Athenagoras and the Divine Logos

Book Description

In the apologies Request for Christians and Treatise on the Resurrection, Athenagoras draws abundantly both from the thoughts of the Greek philosophers-Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics-as well as from the reflections of Philo of Alexandria, John the Evangelist and Paul the Apostle. God creates, orders and maintains everything through his Logos. The Logos of God is described as the Platonic idea (ἰδέα) by which people are formed, and also the Aristotelian energy (ἐνεργεία), namely, the working power that creates humanity for eternal participation in God's happiness. The Athenian Philosopher confirms that the Logos manifests his presence in the world through spiritual beings. Ultimately, the main task of all human beings is to partake in the order given by the divine Logos.

Legatio Pro Christianis

Book Description

Since 1963 the seriesPatristische Texte und Studienhas been publishing research findings coordinated by the Patristics Commission, which today is a joint venture of all the German Academies. The series is presenting editions, commentaries and monographs on the writings and teachings of the Church Fathers.

The Sacred Writings of Athenagoras

Book Description

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Early Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until before the promulgation of the Nicene Creed at the First Council of Nicaea. Every single volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life The Embassy for the Christians, the date of which is fixed by internal evidence as late in 176 or 177, was a carefully written plea for justice to the Christians made by a philosopher, on philosophical grounds, to the Emperors Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus, whom he flatters as conquerors, "but above all, philosophers". He first complains of the illogical and unjust discrimination against the Christians and of the calumnies they suffer, and then meets the charge of atheism (a major complaint directed at the Christians of the day was that by disbelieving in the Roman gods, they were showing themselves to be atheists). He establishes the principle of monotheism, citing pagan poets and philosophers in support of the very doctrines for which Christians are condemned, and argues for the superiority of the Christian belief in God to that of pagans. This first strongly-reasoned argument for the unity of God in Christian literature is supplemented by an able exposition of the Trinity. Assuming then the defensive, he justifies the Christian abstention from worship of the national deities by arguing that it is absurd and indecent, quoting at length the pagan poets and philosophers in support of his contention. Finally, he meets the charges of immorality by exposing the Christian ideal of purity, even in thought, and the inviolable sanctity of the marriage bond. The charge of cannibalism is refuted by showing the high regard for human life that leads the Christian to detest the crime of abortion. The treatise on the Resurrection of the Dead, the first complete exposition of the doctrine in Christian literature, was written later than the Apology, to which it may be considered as an appendix. The writer brings to the defence of the doctrine the best that contemporary philosophy could adduce. After meeting the objections common to his time, he seeks to prove the possibility of a resurrection in view either of the power of the Creator, or of the nature of our bodies. To exercise such powers is neither unworthy of God nor unjust to other creatures. He argues that the nature and end of man demand a perpetuation of the life of body and soul. There are reasons to think that De resurrectione is not by Athenagoras but by some 4th-century author, e.g. the use of at least one term (ἀγαλματοφορέω) coined by Philo of Alexandria and not widely known before the time of Origen. (courtesy of

Athenagorae qui fertur: De resurrectione mortuorum

Book Description

This monograph comprises a new critical edition of Ps.-Athenagoras De Resurrectione Mortuorum, a complete edition of Arethas’ Scholia on the treatise, and (in the Appendix) a critical edition of the extant fragments of De Resurrectione attributed to Justin Martyr. Athenagoras was a Christian apologist, who flourished in the second half of the second century CE (ca. 180). Traditionally two extant Greek works have been attributed to him: a Plea on Behalf of the Christians, probably addressed to the Roman emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, and the On the Resurrection of the Dead. The attribution of the latter treatise to Athenagoras has been a matter of dispute. In his Introduction, the editor sides with those scholars denying Athenagoras’ authorship, but ascribes its date to the end of the second century. This important edition by one of the most esteemed scholars in the field complements Prof. Marcovich’s edition of Athenagoras Legatio pro Christianis (Berlin, 1989).

The Writings of Athenagoras

Book Description

We know with certainty regarding Athenagoras, that he was an Athenian philosopher who had embraced Christianity, and that his Apology, or, as he styles it, "Embassy," was presented to the Emperors Aurelius and Commodus about a.d. 177. He is supposed to have written a considerable number of works, but the only other production of his extant is his treatise on the Resurrection. It is probable that this work was composed somewhat later than the Apology (see chap. xxxvi.), though its exact date cannot be determined. Philip of Side also states that he preceded Pantaenus as head of the catechetical school at Alexandria; but this is probably incorrect, and is contradicted by Eusebius. A more interesting and perhaps well-rounded statement is made by the same writer respecting Athenagoras, to the effect that he was won over to Christianity while reading the Scriptures in order to controvert them. Both his Apology and his treatise on the Resurrection display a practiced pen and a richly cultured mind. He is by far the most elegant, and certainly at the same time one of the ablest, of the early Christian Apologists.