At the Breast

Book Description

In our ironic, "postfeminist" age few experiences inspire the kind of passions that breastfeeding does. For advocates, breastfeeding is both the only way to supply babies with proper nutrition and the "bond" that cements the mother/child relationship. Mother's milk remains "natural" in a world of genetically modified produce and corporate health care. But is it a realistic option for all women? And can a well-intentioned insistence on the necessity of breastfeeding become just another way to cast some women as bad mothers? Linda M. Blum is author of Between Feminism and Labor: The Significance of the Comparable Worth Movement. She teaches sociology and women's studies at the University of New Hampshire, and wrote this book while a Bunting Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

Infant and young child feeding

Book Description

The Model Chapter on Infant and Young Child Feeding is intended for use in basic training of health professionals. It describes essential knowledge and basic skills that every health professional who works with mothers and young children should master. The Model Chapter can be used by teachers and students as a complement to textbooks or as a concise reference manual.

The Breast

Book Description

Philip Roth's The Breast is a funny, fantastical story and a bizarre yet daring exploration of sex and subjectivity. David Kepesh wakes up one morning in the hospital, mysteriously altered. Through an endocrinopathic catastrophe of unprecedented proportions, he has been transformed into a 155-pound human female breast. Railing at the incomprehensible, he uses his intelligence to deny and resist the thing he has become. Ultimately, he must accept his fate.

Is Breast Best?

Book Description

Monitoring mothers: a recent history of following the doctor's orders -- The science: does breastfeeding make smarter, happier, and healthier babies? -- Minding your own (risky) business: health and personal responsibility -- From the womb to the breast: total motherhood and risk-free children -- Scaring mothers: the government campaign for breastfeeding -- Conclusion: whither breastfeeding?

History of the Breast

Book Description

In this provocative, pioneering, and wholly engrossing cultural history, noted scholar Marilyn Yalom explores twenty-five thousand years of ideas, images, and perceptions of the female breast--in religion, psychology, politics, society, and the arts. Through the centuries, the breast has been laden with hugely powerful and contradictory meanings. There is the "good breast" of reverence and life, the breast that nourishes infants and entire communities, as depicted in ancient idols, fifteenth-century Italian Madonnas, and representations of equality in the French Revolution. Then there is the "bad breast" of Ezekiel's wanton harlots, Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth, and the torpedo-breasted dominatrix, symbolizing enticement and aggression. Yalom examines these contradictions--and illuminates the implications behind them. A fascinating, astute, and richly allusive journey from Paleolithic goddesses to modern day feminists, A History of the Breast is full of insight and surprises. As Yalom says, "I intend to make you think about women's breasts as you never have before." In this, she succeeds brilliantly.

Back to the Breast

Book Description

After decades of decline during the twentieth century, breastfeeding rates began to rise again in the 1970s, a rebound that has continued to the present. While it would be easy to see this reemergence as simply part of the naturalism movement of the ’70s, Jessica Martucci reveals here that the true story is more complicated. Despite the widespread acceptance and even advocacy of formula feeding by many in the medical establishment throughout the 1940s, ’50s, and ’60s, a small but vocal minority of mothers, drawing upon emerging scientific and cultural ideas about maternal instinct, infant development, and connections between the body and mind, pushed back against both hospital policies and cultural norms by breastfeeding their children. As Martucci shows, their choices helped ideologically root a “back to the breast” movement within segments of the middle-class, college-educated population as early as the 1950s. That movement—in which the personal and political were inextricably linked—effectively challenged midcentury norms of sexuality, gender, and consumption, and articulated early environmental concerns about chemical and nuclear contamination of foods, bodies, and breast milk. In its groundbreaking chronicle of the breastfeeding movement, Back to the Breast provides a welcome and vital account of what it has meant, and what it means today, to breastfeed in modern America.


Book Description

Proceedings of a symposium, satellite to the 24th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, University of Pennsylvania.

The Breast Book

Book Description

Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn Care

Book Description

Intended to provide evidence-based recommendations to guide health care professionals in the management of women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, and newborns, and the post abortion, including management of endemic deseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB and anaemia. This edition has been updated to include recommendations from recently approved WHO guidelines relevant to maternal and perinatal health. These include pre-eclampsia & eclampsia; postpartum haemorrhage; postnatal care for the mother and baby; newborn resuscitation; prevention of mother-to- child transmission of HIV; HIV and infant feeding; malaria in pregnancy, interventions to improve preterm birth outcomes, tobacco use and second-hand exposure in pregnancy, post-partum depression, post-partum family planning and post abortion care.

Balancing Breast and Bottle

Book Description

Balancing Breast and Bottle: Reaching Your Breastfeeding Goals, 1st edition helped mothers worldwide successfully feed their babies at the breast and with a bottle. Positive reviews from mothers included:"I cannot recommend this book highly enough, and I will be gifting it to all future moms I know who plan to breast and bottle feed!""Buy it! I thought I could find the same info online but save your time and energy. You'll be so thrilled you did. I now feel prepared to go back to work." "This book helped my baby become a breast and bottle feeding champ!"The second edition, like the first, is a must read for any mother who wants to breast and bottle feed her baby. This book will help you get breastfeeding off to a good start and guide you through the process of selecting and using a bottle that is right for your breastfed baby. It includes an expanded breastfeeding section, updated recommendations for collecting, storing, and stockpiling milk, and information about safe formula preparation and use. Along with these changes comes a new tagline: Feeding Your Baby.Balancing Breast and Bottle: Feeding Your Baby, 2nd edition is for new mothers who want information about:?Bottle selection specific for your baby?How to make a bottle with breast milk, formula, or both?Using your letdown pattern as a guide for bottle pacing?Overcoming breast and bottle feeding obstacles?Feeding your baby when apart?Pacifier use and the breastfed baby ?Finding a balance that is right for you and your babyAmy Peterson, BS, IBCLC, and Mindy Harmer, MA, CCC-SLP, CLC, offer the combined expertise of an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Certified Speech-Language Pathologist, Certified Lactation Counselor. They bring two unique and informed perspectives in selecting and using a bottle and pacifier for a breastfed baby.