Assyrians Post-Nineveh: Identity, Fragmentation, Conflict and Survival (672 BC - 1920).

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This study examines the distant past to see the connection between Imperial Assyria and the Assyrians in the nineteenth century and the hypothesis that the Assyrians identity is purely a western construct of the nineteenth century. There have been a number of studies, which discuss the Assyrians, continuity of their culture from Ancient times, and identity. However, this study examines a number of sources, which by and large, have not been utilised. Many travellers, missionaries, and explorers, travelled to the East between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries and wrote about the peoples they visited. Furthermore, there are Vatican sources, which up to now have not been used in the study of the religious schisms among the Assyrian communities. These primary accounts in French, Latin, Spanish and English and certain Greek sources shed light to the problematic. Sources in Turkish, often as translated documents from Arabic and Syriac, clarified the extant information.

The Assyrian Genocide

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For a brief period, the attention of the international community has focused once again on the plight of religious minorities in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. In particular, the abductions and massacres of Yezidis and Assyrians in the Sinjar, Mosul, Nineveh Plains, Baghdad, and Hasakah regions in 2007–2015 raised questions about the prevention of genocide. This book, while principally analyzing the Assyrian genocide of 1914–1925 and its implications for the culture and politics of the region, also raises broader questions concerning the future of religious diversity in the Middle East. It gathers and analyzes the findings of a broad spectrum of historical and scholarly works on Christian identities in the Middle East, genocide studies, international law, and the politics of the late Ottoman Empire, as well as the politics of the Ottomans' British and Russian rivals for power in western Asia and the eastern Mediterranean basin. A key question the book raises is whether the fate of the Assyrians maps onto any of the concepts used within international law and diplomatic history to study genocide and group violence. In this light, the Assyrian genocide stands out as being several times larger, in both absolute terms and relative to the size of the affected group, than the Srebrenica genocide, which is recognized by Turkey as well as by international tribunals and organizations. Including its Armenian and Greek victims, the Ottoman Christian Genocide rivals the Rwandan, Bengali, and Biafran genocides. The book also aims to explore the impact of the genocide period of 1914–1925 on the development or partial unraveling of Assyrian group cohesion, including aspirations to autonomy in the Assyrian areas of northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, and southeastern Turkey. Scholars from around the world have collaborated to approach these research questions by reference to diplomatic and political archives, international legal materials, memoirs, and literary works.

Genocide in the Ottoman Empire

Book Description

The final years of the Ottoman Empire were catastrophic ones for its non-Turkish, non-Muslim minorities. From 1913 to 1923, its rulers deported, killed, or otherwise persecuted staggering numbers of citizens in an attempt to preserve “Turkey for the Turks,” setting a modern precedent for how a regime can commit genocide in pursuit of political ends while largely escaping accountability. While this brutal history is most widely known in the case of the Armenian genocide, few appreciate the extent to which the Empire’s Assyrian and Greek subjects suffered and died under similar policies. This comprehensive volume is the first to broadly examine the genocides of the Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks in comparative fashion, analyzing the similarities and differences among them and giving crucial context to present-day calls for recognition.

Rediscovering Kurdistan’s Cultures and Identities

Book Description

Rediscovering Kurdistan’s Cultures and Identities: The Call of the Cricket offers insight into little-known aspects of the social and cultural activity and changes taking place in different parts of Kurdistan (Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran), linking different theoretical approaches within a postcolonial perspective. The first chapter presents the book’s approach to postcolonial theory and gives a brief introduction to the historical context of Kurdistan. The second, third and fourth chapters focus on the Kurdish context, examining ethical changes as revealed in Kurdish literary and cinema narratives, the socio-political role of the Kurdish cultural institutions and the practices of countering othering of Kurdish migrants living in Istanbul. The fifth chapter offers an analysis of the nineteenth-century missionary translations of the Bible into the Kurdish language. The sixth chapter examines the formation of Chaldo-Assyrian identity in the context of relations with the Kurds after the overthrow of the Ba’ath regime in 2003. The last chapter investigates the question of the Yezidis’ identity, based on Yezidi oral works and statements about their self-identification.

Collective and State Violence in Turkey

Book Description

Turkey has gone through significant transformations over the last century—from the Ottoman Empire and Young Turk era to the Republic of today—but throughout it has demonstrated troubling continuities in its encouragement and deployment of mass violence. In particular, the construction of a Muslim-Turkish identity has been achieved in part by designating “internal enemies” at whom public hatred can be directed. This volume provides a wide range of case studies and historiographical reflections on the alarming recurrence of such violence in Turkish history, as atrocities against varied ethnic-religious groups from the nineteenth century to today have propelled the nation’s very sense of itself.

Discourses and Practices of Othering

Book Description

This book undertakes the theme of ‘othering’ as a broad set of practices and discourses. It includes as many perspectives as possible, while simultaneously providing a focused environment for discussions on how otherization is built across media genres and policy making through cultural and political articulations. The book includes a set of chapters that investigate how (and to what end) ‘others’ are manufactured and how they are anchored in the collective memory. Through an analysis of various media, such as film, news media, and social media, it sheds light on the institutional, political, social, and economic forces that form and transform the discourses and practices of othering.


Book Description

Der erste Teil bietet eine kritische Gesamtschau unseres Wissens und zugleich eine EinfÃ"hrung in das Studium der altassyrischen Epoche (die ersten beiden Jahrhunderte des 2. Jahrtausends), wie wir sie durch Entdeckungen in Assur und die Keilschriftarchive der altassyrischen Händler kennen, die in der Handelskolonie (genannt karum) in der Unterstadt des alten Kanesh (moderne KÃ"ltepe) in Zentralanatolien lebten. Die ersten Kapitel bestimmen, was "altassyrisch" ist und analysieren die Chronologie und die verfÃ"gbaren archäologischen und schriftlichen Quellen. Darauf folgt eine kritische Darstellung der Veröffentlichungen zu den altassyrischen Quellen. Nach einem Abriss der Altassyrischen Geschichte folgt ein Ãberblick zur "anatolischen Situation", der die Städte, lokale Herrscher und die rund vierzig altassyrischen Handelsniederlassungen in Nordmesopotamien und Anatolien behandelt. Ein eigenes Kapitel ist den wichtigen altassyrischen Handelsverträgen gewidmet. Der zweite Teil fasst die jÃ"ngsten Erkenntnisse zur Geschichte Nordsyriens zeitgleich mit der späten Phase des altassyrischen Handels zusammen. Der ausfÃ"hrlichen Untersuchung der Quellen ist ein Appendix der wichtigsten Texte beigefÃ"gt. Das Buch ist durch umfassende Indices erschlossen und enthält eine ausfÃ"hrliche Bibliographie.

Neo-Assyrian and Greek Divination in War

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Neo-Assyrian and Greek Divination in War is about practices which enabled humans contact the divine. These relations, especially in difficult times of military conflict, could be crucial in deciding the fate of individuals, cities, dynasties or even empires.

Judeans in Babylonia

Book Description

In Judeans in Babylonia, Tero Alstola presents a comprehensive investigation of deportees in the sixth and fifth centuries BCE. By using cuneiform documents as his sources, he offers the first book-length social historical study of the Babylonian Exile, commonly regarded as a pivotal period in the development of Judaism. The results are considered in the light of the wider Babylonian society and contrasted against a comparison group of Neirabian deportees. Studying texts from the cities and countryside and tracking developments over time, Alstola shows that there was notable diversity in the Judeans’ socio-economic status and integration into Babylonian society.