Astroamerica's Daily Ephemeris 2010-2020 Midnight

Book Description

I once had a nice 20th century ephemeris, with good, clean, easy to read layouts, eclipses at the very top of the page where I could find them, lunar phases and void-ofcourse that I could actually make sense of, with a nice, clear aspectarian at the bottom. It was a French thing (later a Kansas thing - I'm a Kansas boy, I liked that), but on December 31, 2000, it ended. The "replacements" just weren't as good. I've been stranded ever since. So after years of frustration, I decided to make my own ephemeris. Halfway through the Aspectarian overwhelmed the page size. With bigger pages and a bit of extra room, I added Chiron, and I'm glad I did. For the first time in a standard ephemeris, Chiron every three days, its stations and ingresses precisely timed, as well as its declination ('Dec') given monthly. I hope this will encourage further study of this notable celestial body. The ephemeris project took longer and was more work than I expected, but I am pleased with the results. I hope you find it as useful as I do." David R. Roell In this book, daily longitudes and declination, for Midnight, GMT, for the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Pluto and the true node. Daily Sidereal Time. Complete aspectarian, including declinations. Last aspect and lunar ingress. Lunations and eclipses. Ayanamsa, Julian day, mean node and SVP (Synthetic Vernal Point) given monthly. In the Introductory, the key to computing a daily mean node, an explanation of the Julian day, and the Ayanamsa defined, with instructions how to use it. Additionally, how to compute Nakshatras, with a handy list of all 27 (28). David R. Roell started his study of astrology in 1983. Since 1993, he has run The Astrology Center of America.

Law of Values; Silver Key; Arcana Or Stock and Share Key

Book Description

Sepharial (1864-1929) had a life-long dislike of luck. He challenged himself to find what he called "scientific rules" that would eliminate chance. And, according to his own accounts, he succeed. In Law of Values, he suggests buying stocks immediately after they have been clobbered by Saturn, with the price as low as it will get, and then selling the stock immediately after being hit by Jupiter, when the price is likely to be as high as it will ever go. And living off dividends between the two. In The Silver Key, a book on horse-racing, Sepharial examines, and discards, conventional numerology, colours and symbols, in favor of a method based on the Moon, weights and tides. His results are impressive. The Arcana, or Stock and Share Key, was one of a number of secret financial manuscripts which Sepharial sold by subscription only. In it, you will discover the secret to using the Meridian in day trading. Sepharial also gives instructions for using dispositors and decans. This is first time the Arcana has appeared in print. Astrologers looking to improve their techniques, as well as investors looking to improve their portfolios, will find these books of interest.

Symbolic Directions in Modern Astrology

Book Description

In this book, Charles Carter (1887-1968) seeks a method of astrological forecasting that produces accurate results without the complicated calculations of Primary Directions. To quote Carter, an ideal directional system should fulfil four criteria: 1. No important event should pass without a direction. 2. No direction should pass without an event. 3. Events and directions should correspond narrowly in time. 4. Events and directions should correspond in character. (from page 10) To achieve these goals, Carter examined a number of symbolic systems. Symbolic because they were not based on any actual planetary movement, but rather, were arcs, arbitrarily chosen and then uniformly applied to all factors in the natal chart. In this book, he presents the best of his research. Among the systems of exceptional merit are the One degree, the Naibod (59'8"), the Duodenary (2o30'), the Sub-duodenary (12'30"), the Septenary (4 2/7 o), Novenary (3o20') and the Fractional Measure, which is based on natal aspects. Along the way, Carter's restless mind tackled the subject of death. Here, he discovered what he termed the Measure of Death. He says while it does not always forecast death, the Measure of Death is always present at death. Carter found symbolic directions to have real value in astrological forecasting. His work remains unique. This book was first published in 1929.

Essays on the Foundations of Astrology

Book Description

Charles Carter (1887-1968) wrote this book in London during World War II. It was his first book in more than a dozen years. In this book, Carter turns his attention to fundamentals. Why the planets are what they are. How the Sun differs from the Moon. How Jupiter and Mercury are interrelated. Having had his fill of aspects in terms of the planets, in this book Carter tells us of aspects in terms of signs and the elements they represent. A planet in a fire sign, in square to a planet in an earth sign, Carter says, is an obviously difficult combination: Fire consumes earth, or, earth smothers fire. On the other hand, air/water squares are much less stressful. Carter was particularly fascinated by the nativities of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, his contemporaries. Charts for both men are given. Mussolini he declares to be a "bombastic Italian dictator", but Hitler remained a puzzle. ___________________ Charles E.O. Carter, one of the leading astrologers of the 20th century, was President of the Astrological Lodge at the Theosophical Society from 1920 to 1952. He was first Principal of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, which he helped found in 1948. He edited The Astrologer's Quarterly from 1926 until 1959. Essays on the Foundations of Astrology was first published in 1947.

Medical Astrology

Book Description

This is one of the most sophisticated medical astrology books ever written. Many of the finer points are dealt with. You know the head is ruled by Aries, but did you know the nasal bones are co-ruled by Scorpio? There are references to Vedic principles. A helpful diagram explains the subtle division of the urinary tract between Libra and Scorpio. Rulerships are given not only for areas of the body and its organs, but also for bones, muscles, arteries and veins. Terminology in the book is modern. Gemini's rulership of muscles includes the deltoid, biceps, supinator radii, subclavians, triceps, serratus anticus minor, pectoralis, palmaris, etc. Many chapters are unique, such as Chapter 5, on crystallization, and Chapter 6, on tonicity, atonicity, and perversion. This chapter also tells how pairs of planets mirror each other: Sun/Moon, Mars/Saturn, Jupiter/Venus, Uranus/Neptune, with Mercury as a receiver. Chapter 11 concerns many different kinds of planetary strengths, among them, aspect strength, mundane strength, natural strength (the planet in its natal sign) and directional strength. Chapter 13 gives astrological indicators for some specific diseases, a foretaste of what Charles Carter would expand upon in his famous Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology. This book was originally published as Alan Leo's Astrological Manual No. 9 in 1908. This is the second edition of 1914. There are references in this book to other books in the Alan Leo series, dealing with chart construction. This book is highly recommended by H.L. Cornell in his Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology. Heinrich Daath's Medical Astrology is part of a comprehensive series of classic astro-medical texts published by Astrology Classics. Other books in the series include: - Joseph Blagrave: Astrological Practice of Physick, 1671 C.E.O. Carter: An Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology, 1954 H.L. Cornell: Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology, 1933 Nicholas Culpeper: Astrological Judgement of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the Sick, 1655, and, Urinalia, 1658 Richard Saunders: The Astrological Judgement and Practice of Physick, 1677 Luke Broughton: The Elements of Astrology, 1898"

Alan Leo's Dictionary of Astrology

Book Description

In 1917 at the height of his fame, Alan Leo was charged with fortune-telling, which was illegal, and taken to court. He had been tried on similar charges in 1914, which had been dismissed. But the charges brought in 1917 stuck. Leo was given a hefty fine. As winning on appeal seemed unlikely, Leo paid the fine and went to Cornwall for a rest, where on 30 August, 1917, he unexpectedly died of a cerebral hemorrhage, aged 57. His friends blamed it on the strain of the court proceedings. At the time of his death, this Dictionary was one of Leo's unfinished projects. Installments of the Dictionary had appeared in Leo's monthly magazine, Modern Astrology, up to the end of the article "Horoscope" (pgs. 130-136). That the project was long-standing is hinted by the article on Hindu Astrology (pgs. 76-101), written by Sepharial some years before and which Leo had presumably purloined. More material was in preparation, but Leo's untimely death brought matters to a halt. By the early 1920's, Vivian Robson had succeeded Leo as editor of Modern Astrology, a post he shared with Bessie Leo, the widow. An intense, scholarly type, Robson stumbled across bound copies of Leo's incomplete book while he was compiling his own astrological dictionary. At the suggestion of Bessie, Robson abandoned his dictionary and set about to complete Leo's, using the many notes and fragments that Leo had left. Which was published in 1929 as Alan Leo's final book. Shortly thereafter Bessie and Vivian had a falling out, whereupon Vivian left. This book was to be an orphan. Like its precursor, James Wilson's Dictionary of Astrology of 1819, Leo's book contains several full-blown monographs. Both books have lengthy entries on Horary Astrology, for example. These articles tend to break the flow of the book. For this reason the current publishers, Astro-America, have added headings to each page, that the reader may know whereabouts in the book he may be. The publishers have also added a list of principal articles to the front, as well as a complete list of entries (forming an index) in the back. Alan Leo's Dictionary of Astrology is again in print. Profit from the wealth of knowledge it contains!

A Student's Text-Book of Astrology Vivian Robson Memorial Edition

Book Description

The year before he wrote his famous book on fixed stars, Vivian Robson (1890-1942) wrote this one. In it, he put the distillation of four years intense work, spent in the British Museum Reading Room, where he studied very nearly every astrology book ever written, in English and Latin. To this day, he is virtually the only man to have ever undertaken a study of this magnitude. What makes the Student's Text-Book of Astrology unique is its unparalleled wealth of detail. Topics include Personal Appearance, Character and Mind, Health and Accidents, Finance, Occupation, and much more. For each, Robson gives specific rules of judgment and then supplies aphorisms collected from many ancient sources. The result is one of the most comprehensive astrology books ever written. ". . . [I]n private conversation he would talk for hours on the science of which he was a master. Indeed, his knowledge, not only of astrology but of many other sciences, was phenomenal; and few who enjoyed his conversation could fail to go away with an enhanced knowledge of whatever subject had been under discussion. He will be remembered best by his two chief books, A Student's Text-book of Astrology and The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology. Of these the former is deservedly popular and the latter is a classic, containing as it does a mass of information dating from the days of Greek mythology up to modern times." - C.E.O. Carter "I have heard him converse knowledgeably on a dozen and one different subjects. I really believe he knew something about everything, but so far as astrology was concerned his versatility showed forth in a phenomenal knowledge of his subject. To converse on astrology with him, even if only for one short hour, was inevitably to gain something new and valuable in the way of experience and information." - Dorothy Ryan In this Memorial Edition, Obituaries by Charles Carter and George H. Bailey; Prof. Hugh S. Torrens' monograph, Curator Turned Astrologer; an Appreciation, by Dorothy Ryan; an Afterword by the publisher, David R. Roell, a newly prepared index, Robson's Death Certificate, and more. The finest of all of Vivian Robson's books, back in print at last.

The Astrology of Accidents

Book Description

People often ask if there is "proof" for astrology. Astrologers are not so much worried about proving astrology, as they are in using it to reveal nuance and detail. In 1929, after writing four previous books, Charles Carter (1887-1968) set his sights on discovering the astrological reasons why accidents happen, and which people are most prone to them. In part he wanted to test if astrological fundamentals were true or not. Carter knew that astrology works, but does it work the way it has long claimed, or, if it does not, can the real rules be discovered by analysis? This book is divided into two broad sections. In the first, Carter compiles raw sign and house placements of Sun, Moon and planets, along with the angular separation of pairs of planets, to determine which planets, in which signs, in which houses, and which specific angles, produce the most accidents overall. The results are surprising. In the second section, Carter analyzes specific accidents for common traits. Sixteen different classes of accidents are analyzed, among them drowning, gunshots, burns, falls, and railway accidents. While the number of individual cases were limited, Carter was able to determine critical degree areas. New in this edition, a list of local influences derived from Carter's work, and a useful index. This book was first published in 1932.

The Zodiac and the Soul

Book Description

In this book, Charles Carter (1887-1968) shows how the Zodiac of twelve constellations describes an ideal world. In other words, how the soul - the ideal - reveals itself in astrological terms. In the process, Carter invents a new form of rulerships, based on the traditional exaltations, which includes the outer planets. Carter also teases us with his unpublished system of numerology, which was based on 12, rather than the usual 10. As astrology is based around the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 12 (not 5 or 10), a base-12 number system is of immediate interest. Realizing his subject was abstract and unlikely to appeal to all, Carter also includes innovative ideas on directing, and on transits. The result is a book that fascinates on many levels. Charles E.O. Carter, one of the leading astrologers of the 20th century, was President of the Astrological Lodge at the Theosophical Society from 1920 to 1952. He was first Principal of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, which he helped found in 1948. He edited The Astrologer's Quarterly from 1926 until 1959. The Zodiac and the Soul was first published in 1928, with revisions in 1947, 1960, and 1968, the year of his death.

The Triple Witching Hour

Book Description

In his third book of essays, Roell starts, appropriately enough, with an analysis of Occupy Wall Street, a short-lived protest movement which was brutally suppressed. He explains why OWS failed and why astrology is essential for planning protest movements.