Authentic Awakening

Book Description

Former High Ranking New Age Leader Exposes Demonic Schemes in New Age Practices In Authentic Awakening, Alan Strudwick tells the story of his conversion from a high-ranking New Age Leader to a passionate disciple of Jesus. Along the way, Alan exposes Satans strategy to infiltrate the church, and equips you with tools to resist the Devils schemes. From the age of 13 Alan Strudwick was chosen by a Hindu Guru to be an initiate and groomed to be a Key Leader in the New Age Movements infiltration of Western culture. Trained in the demonic spiritual practices of astral travel/projection, rebirthing, Eastern meditation, palm reading, tarot cards, spiritual guide visitations, hypnosis, levitation, Reiki healing, channeling, and more, he reached the highest echelons of the New Age Movement. But in a miraculous encounter with the Living God, Alans life was transformed forever! In Authentic Awakening, Alan shares his gripping personal journey, alerting you to the subtle and overt schemes the enemy is leveraging in your life. You will learn how to: Recognize demonic invitations that are disguised as New Age practices. Expose the "New World Order" agenda of the New Age Movement. See Yoga for what it is: a demonic gateway opening doors for spiritual attack. Identify Idolatrous Pagan Practices that have infiltrated Western civilization. Discern how Satan masquerades as an "angel of light" and avoid his snares. Walk in your authority in Christ and understand the "three heavens" identified in Scripture. Resist the deception of "New Age Christianity" which packages itself like Biblical Christianity. The enemy has a calculated plan to deceive and disciple you. Alan exposes Satan's "New Age" strategies so you can recognize his tactics, resist his snares, and walk in victory!

Awaken Your Authentic Self

Book Description

What if I told you that complete acceptance of our identity is fundamental to our way of life, since every interaction emerges from our authentic self? The number one problem nowadays is the fact we have lost contact with our true identity. We subscribe to ideologies and beliefs regarding who we should be because we want to be accepted. This comes at a cost to our self-worth, since we give up an aspect of ourselves and lose our authenticity. Are you tired of not having your personal needs met? Do you want to live a better life but don't know how? My book will help you reconnect you with the core of your essential self. It is a move away from whom you should be, which is adopted by popular culture. My book invites you to reconnect with the deepest part of your being, which knows who you are and how you should live. * You have more power than you realise. * More genius than you can imagine. * More wisdom and knowledge than you can ever access. * When you let go of the false belief that you are lacking or inadequate, in that moment, you arouse your potential. This is not a patronising statement to seduce you into a false belief. You have unlimited power, and accessing that power is the basis of my book 'Awaken Your Authentic Self.' My name is Tony Fahkry. I am a three-time author, expert speaker and life coach for over 15 years. I believe everyone has great potential within them. It is a matter of awakening it to reach your most efficient level. By focusing on what is meaningful to you, my book will bring value to your life by helping you think clearly and make decisions in alignment with who you are. My book will help you discover your genius, talents and gifts and awakening your highest potential. If you are ready to break free from your limited beliefs, thoughts, and ideas of the world, I invite you to purchase your copy of 'Awaken Your Authentic Self' today, so you can experience the results I speak of. Unless you challenge the status quo, you will remain one of the masses. One has only to look to mainstream culture to see the effects the media and marketing hype have on our society. Don't become of the masses. You have so much potential within you waiting to come alive. Believe that you are worthy and capable of great things and it will become your reality. Awaken Your Authentic Self is endorsed by the international acclaimed spiritual author and silver prize winner of the Nautilus award, Dennis Merritt Jones, who wrote the foreword.

Spiritual Evolution

Book Description

an autobiography of Alan Strudwick's spiritual quest and journey through life.

True Love

Book Description

The renowned Zen master and peace activist introduces a Buddhist approach to practicing authentic love in our everyday lives In this eye-opening guide, Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh offers timeless insight into the nature of real love. With simplicity, warmth, and directness, he explores the four key aspects of love as described in the Buddhist tradition: lovingkindness, compassion, joy, and freedom—explaining how to experience them in our day-to-day lives. He also emphasizes that in order to love in a real way, we must first learn how to be fully present in our lives, and he offers simple techniques from the Buddhist tradition that anyone can use to establish the conditions of love. Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, is an internationally known author, poet, scholar, and peace activist who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King Jr.

Indigo Awakening

Book Description

Dr. Janine Talty, today a successful osteopathic physician, as a child found herself bewildered by a world full of challenges that she could not understand. She felt isolated, unable to cope with the regular life issues that other children managed easily. She could not comprehend maths or spelling-yet she could see energies that others could not see, and had levels of awareness than no-one around her possessed. She exhibited unusual artistic and healing talent. She spontaneously remembered and drew pictures from "old memories" of places her family had never visited. Only as she grew into adulthood, painfully learning to cope with her challenges, did she realize she was an "indigo," one of a generation of people with unusual talents and abilities, yet who rarely fit neatly into societal roles.This book is the inspiring story of how she overcomes these challenges, finds her voice and identity, and discovers a channel for her healing abilities as an osteopathic physician.


Book Description

A user's manual for the awakening process.

A Radical Awakening

Book Description

The New York Times bestselling author and renowned clinical psychologist teaches women how to transcend their fears and illusions, break free from societal expectations, and rediscover the person they were always meant to be: fully present, conscious, and fulfilled. A Radical Awakening lays out a path for women to discover their inner truth and powers to help heal others and the planet. Dr. Shefali helps women uncover the purpose that already exists within them and harness the power of authenticity in every area of their lives. The result is an eloquent and inspiring, practical and accessible book, backed with real-life examples and personal stories, that unlocks the extraordinary power necessary to awaken the conscious self.

Embodied Enlightenment

Book Description

In Embodied Enlightenment, contemporary spiritual teacher Amoda Maa Jeevan dispels the outdated view of a transcendent enlightenment and instead presents a new, feminine expression of awakened consciousness for all—one that is felt and known through what our everyday lives are made of: our emotions, bodies, intimate relationships, work, and life’s purpose. This book is a direct invitation to awaken in a profound, embodied way, and to participate in a collective evolution that can create a new world. When many of us think of enlightenment, we may envision a life of seclusion and contemplation, transcending the body and worldly attachments, or the achievement of karmic perfection. But what if, rather than something reserved for the mountaintop meditator or sage, the call to awaken is meant for us all? And how can we consciously live that awakening in the midst of our complex, messy, modern lives? Speaking from her own awakened experience, Amoda Maa Jeevan offers a timeless wisdom, busting some of the common myths about enlightenment and addressing topics often excluded from more traditional spiritual conversations—from the connection between consciousness and the body to relationships to planetary health. In addition, she covers the unfamiliar territory of what happens after enlightenment, delving into awakened action, creative expression, and more. There’s an urgency today to evolve beyond humanity’s current ego-based paradigm, and along with it, a unique expression of enlightenment is emerging. With clarity, passion, and grace, Embodied Enlightenment invites you on an exploration of consciousness that embraces both the messiness of your earthly experience and the non-duality of pure awareness, offering guidance on how your daily life can bring you into alignment with a divine destiny of individual and collective awakening.

Uncommon Path: Awakening Authentic Joy

Book Description

Through his simple yet profound message in The Uncommon Path, author Mick Quinn offers a compelling guide to uncovering and growing beyond concealed conditioning on the road to awakening our full potential. Clearly exposing the kaleidoscope of metaphysical distractions orchestrated by concealed conditioning that keep us well clear of an authentic path, Quinn directly points us to our next level of individual and cultural development.

Awakening to the Spirit World

Book Description

Today, practicing shamanism doesn't mean you have to live in a rain forest or a desert. Thanks to a modern renaissance of shamanic spirituality, practitioners from all walks of life now use powerful indigenous techniques for healing, insight, and spiritual growth. With Awakening to the Spirit World, teachers Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman bring together a circle of renowned Western shamanic elders Tom Cowan, Carol Proud foot-Edgar, Jose Stevens, and Alberto Villoldo to present a comprehensive manual for making these practices accessible and available in our daily lives, including; How the original practice of shamanism shaped the world's spiritual traditions and why it is still relevant today The art of the shamanic journey a time-tested meditative method for experiencing important spiritual lessons and truths Guidance for avoiding common pitfalls of shamanic practice Instruction for working with your dreams, connecting to your spirit guides, healing yourself and your environment A CD of drumming to facilitate your shamanic journeys.