Atomic Collisions in Solids

Book Description

Perhaps the most controversiaZ aspect of this voZume is the number (V) assigned to the conference in this series. ActuaZZy, the first conference to be heZd under the titZe '~tomic CoZZisions in SoZids" was heZd at Sussex University in EngZand in 1969 and the second at GausdaZ, Norway in 1971, which wouZd ZogicaZZy make the conference heZd at GatZinburg, Tennessee, U.S.A. in 1973 the third (III). However, the appearance of the proceedings of the 1971 GausdaZ Conference (pubZished by Gordon and Breach) bore the number IV. The reasoning behind this was that, in fact, two pre vious conferences had been ZargeZy dedicated to the same subject area. The first of these Was at Aarhus, Denmark in 1965 and the second in 1967 was heZd in ChaZk River, Canada. Hence, the number V for the 1973 meeting. ActuaZZy, the conference can easiZy be traced back to Paris, France in 196Z when it went under the coZorfuZ titZe of '~e Bom bardement Ionique." In 1962 a smaZZ conference was heZd at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. at which the discovery of channeZing was first formaZZy annunciated. This was foZZowed by conferences at ChaZk River, Canada in 1963 and at HarweZZ, EngZand in 1964. More over, immediateZy foZZowing the ChaZk RiVer conference in 1967 there was a conference on higher energy coZZisions at Brookhaven, New York, U.S.A. Thus, strictly speaking, the Gatlinburg meeting is the tenth (X) in the series.

Atomic and Ion Collisions in Solids and at Surfaces

Book Description

A 1997 monograph on simulation for condensed matter physicists, materials scientists, chemists and electrical engineers.

Ion-Solid Interactions

Book Description

Comprehensive guide to an important materials science technique for students and researchers.

Atomic Collisions in Solids

Book Description

R-Matrix Theory of Atomic Collisions

Book Description

Commencing with a self-contained overview of atomic collision theory, this monograph presents recent developments of R-matrix theory and its applications to a wide-range of atomic molecular and optical processes. These developments include the electron and photon collisions with atoms, ions and molecules which are required in the analysis of laboratory and astrophysical plasmas, multiphoton processes required in the analysis of superintense laser interactions with atoms and molecules and positron collisions with atoms and molecules required in antimatter studies of scientific and technologial importance. Basic mathematical results and general and widely used R-matrix computer programs are summarized in the appendices.

Atomic Collisions in Solids

Book Description

"Perhaps the most controversial aspect of this volume is the number (V) assigned to the conference in this series. Actually, the first conference to be held under the title "Atomic Collisions in Solids" was held at Sussex University in England in 1969 and the second at Gausdal, Norway in 1971, which would logically make the conference held at Gatlinburg, Tennessee, U.S.A. in 1973 the third (III). However, the appearance of the proceedings of the 1971 Gausdal Conference (published by Gordon and Breach) bore the number IV. The reasoning behind this was that, in. fact, two previous conferences had been largely dedicated to the same subject area. The first of these was at Aarhus, Denmark in 1965 and the second in 1967 was held in Chalk River, Canada. Hence, the number V for the 1973 meeting."--Page v

Latest Advances in Atomic Cluster Collisions

Book Description

- The first book covering a broad range of physical and chemical problems of atomic cluster physics in the context of physics of atomic and molecular collisions bull; Contains contributions from leading experts in the field bull; Considers both free and supported cluster systems bull; Provides both a general introduction to the field and describes its very recent developments -- ideal for graduate and post-graduate students new to the area as well as specialists in atomic cluster physics bull; Useful for comprehensive lecture courses in quantum mechanics, condensed matter physics and other courses in which complex finite systems like atoic clusters are relevant

Fast Ion-atom and Ion-molecule Collisions

Book Description

The principal goal of this book is to provide state-of-the-art coverage of the non-relativistic three- and four-body theories at intermediate and high energy ion-atom and ion-molecule collisions. The focus is on the most frequently studied processes: electron capture, ionization, transfer excitation and transfer ionization. The content is suitable both for graduate students and experienced researchers. For these collisions, the literature has seen enormous renewal of activity in the development and applications of quantum-mechanical theories. This subject is of relevance in several branches of science and technology, like accelerator-based physics, the search for new sources of energy and high temperature fusion of light ions. Other important applications are in life sciences via medicine, where high-energy ion beams are used in radiotherapy for which a number of storage ring accelerators are in full operation, under construction or planned to be built worldwide. Therefore, it is necessary to review this field for its most recent advances with an emphasis on the prospects for multidisciplinary applications.This book is accompanied by Interdisciplinary Research on Particle Collisions and Quantitative Spectroscopy Volume 2 - Fast Collisions of Light Ions with Matter: Charge Exchange and Ionization.