. Federal, state, and local governments often wish to restrict or condition uses of private property, while private property owners wish to avoid or seek compensation for such regulatory controls. This battle between property and regulation is one of the most emotionally charged and fiercely contested issues in contemporary law. An enormous amount of litigation, at both the federal and state level, has stemmed from questions surrounding the extent to which government may restrict or even prevent certain private property uses. The relevant law is constantly changing and evolving, so count on the Law of Property Right Protection to bring you completely up to date. The book is organized according to the many ways that government powers over private property are limited, by the federal and state constitutions, the common law, and equitable principles and has been cited by the United States Supreme Court, federal courts, and state appellate courts. Law of Property Rights Protection: Limitations on Governmental Powers, Third Edition: Analyzes relevant and current case law, and identifies (1) which challenges by private property owners were successful, (2) what facts seemed compelling to reviewing courts considering property-restrictive regulations, and (3) what arguments by property owners tend to fail in the eyes of reviewing courts. Offers advice on which property-protective provisions in constitutional law maximize the likelihood of a successful challenge to restrictive regulations, as well as advice on how to mount a legal challenge which will not be dismissed on jurisdictional or procedural grounds. Considers all of the primary limitations on government regulations of property - Takings; Due Process; Contracts Clause; Equal Protection; the Vested Rights Doctrine; Anti-Retroactivity Presumptions; Internal Limits on the Police Power Includes the full range of property interests - such as real property; contract rights; leasehold rights; unpatented mining claims; water rights; intellectual property; rights of access and entry; royalty rights; all forms of intangible property interests Using Laitos' strategic approach, and easy-to-follow organization, this book will help you formulate arguments and challenges which may overcome or invalidate onerous regulations on the use and enjoyment of private property. Note: Online subscriptions are for three-month periods. Previous Edition Law of Property Rights Protection: Limitations on Governmental Powers, Second Edition, ISBN 9781543802368

Property Rights

Book Description

The institution of property is as old as mankind, and property rights are today deemed vital to a prosperous economic system. Much has been written in the last decade on the economics of the legal institutions protecting such rights. This unprecedented book provides a magnificent introduction to the subject. Terry Anderson and Fred McChesney have gathered twelve leading thinkers to explore how property rights arise, and how they bolster economic development. As the subtitle indicates, the book examines as well how controversies over valuable property rights are resolved: by agreement, by violence, or by law. The essays begin by surveying the approaches to property taken by early political economists and move to colorful applications of property rights theory concerning the Wild West, the Amazon, endangered species, and the broadcast spectrum. These examples illustrate the process of defining and defending property rights, and demonstrate what difference property rights make. The book then considers a number of topics raised by private property rights, analytically complex topics concerning pollution externalities, government taking of property, and land use management policies such as zoning. Overall, the book is intended as an introduction to the economics and law of property rights. It is divided into six parts, with each featuring an introduction by the editors that integrates prior chapters and material in coming chapters. In the end, the book provides a fresh, comprehensive overview of an intriguing subject, accessible to anyone with a minimal background in economics. With chapters written by noted experts on the subject, Property Rights offers the first primer on the subject ever produced. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Louise De Alessi, Yoram Barzel, Harold Demsetz, Thráinn Eggertsson, Richard A. Epstein, William A. Fischel, David D. Haddock, Peter J. Hill, Gary D. Libecap, Dean Lueck, Edwin G. West, and Bruce Yandle.

A Short Historical Introduction to the Law of Real Property

Book Description

Asserting that real property law can only be understood in the light of its historical evolution, the authors fulfill that need for the reader. In particular, the book enables first year law students to build a sound foundation for further study. Included are the methods of holding land - feudal tenures; estates in land; seisin, the real actions and adverse possession; incorporeal interests; and estates held in co-ownership.

Cornerstone of Liberty

Book Description

The right to own and use private property is among the most essential human rights and the essential basis for economic growth. That’s why America’s Founders guaranteed it in the Constitution. Yet in today’s America, government tramples on this right in countless ways. Regulations forbid people to use their property as they wish, bureaucrats extort enormous fees from developers in exchange for building permits, and police departments snatch personal belongings on the suspicion that they were involved in crimes. In the case of Kelo v. New London, the Supreme Court even declared that government may seize homes and businesses and transfer the land to private developers to build stores, restaurants, or hotels. That decision was met with a firestorm of criticism across the nation. In this, the first book on property rights to be published since the Kelo decision, Timothy Sandefur surveys the landscape of private property in America’s third century. Beginning with the role property rights play in human nature, Sandefur describes how America’s Founders wrote a Constitution that would protect this right and details the gradual erosion that began with the Progressive Era’s abandonment of the principles of individual liberty. Sandefur tells the gripping stories of people who have found their property threatened: Frank Bugryn and his Connecticut Christmas-tree farm; Susette Kelo and the little dream house she renovated; Wilhelmina Dery and the house she was born in, 80 years before bureaucrats decided to take it; Dorothy English and the land she wanted to leave to her children; and Kenneth Healing and his 17-year legal battle for permission to build a home. Thanks to the abuse of eminent domain and asset forfeiture laws, federal, state, and local governments have now come to see property rights as mere permissions, which can be revoked at any time in the name of the “greater good.” In this book, Sandefur explains what citizens can do to restore the Constitution’s protections for this “cornerstone of liberty.”

Intellectual Property is Common Property

Book Description

Defenders of intellectual property rights argue that these rights are justified because creators and inventors deserve compensation for their labour, because their ideas and expressions are their personal property and because the total amount of creative work and innovation increases when inventors and creators have a prospect of generating high income through the exploitation of their monopoly rights. Andreas Von Gunten shows in this essay that the classical arguments for the justification of private intellectual property rights can be contested, and that there are many good reasons to abolish intellectual property rights completely in favour of an intellectual commons where every person is allowed to use every cultural expression and invention in whatever way he wishes.