Atomic Transport and Defects in Metals by Neutron Scattering

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The Institut Max-von-Laue-Paul Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble regularly organ ises workshops that deal with the various applications of neutrons in physics, chemistry, biology and also in nuclear physics. The workshop" Atomic Trans port and Defects in Metals by Neutron Scattering", jointly organised by the Institut Laue-Langevin and the Institut fiir Festkorperforschung of the KFA Jiilich, was held in October 1985 in Jiilich. The study of problems in metal physics and in physical metallurgy is a traditional field of neutron scattering. The most commonly used methods are diffuse elastic, small-angle and inelastic scattering of neutrons. A number of problems can be identified where neutrons yield information that is supple mentary to that from other methods such as x-ray diffraction, synchrotron radiation or electron microscopy. In certain fields, for example spectroscopy for the investigation of atomic motions or for the investigation of magnetic properties, neutron scattering is a unique method. The facilities at the High Flux Reactor of the ILL, and also at the Jiilich and at other medium flux research reactors, have contributed numerous re sults in these fields. It was the aim of this workshop to give a survey of the present state of neutron scattering in metal physics.

Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter V

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This volume contains the proceedings of the Fifth International Confer ence on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter held June 2-6, 1986 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The preceding confer ences were held at St. Maxime and Paris in 1972, at the University of Nottingham in 1975, at Brown University in 1979, and at the University of Stuttgart in 1983. The Illinois conference dealt with both traditional and newly developing topics in the area of phonon scattering. Papers were presented on phonon scattering in glassy and crystalline dielectrics, semi conductors, metals (both normal and superconducting), and in the areas of phonon imaging, large wave vector phonons, optical techniques and new experimental methods. The 12 invited papers and 100 contributed papers were presented by the 125 scientists from 14 countries. A citation was presented to Professor Paul Klemens of the University of Connecticut for his pioneering contributions to the physics of phonon scattering in solids. Paul Gustav Klemens Born - Vienna (1925) B. Sc. - Sydney (1946) D. Phil. - Oxford (1950) National Standards Lab. , Sydney (1950-1959) Westinghouse Research Labs. , Pittsburgh (1964-1969) Univ. of Connecticut (1967- ) Fellow: American Physical Society British Institute of Physics & Physical Society A long career dedicated to the understanding of thermal transport. Few papers are published on phonon thermal transport that do not reference his work.

Metals Abstracts

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Patterns, Defects and Microstructures in Nonequilibrium Systems

Book Description

One of the most fascinating and intriguing aspects of natural phenomena is that complex systems may undergo symme try-breaking instabilities leading to pattern formation or coherent temporal behavior over macroscopic space and time scales. Therefore the understanding of why order may appear spontananeously in open systems far from equilibrium and which planforms are selected among a large manifold of possi bilities has become a major theme of research both theore- cally and experimentally. These studies, first related to fundamental questions, appear now to be of technological importance, especially for materials science problems. Effectively during the last years, the whole field of materials science experienced a complete renewal. By using techniques able to operate in strong nonequilibrium conditions and hence to escape from the constraints of equilibrium thermodynamics, totally new mate rials structures have been processed. Such techniques inclu de ion implantation, laser beam surface melting as well as electron beam heating. For example, ion implantation proces sing is able to create surfaces with compositions markedly different from the bulk, leading to materials having new electric, magnetic or chemical properties. In laser annea ling, after the tremendously rapid melting and recrystalliza tion of the sample surfaces, microstructures with superior resistance to friction, corrosion, ••• are frozen into place. Rapid solidification of alloys trigger the formation of quasi-crystalline structures. Ion beam mixing can modify the electrical properties of polymers or improve the adhesion of metallic films to ceramics.

Radiation Damage of Structural Materials

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Maintaining the integrity of nuclear power plants is critical in the prevention or control of severe accidents. This monograph deals with both basic groups of structural materials used in the design of light-water nuclear reactors, making the primary safety barriers of NPPs. Emphasis is placed on materials used in VVER-type nuclear reactors: Cr-Mo-V and Cr-Ni-Mo-V steel for RPV and Zr-Nb alloys for fuel element cladding. The book is divided into 7 main chapters, with the exception of the opening one and the chapter providing a phenomenological background for the subject of radiation damage. Chapters 3-6 are devoted to RPV steels and chapters 7-9 to zirconium alloys, analysing their radiation damage structure, changes of mechanical properties due to neutron irradiation as well as factors influencing the degree of their performance degradation. The recovery of damaged materials is also discussed. Considerable attention is paid to a comparison of VVER-type and western-type light-water materials. This monograph will be of great value to postgraduate students in nuclear engineering and materials science, and for designers and research workers in nuclear energy.

Ionic Solids At High Temperatures

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Most studies of solids at high temperatures have concentrated on rare gases or metals. However, in the last few years, the special properties of ionic solids at high temperatures have become increasingly important, with applications to geophysics, ceramic processing, nuclear fuels, solid-state electrolytes, and so on. This volume includes a review by W Hayes and M Hutchings on some of the recent experiments, notably comprehensive work on crystals with fluorite structure, including uranium dioxide. Such experiments can be both difficult to perform and are equally difficult to interpret. There have also been striking developments in the quantitative atomistic theory of defect properties and transport. All these are studied from different aspects in the following three reviews: on anharmonic lattice dynamics using the shell model (R Ball), on the prediction of defect free energies and transport (J Harding) and on dynamical simulations of superionic conductors (M Gillan).

Exotic Atoms in Condensed Matter

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"Exotic Atoms in Condensed Matter" reviews the state of the art in this field, from meson factories to the basic interactions of muons in condensed matter. The application of muon- and pion-based analysis of solid state structural, magnetic and superconducting properties is discussed. The spectroscopic features of exotic atoms are reviewed together with their application to chemical analysis. Also, muon-catalyzed fusion is presented.