Automotive Diesel Engines

Book Description

Diesel Engine Reference Book

Book Description

A comprehensive reference work covering the design and applications of diesel engines of all sizes. The text uses easily understood language and a practical approach to explore aspects of diesel engineering such as thermodynamics modelling, long-term use, applications and condition monitoring.

Handbook of Diesel Engines

Book Description

This machine is destined to completely revolutionize cylinder diesel engine up through large low speed t- engine engineering and replace everything that exists. stroke diesel engines. An appendix lists the most (From Rudolf Diesel’s letter of October 2, 1892 to the important standards and regulations for diesel engines. publisher Julius Springer. ) Further development of diesel engines as economiz- Although Diesel’s stated goal has never been fully ing, clean, powerful and convenient drives for road and achievable of course, the diesel engine indeed revolu- nonroad use has proceeded quite dynamically in the tionized drive systems. This handbook documents the last twenty years in particular. In light of limited oil current state of diesel engine engineering and technol- reserves and the discussion of predicted climate ogy. The impetus to publish a Handbook of Diesel change, development work continues to concentrate Engines grew out of ruminations on Rudolf Diesel’s on reducing fuel consumption and utilizing alternative transformation of his idea for a rational heat engine fuels while keeping exhaust as clean as possible as well into reality more than 100 years ago. Once the patent as further increasing diesel engine power density and was filed in 1892 and work on his engine commenced enhancing operating performance.

The Diesel Engine

Book Description

The aim of this work, consisting of 9 individual, self-contained booklets, is to describe commercial vehicle technology in a way that is clear, concise and illustrative. Compact and easy to understand, it provides an overview of the technology that goes into modern commercial vehicles. Starting from the customer's fundamental requirements, the characteristics and systems that define the design of the vehicles are presented knowledgeably in a series of articles, each of which can be read and studied on their own. This volume, The Diesel Engine, provides an initial overview of the vast topic that is the diesel engine. It offers basic information about the mechanical functioning of the engine. The integration of the engine in the vehicle and major systems such as the cooling system, the fuel system and the exhaust gas treatment system are explained so that readers in training and in a practical setting may gain an understanding of the diesel engine.

Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Diesel Engines

Book Description

Thoroughly updated and expanded, Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Diesel Engines, Second Edition offers comprehensive coverage of basic concepts and fundamentals, building up to advanced instruction on the latest technology coming to market for medium- and heavy-duty diesel engine systems.

Light Vehicle Diesel Engines

Book Description

Light Vehicle Diesel Engines, published as part of the CDX Master Automotive Technician Series, prepares students with practical, accessible information necessary for ASE A9 certification. Taking a “strategy-based diagnostic” approach, it covers how to maintain, diagnose, and repair light and medium-duty diesel engines, increasingly common in North American, Asian and European vehicles and trucks.

Diesel Engine Management

Book Description

This reference book provides a comprehensive insight into todays diesel injection systems and electronic control. It focusses on minimizing emissions and exhaust-gas treatment. Innovations by Bosch in the field of diesel-injection technology have made a significant contribution to the diesel boom. Calls for lower fuel consumption, reduced exhaust-gas emissions and quiet engines are making greater demands on the engine and fuel-injection systems.

Diesel Engine Technology

Book Description

The Workbook for Diesel Engine Technology provides a thorough guide to accompany the Diesel Engine Technology textbook. It highlights information, improves understanding, and simplifies the contents of the text. Answering the workbook questions will help you remember important ideas and concepts covered in the Diesel Engine Technology textbook. The workbook contains questions that serve as an additional study guide to Diesel Engine Technology. The workbook units correlate with those in the textbook. The order of the questions follows the sequence of the textbook material. This will make it easier for you to find information in the text and also to check your answers. By studying the Diesel Engine Technology textbook and finishing the workbook, you will develop a solid background in diesel engines. Additional knowledge and experience can be gained by hands-on experience. You should take every opportunity to learn all you can about diesel engines.

Automotive Diesel Engines

Book Description