Examining the Relationships Between Secondary General Education Teachers' Attitudes Toward Inclusion, Professional Development, and Support from Special Education Personnel

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This correlational research study examined the relationships between secondary general education teachers' attitudes toward inclusion, hours of professional development in topics related to special education and hours of support from special education personnel addressing the needs of students with disabilities received weekly. The research also investigated whether this information could be used to predict secondary general education teachers' attitudes towards inclusion. General education teachers in six South Carolina high schools completed the Scale of Teacher Attitudes Toward Inclusive Classrooms (STATIC) and a demographic survey that asked about hours of professional development in special education topics and hours of support received weekly from special education personnel and administrators regarding students with disabilities. Correlational and regression analyses were conducted to determine the strength and direction of relationships, as well as the predictive nature of the data to determine secondary general education teachers' attitudes toward inclusion. Results indicated statistically significant positive correlations between variables, with a slightly stronger correlation when hours of professional development and hours of support were considered together. These findings suggest that additional training and support for teachers in inclusive classrooms may lead to more positive attitudes toward the concept of inclusion, ultimately improving learning outcomes for students with disabilities.

Peceptions of General Education and Special Education Teachers Towards Inclusion

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This study examined the attitudes of general education teachers and special education teacher of the inclusion classroom in the middle and high school levels. Using casual- comparative and survey methodology, the level of agreement or disagreement of these teachers’ attitudes towards the inclusive procedures was assessed in four areas: Planning, Classroom/School Environment, Collaboration/Team Partners, and Resources/Supports/Professional Development. The survey measured general education teachers and special education teachers in the middle and high school levels using a 19- item, five-point Likert scale. To address the research questions, an ANOVA was initially proposed. However, due to the low sample size of administrators and large sample size of participants having multiple positions, an independent sample t-test was proposed as an alternative. The independent sample t-test was then used to test for differences in attitude toward inclusion scores between general educators and special educators. The findings of the independent sample t-test were not statistically significant, t(58) = -0.05, p = .958, d = 0.02, indicating that there were not significant differences in attitude toward inclusion scores between general educators and special educators. General educators and special educators both had a mean score of 3.93 for attitude toward inclusion. The findings of the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test were also not statistically significant, Z = -0.30, p = .765, further providing evidence of non-significant differences in attitude toward inclusion scores between general educators and special educators.

"I Get by with a Little Help from My Friends"

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Prior to federal law PL-94-142, children with disabilities typically were excluded from regular, mainstream classes. This law emphasized the least restrictive environment since research had shown that all children benefited from inclusive learning environments. In the late 1990s, New Jersey was cited as having too high a proportion of children with disabilities in segregated placements. New Jersey received a State Improvement Grant (SIG) to increase the number of students with disabilities in regular education classes. This dissertation was designed to evaluate one aspect of local school districts' program initiatives to achieve this end: teachers' attitudes and perceptions regarding inclusion. Teachers are responsible for the daily implementation of inclusion practices. Their attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs are crucial for the success of inclusion. Although findings from previous research have indicated that teachers favor inclusion, their willingness to implement inclusive practices depends on the availability of supports and resources, as well as the attitudes of school personnel. A total of 856 general education, special education, and special area teachers from seven districts in New Jersey were surveyed regarding: (a) their attitudes and beliefs about inclusion; (b) their perceived administrative support; (c) their perceived ease in meeting the needs of students with disabilities in their classroom; and (d) the factors that have helped or hindered their ability to include students with disabilities in their classroom. Quantitative (Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple regression, independent samples t test) and qualitative (content analysis) methods were used to analyze the survey data. Special education teachers had more positive attitudes toward inclusion than did general education teachers. Relationships between teachers' attitudes and perceptions, and administrative support were found for general education teachers but not for special education teachers. Years of experience working with students with disabilities did not influence these relationships. Teachers identified training, positive attitudes, and support from colleagues, administrators, and other school personnel as factors facilitating inclusive practices. Barriers to implementation included large class size, insufficient planning time, lack of support from colleagues and school administrators, student behavior and ability, and teachers' negative attitudes. Implications for practice are discussed for administrators and school psychologists.

Perceptions of Secondary Education Teachers Working in an Inclusive Setting

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This dissertation in practice addresses the continuous underperformance of students with disabilities (SWD) on standardized assessments when compared to their non-disabled peers. This dissertation on the complex problem of practice investigates secondary education teachers' perceptions of students with disabilities and their ability to be included in the general education classroom. The purpose of this research is to develop a professional development framework to enhance inclusive practices. Students with disabilities nationwide are increasingly taught in the general education classroom in order to provide them access to their least restrictive environment and instruction of the general education curriculum. The beliefs held by teachers about students with disabilities and their inclusion in the general education classroom is one key variable to the successful inclusion as measured by student outcomes. To provide necessary support, it is imperative to understand teachers' attitude towards students with disabilities and their inclusion in the general education classroom. Based on the survey results and relevant research, the professional development framework to enhance inclusive practices was developed and will focus on three elements: (a) school culture and understanding of inclusion, (b) effective inclusive teaching strategies, and (c) collaboration models and techniques. The goal of the professional development framework is for administrators and other school leaders to provide appropriate learning opportunities for teachers to enhance their understanding of inclusion and to provide them strategies and techniques to improve student outcomes in an effort to close the achievement gap between students with and without disabilities.

Teacher Attitudes Toward the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom

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With the implementation of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) in 1975, educating students in the least restrictive environment has become common practice among schools. This leads to the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom. The following study evaluates the impact that inclusion has on general education teachers. 22 general education teachers were surveyed to determine how inclusion affects their attitude toward multiple variables, including stress level, planning time, enjoyment of teaching, and perceived value of students with special needs. The study found that the majority of teachers feel that students with disabilities are a valuable part of the classroom and are enjoyable to teach. The teachers feel that general education students learn better when students with disabilities are included in the classroom. However, having special needs students included in the classroom takes additional planning time and causes teachers to feel more stressed. Furthermore, the study compares the opinions of teachers with 1-10 years of teaching experience and teachers with 11 or more years of teaching experience. It is concluded that additional professional development opportunists and training should be given to general education teachers to help them successfully implement inclusion.

Whatever Happened to Inclusion?

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Law, policy, and practice in the United States has long held that students with disabilities - including those with intellectual disabilities - have the right to a free and appropriate public education, in a non-restrictive environment. Yet very few of these students are fully included in general education classrooms. Educational systems use loopholes to segregate students; universities regularly fail to train teachers to include students; and state regulators fail to provide the necessary leadership and funding to implement policies of inclusion. Whatever Happened to Inclusion? reports on the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities from national and state perspectives, outlining the abject failure of schools to provide basic educational rights to students with significant disabilities in America. The book then describes the changes that must be made in teacher preparation programs, policy, funding, and local schools to make the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities a reality.