The Emerald Tablets of Thoth-The-Atlantean

Book Description

The Spiritual, Occult and Historical significance of the "Emerald Tablets" is almost beyond belief of modern man. Written around 36,000 B.C. by Thoth, an Atlantean priest-king, this manuscript dates far back beyond reach of any Egyptian writings ever found. The author, Thoth, a Master-Teacher of the early Egyptians, put this treatise to writing in his native Atlantean language and Dr. Doreal, by use of his expertise as an Occultist and Master of time and space, was given the directive to retrieve these Tablets and translate them into English for the edification of modern man. The powerful and rhythmic verse of Thoth is wonderfully retained in Doreal's translation. Contained within the pages of Thoth's masterpiece of Spiritual and Occult Wisdom is the synthesis of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, the guideline for initiates of all ages, revealing the Knowledge and Wisdom hitherto held secret, but now in this New Age, revealed to all Seekers on the Path of Light. Dr. M. Doreal, Ms.D., Psy.D., is the Spiritual; Teacher of a multitude of Seekers of Light, having founded a Metaphysical Church and College - The Brotherhood of the White Temple, Inc. He is the author of all of the Organization's writings and teachings, having been given permission for the Esoteric Wisdom to be remitted in a public forum by the Great White Lodge, the Elder Brothers of mankind who shape and form the Spiritual evolution of earth's inhabitants. The Brotherhood of the White Temple, Inc. is a correspondence school, accredited through the State of Colorado, and mails out to its world-wide membership weekly Lessons of Truth. Its four and one-half year College Course unveils the secrets of the Symbolism of all Mystery Schools, giving precisely and beautifully, the step by step progression all Seekers have searched for in their quest for Oneness with God, and for attainment of Cosmic Consciousness. "Read, Believe or not, but read, and the vibration found therein will awaken a response in your soul.' - Doreal

The Atlantean Origin of Greeks and Romans

Book Description

The old Greeks and Romans were the last sub-race of the Atlantean Race, already swallowed up in one of the early sub-races of the Aryan stock, one that had been gradually spreading over the continent and islands of Europe, as soon as they had begun to emerge from the seas. Of a single sub-race of the Aryan Race of Humanity, the progenitors of the Egyptians, Phœnicians, Greeks, and the northern stocks had emigrated from the lofty plateau of Asia westward and settled in the emerging new lands of Europe. Phœnicians were Cyclopes, a one-eyed race of giants. Millennia later, other Atlantean offshoots began invading the new continent. There were wars in which the newcomers were defeated and fled in faraway lands. The Trojan War typifies a historical event that survived in the memory of men as legend. It took place 8 millennia ago. Occult records make no difference between the Atlantean ancestors of the old Greeks and those of the Romans. While profane ethnologists rely solely on relics, when available, the Occultist traces the auric shades and colour gradations of the living man back to his parent stem and tribe. The Egyptians were much older than the Greeks. The Egyptian Zodiac is at least 75 millennia old; the Greek, 17 millennia old.

The Atlantean Irish

Book Description

The Irish are an amalgam of peoples, their culture and language shaped as much by Middle Eastern civilizations as by European ones. Bob Quinn traces these archaelogical, linguistic, religious and economic connections.

Atlantean Credentials of the New World

Book Description

Go where we may, to explore the antiquities of America — whether of Northern, Central, or Southern America — we are first of all impressed with the magnitude of these relics of ages and races unknown, and then with the extraordinary similarity they present to the mounds and ancient structures of old India, of Egypt, and even of some parts of Europe. Whoever has seen one of these mounds has seen all. Whoever has stood before the cyclopean structures of one continent can have a pretty accurate idea of those of the other. Only be it said — we know still less of the age of the antiquities of America than even of those in the Valley of the Nile, of which we know next to nothing. But their symbolism — apart from their outward form — is evidently the same as in Egypt, India, and elsewhere. Equalling Egypt in the immensity of her cyclopean structures, Peru surpasses her in their number; while Cholula exceeds the grand pyramid of Cheops in breadth, if not in height. However, Incan history only dates back to the eleventh century A.D. Judged by their exclusive privileges, power, and “infallibility,” Incas are the antipodal counterpart of the Brahmanical caste of India. On the other hand, Manco Cápac is the exact counterpart of the Chinese Fohi, the Hindu Buddha, the terrestrial Osiris of Egypt, the Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, the Votan of Central America. The theory of cycles is the only plausible theory to solve the great problems of humanity, the rise and fall of numberless nations and races, and the ethnological differences among the latter, and the two-sided question — incessant progress on the one side and an irresistible decadence on the other of the cycle. The extraordinary similarity of the Aryan with the South American tradition suggests that the old Solar and Lunar races, Suryavansha and Chandravansha, have already reappeared in the New World. For America was once united with Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. That man has lived in America, at least 50,000 years ago, is now proved scientifically and remains a fact beyond doubt or cavil. Must we still locate a geographical Eden in the East, and suppose a land equally adapted to man and as old geologically, must wait the aimless wanderings of the “lost tribe of Israel” to become populated?


Book Description

A magnificent city lost over time destroyed by the Gods and sent to the bottom of the Ocean forever later to be written by the Greek philosopher Plato in two dialogues. Destroyed was their home but not its people who rebuilt their city back to its former glory. Learning from their violent past not to repeat it, the centuries go by and the outside world has populated the surface, no place for the Atlantean people to call home. Safe from the outside world and their advanced technology that is generated by a rare element only found at the outer reaches of the solar system. The Atlanteans decide to stay below the waves to watch over and nurture the people from above giving them technology through the centuries until they are ready to accept them and their technology. Creating another city on the other side of Earth deep below the Pacific Ocean, the city grows rapidly hungry for more energy and power, the people in time rebel against Atlantis. With all-out war looming over the peaceful people of Atlantis, one man not from their world will come to understand the past and his future.

The Re-Birth of an Atlantean Queen

Book Description

The luxury and privilege of a Goddess is now within your reach. Let these unique and magnificent books create an ocean of feelings that will touch the deepest layers of your Spirit and Soul. Discover the treasure of your inner harmony, peace and power. THE RE-BIRTH OF AN ATLANTEAN QUEEN chronicles the magnificent Spirit Journey of an ancient Spirit Being. The book begins in Chichen Itza and describes lives in Atlantis, ancient Egypt and Mexico. The remembrance includes an incarnation as Amelia Earhart and culminates with the final incarnation of this ancient Spirit Being as the scientist and author Julia SvadiHatra. In THE REBIRTH OF AN ATLANTEAN QUEEN you will find the complete story about the Spirit Journey of Amelia and all her other past lives as a Priest of Chichen Itza, an Atlantean Queen, an Ancient Egyptian royal Priestess, as well as a present life as Julia Svadihatra and even one future life. This big book contains all 4 books we just mentioned: The Priest, Who is Chak Mol, Amelia reborn, Kukulcan and an additional chapter: The Rebirth of an Atlantean Queen about life in Atlantis. Was Amelia an Atlantean Queen in her past life? Did she carry with her secrets of the crystal pyramid and how to re-ignite its energy? In this book Amelias Spirit went back to her past life in Atlantis and her abilities began to emerge in this life time in a new re-born person!

Ulysses was an Atlantean Hero and Sage

Book Description

Atlas is a personification and symbol of the old continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. Homer, who preceded Plato by many centuries, also speaks of the Atlanteans and of their island in his Odyssey. The Odyssey makes of Atlas the guardian and the supporter of the huge pillars that separate the heavens from the earth. The old Greeks were but the dwarfed and weak remnant of that once glorious sub-race of the Fourth Race. Egypt and Greece, the Phœnicians, and the Northern stocks, had proceeded from the last sub-race of the Atlanteans, already swallowed up in one of the early sub-races of the Aryan stock. Like the Odyssean Tityos, who grew so large that he split his mother's womb and had to be carried to term by Gaia, the Initiates in Greece were called sons of Gaia. Cyclopes, the beloved priests of Apollo, were the last three sub-races of the Lemurians, the one-eye referring to the all-penetrating spiritual eye, which atrophied when their pastoral life evolved into the sensual culture of the Atlanteans, only to be replaced by the outward-looking eyes of greed and selfishness. Though pre-historic, Boreas was a real Continent, the favourite abode of Apollo and his beloved priests and servants. Phoenician sails whitened the Indian Ocean and the Norwegian fiords. The perpetual daylight enjoyed by the Laestrygonians indicates that they were inhabitants of the North Cape. Scylla and Charybdis were the enormous icebergs of the Arctic seas.


Book Description

Amadeus Angel knows there must be more to life than suffering at the hands of his so-called parents. He also knows there must be some explanation for the lines on his hands forming knots, his crystalline tears, and his lavender eyes. But he never expects that an invitation to attend Eden Prep will unravel these mysteries, providing the catalyst for a plan thousands of years in the making.

Atlantis and the Atlanteans

Book Description

"This book provides information about the spiritual life in Atlantis. It includes ... excerpts from conversations with the former Atlanteans, who worked and developed during their incarnations on that continent ... intended primarily for those who seek the way to achieving the spiritual Perfection"--Title page verso

The Atlantean Imprint

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