Assessment of Microinsurance as Emerging Microfinance Service for the Poor

Book Description

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is an active partner of the Government of the Philippines in developing microfinance---the provision of insurance products that meet the needs of the disadvantaged for risk protection and relief against misfortune. As a result, microfinance activities have increased, and diversified formal financial services were made available to impoverished clients at affordable costs. However, there is still the risk of making poverty-stricken clients worse off because of unexpected events, prompting ADB to create interventions that focus on microinsurance development. This report assesses the expansion of microinsurance activities based on the Philippines' experience, with guidance on next steps forward.

Global Tensions in Financial Markets

Book Description

The volume first investigates the impact of macroeconomic variables on equity values in emerging economies as compared with developed economies. Next it affirms the efficiency of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator electricity exchange. Finally it investigates efforts to stimulate emerging nations around the world.

Health Microinsurance Schemes, 1

Book Description

This two-volume guide provides assitance for a process of monitoring and evaluating the microinsurance schemes. It provides managers a assisting tool during such process for their microinsurance schemes. It also allows stakeholders - both technical and financial - to evaluate the vialability and performance of such schemes.

Encyclopedia of Health Economics

Book Description

The Encyclopedia of Health Economics offers students, researchers and policymakers objective and detailed empirical analysis and clear reviews of current theories and polices. It helps practitioners such as health care managers and planners by providing accessible overviews into the broad field of health economics, including the economics of designing health service finance and delivery and the economics of public and population health. This encyclopedia provides an organized overview of this diverse field, providing one trusted source for up-to-date research and analysis of this highly charged and fast-moving subject area. Features research-driven articles that are objective, better-crafted, and more detailed than is currently available in journals and handbooks Combines insights and scholarship across the breadth of health economics, where theory and empirical work increasingly come from non-economists Provides overviews of key policies, theories and programs in easy-to-understand language

The Economics of Microfinance, second edition

Book Description

An accessible analysis of the global expansion of financial markets in poor communities, incorporating the latest thinking and evidence. The microfinance revolution has allowed more than 150 million poor people around the world to receive small loans without collateral, build up assets, and buy insurance. The idea that providing access to reliable and affordable financial services can have powerful economic and social effects has captured the imagination of policymakers, activists, bankers, and researchers around the world; the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize went to microfinance pioneer Muhammed Yunis and Grameen Bank of Bangladesh. This book offers an accessible and engaging analysis of the global expansion of financial markets in poor communities. It introduces readers to the key ideas driving microfinance, integrating theory with empirical data and addressing a range of issues, including savings and insurance, the role of women, impact measurement, and management incentives. This second edition has been updated throughout to reflect the latest data. A new chapter on commercialization describes the rapid growth in investment in microfinance institutions and the tensions inherent in the efforts to meet both social and financial objectives. The chapters on credit contracts, savings and insurance, and gender have been expanded substantially; a new section in the chapter on impact measurement describes the growing importance of randomized controlled trials; and the chapter on managing microfinance offers a new perspective on governance issues in transforming institutions. Appendixes and problem sets cover technical material.

The Philippines Country Knowledge Strategy and Plan, 2012–2017

Book Description

Knowledge is critical in addressing the complex challenges of development and poverty reduction faced by the Philippines. This compendium discusses the progress and achievements of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in line with The Philippines Country Knowledge Strategy and Plan, 2012–2017 and presents various knowledge products and services focusing on the country. As a development and knowledge-based institution, ADB’s strategic directions to support the knowledge needs of the Philippines focuses on (i) sustainable and climate- and disaster-resilient infrastructure; (ii) local economic development, governance, and regional cooperation; (iii) social innovations; and (v) gender equality.

Financing Micro Health Insurance: Theory, Methods And Evidence

Book Description

Healthcare for all at affordable prices is still a major but universally elusive goal. Everyone spends money on healthcare, and it is the most impoverishing consumption item. Thus, most governments (and the United Nations) promote Universal Health Coverage — each country's unique blend of tools for healthcare financing, including taxes, subsidies and market controls.Most people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have no health insurance of any kind. And most LMIC governments lack the political will, information, or resources to require their citizens to buy health insurance themselves or to subsidize insurance for all who cannot afford the price. This book deals with financing voluntary and contributory health insurance for resource-poor and rural groups in LMICs.This book addresses three issues. The first is how to catalyse demand for health insurance and develop insurance literacy among the largely illiterate and innumerate target population, using training programs to build an enabling consensus, allowing locals to create and administer such schemes. The second involves the process of developing simplified methods for risk assessment, which can help to underwrite risks, price the micro health insurance schemes, and ensure proper implementation. The third issue is formulating a compelling business case which would make this health insurance affordable, financially sustainable, and operationally scalable.This book develops insurance education and financial literacy for students of economics, business administration, insurance, development studies, and social work to prepare them for practical work as implementers, policymakers, or evaluators. A supplementary section for teachers and students includes comprehension questions.