Book Description

TAPLINING... There is so much more to TapLining than the ASStral Body TapLining that has been done for untold centuries to almost all the people on this planet. That which is being created here also Effects other parts of the PsycRealms, such as the emotions, memory and mind. The ALLNatural Environment that Supports ALL of US is all together SelfSustaining, and each one of us can learn to do the same and Become SelfSufficient unto OurSelves. When YU have The Real Knowledge of THE ALLIS NOW, YU will learn to SeeMore than YU ever have before. TapLining also entails what is taking place on the earth, as the Kontrolling Korps keep infecting people all over the world with their Konniving Mind Kontrol with ChemTrails, Microwaves, Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, Lethal Vaccines, Marketing Ploy Propaganda and Deceptive Religious, Political & Spiritualizm Speeches, MiliTerrorized HAARP Regime Machine, Legal Restrictions upon Restrictions and so much more that is seen and unseen. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info

TapLining InKorporated

Book Description

Many Korporations and Governments of this world have been practicing Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Time Travel and other scientific mediums for many centuries, and experimenting with people in their dreams who are unaware of what is taking place with Alien Kontacts. This also accounts for the Alien Abductions that have happened for decades, as many of the government officials have made deals with the Reptilians and given their 'okay' to take people and use them as 'Guinea Pigs' for Alien Experiments. TapLining is one of the easier forms of Emotional and Mental Kontrol the Aliens use with Agreeing Korporations for the sake of feeding off of people's emotional stimulation's. Learn to Watch Your DreamVisions and protect yourself with RealGuidance from Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides by doing The NU-U Sessions / www.TapLining.info / www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


Book Description

TapLining has been around longer than you can imagine and it has been very well hidden. It is hard to even consider that it exists, but it really does and there is a lot more to TapLining than meets the eyes of the physical body. You have TapLines, but you cannot See them with your eyes, and so you must learn to See them and Recognize what they are, starting in Your DreamVisions. The best way to start is to do The NU-U Sessions as explained in The NUBooks and is now on Facebook. When you do The NU-U Sessions you are starting to have The RealConnection to The SoundLight Reality of THE ALLIS. THE ALLIS, IS The TruReality LifeIS. THE IS or THE ALLIS, has nothing to do with the Gods of Man, which have been invented from the minds of those who Kontrol the people of this planet. You can accept this or not, it is all your choice, and in the same instant you can learn to prove What IS Real Now to yourself, and only YU, The RealU can do this when YU decide. www.TapLining.info / www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


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Book Description

Singing The NU-U Sessions will allow You to Become MoreAware and WakeUp to what is really taking place on the earth, and Best of ALL, The RealU, Your RealAwareniss. When YU Sing "NU U U U" YU will have The RealConnection with The SoundLight Reality that IS ALL of Life, THE ALLIS. The people of earth are Waking Up to The NU U Sessions and discovering that their DreamVisions at night are becoming more vivid as they experience RealGuidance from Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides. Watch Your DreamVisions! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


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