Automated Damage Testing Facility for Excimer Laser Optics

Book Description

A set-up for automated measurement of damage thresholds on UV optical components is presented, being part of the EUREKA program "High Power Excimer Lasers". It includes on-line monitoring of probe beam parameters as well as sample condition, using digital image processing techniques for both laser beam profiling and high sensitivity damage detection. The latter is performed with a video microscopy system by pixel-to-pixel comparison of the video frames taken before and after the test laser pulse.

Automated Damage Test Facilities for Materials Development and Production Optic Quality Assurance at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Book Description

The Laser Program at LLNL has developed automated facilities for damage testing optics up to 1 meter in diameter. The systems were developed to characterize the statistical distribution of localized damage performance across large-aperture National Ignition Facility optics. Full aperture testing is a key component of the quality assurance program for several of the optical components. The primary damage testing methods used are R:1 mapping and raster scanning. Automation of these test methods was required to meet the optics manufacturing schedule. The automated activities include control and diagnosis of the damage-test laser beam as well as detection and characterization of damage events.