
Book Description

When Trish Herr became pregnant with her first daughter, Alex, she and her husband, Hugh, vowed to instill a bond with nature in their children. By the time Alex was five, her over-the-top energy levels led Trish to believe that her very young daughter might be capable of hiking adult-sized mountains. In Up, Trish recounts their always exhilarating--and sometimes harrowing--adventures climbing all forty-eight of New Hampshire's highest mountains. Readers will delight in the expansive views and fresh air that only peakbaggers are afforded, and will laugh out loud as Trish urges herself to "mother up" when she and Alex meet an ornery--and alarmingly bold--spruce grouse on the trail. This is, at heart, a resonant, emotionally honest account of a mother's determination to foster independence and fearlessness in her daughter, to teach her "that small doesn't necessarily mean weak; that girls can be strong; and that big, bold things are possible."

One Aussie's Endeavours

Book Description

The "U" in the title of this book represents a U-turn. A 180-degree turn from the direction you're going now. This book is all about "U." Because all of us have things in our lives that we know we should change. We may even have a strong desire to change certain behaviors about ourselves, but for some reason or another we don't. We make excuse after excuse for continuing this displeasing behavior. This straightforward and to the point book, as told by the self-explanatory title, challenges the reader to "Get That Monkey Off Your Own Back!" The goal being to get you to change your perception. Because the way you see things will affect the way you react to those things. This book implores the reader to "Think About It." Don't just read it and forget it. Think about what is being said. With such chapters as "Self Motivation," "Practice! Practice! Practice!" and "Why Worry?" this book promises to be an enjoyable and thought provoking read. So if you've got something about yourself that you'd like to change, read U! Get That Monkey Off Your Own Back! and discover the hidden power in "U." Something to think about: From the day you are born, you face numerous choices. You hear advice and viewpoints from various voices. Some say do it. Some say don't. Some say you will. Some say you won't. But in this maze of life, with its many doors. The choice has always been, and will always be . . . YOURS!

The Good Mother

Book Description

The Good Mother brings together essays on the contemporary relevance of the 'good mother' in Australia. Although the ideals of the 'good mother' change with time, fashion and context, they persist in public policy, the media, popular culture and workplaces. They place pressure on women to conform to particular standards, against which they are judged and judge themselves. This book captures the diversity of contemporary women's experiences. Chapters address the experiences of executive mothers, mothers working in manual trades, 'yummy mummies' and 'slummy mummies', low income mothers, single mothers, Indigenous mothers, lesbian parents, adoptive mothers and mothers negotiating schools and school choice. The essays demonstrate that while the 'good mother' is no longer exclusively white, heterosexual, economically dependent and child focused, prevailing ideas about mothers and motherhood continue to influence the way 'types' of women are represented and the way that all mothers think, act and present themselves.

The Alpha Mom

Book Description

The Alpha Mom is not your typical self-help book. There are no motivational platitudes, cute business parables or rah-rah quotes here. It won’t tell you that your life turned out from conditions outside your control. It won’t coat you in a comfort shell like a useless chrysalis that stops you from flapping your wings. Or attempt to slap good sense with Facebook memes to tell you you’re as tough as nails. In short, I won’t reinforce the mental bullshit that keeps us trapped with pity parties telling us how unlucky or unfair life had been to us. My goal is to help you break through that chrysalis towards real empowerment. To change your perspectives. To make you think and help attain the results YOU want. To awaken from the slumber of helplessness. To rise above a culture of mediocrity. So The Alpha Mom is written just for you. Maybe only you. Truth is often uncomfortable. But it exists to shatter comfort zones to help us achieve our purpose. Through a “get off your butt and start doing it” approach to help women and mothers achieve real happiness, fulfillment and contentment. For starts, women need to break three of the most common lies we tell ourselves. First, that happiness has to do with material excesses. Second, that beauty and sex appeal declines with age. And third, that women must live in accordance to societal codes and standards. A little warning though: This book can make you better but first, it may piss you off. Some of my posts may appear cynical, caustic or controversial but that’s only because it will challenge, confront and contradict you own beliefs. Check out some of the truths exposed in The Alpha Mom: “Being physically attractive and sexy increases with age, not decreases.” “Making a mistake in a relationship doesn’t necessarily imply impropriety” “There’s no such thing as an inability to exercise” “Being independent does not affect your role as a wife and/ or mother” “Compulsion to societal expectation is never forced but is a choice” Pretty cool huh? So pick it up, and I’ll see ya between the covers, ;)

Loreto in Australia

Book Description

Loreto founder Mary Ward's life and work will be celebrated around the world for three full years (2009-2012) in honour of the 400th anniversary of the establishment of her first religious community. This book will be a major contribution to this anniversary. Australian author. Loreto nuns have also worked in indigenous communities.

The Humanitarians

Book Description

A longitudinal study spanning six decades to map the national and international humanitarian efforts undertaken by Australians on behalf of child refugees.

A Mother's Story

Book Description

An updated edition of the profoundly moving and inspiring memoir from Australia's domestic violence crusader, Rosie Batty. Rosie Batty knows pain no woman should have to suffer. Her son was killed by his father in a violent incident in February 2014, a horrendous event that shocked not only the nation, but the world. Greg Anderson murdered his 11-year-old son Luke and was then shot by police at the Tyabb cricket oval. Rosie had suffered years of family violence, and had had intervention and custody orders in place in an effort to protect herself and her son. Rosie has since become an outspoken and dynamic crusader against domestic violence, winning hearts and mind all over Australia with her compassion, courage, grace and forgiveness. In January 2015, Rosie was named Australian of the Year, 2015. Inspiring, heartfelt and profoundly moving, this is Rosie's story. A percentage of royalties from sales of this book are going to the Luke Batty Foundation. 'A brave, resolute and heart-breaking tale' Sydney Morning Herald 'Every Australian should read this book' Tracey Spicer 'Just finished A Mother's Story. Loved it. Cried. Got angry. Important book, beautifully written' Juanita Phillips 'This highly emotional book ... She suffers but she is not a victim. Batty is comforting and terrifying. She is protector and avenger... She has moral authority and dignity ... compelling' ABR

Cultural Studies Review

Book Description

This edition of Cultural Studies Review brings together a diverse set of essays and new writing that identify particular national tendencies, notions of family, epistemological worries about postmodernity's represented purpose and queries about cultural studies as it is taught and as it could be understood. There is also some careful exploring of where and why we might be at home in our differences and what a felt homelessness might be. To gather these varied strands beneath the heading 'Homefronts' acknowledges, as always, the plurality of the environments that we call home and the battles of representation, and being, that make up the experiences of nation, family, philosophy and academic discipline that render those sites particular and so personal to us.

Mom in the Movies

Book Description

Featuring more than one hundred photographs and film stills, a guide to mothers in film, presented by a film historian and critic and Turner Classic Movies, shows the many ways that Hollywood has celebrated, vilified, and poked good fun at mothers.

The Reproductive Industry

Book Description

Starting in 1978, when the first babies conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) were born in the UK and India, assisted reproduction has become a global industry. Contributors to this edited collection reflect on the global dimensions of IVF and assisted reproductive technologies, examining how people have used these technologies to create diverse family forms, including gay, lesbian, and transgender parenthood, as well as complex configurations of genetic, gestational, and social parenthood. The authors examine how IVF and other reproductive technologies have and have not circulated around the globe; how reproductive technologies can be situated historically, nationally, locally, and culturally; and the ways in which culture, practices, regulations, norms, families, and kinship ties may be reinforced or challenged through the use of assisted reproduction.