Sri Rama Charitrya Manjari

Book Description

Sri Raghavendra Teertha, the 16th century ascetic from Mantralaya, Andhra Pradesh is foremost among devotees of Lord Sri Rama and has composed a very concise work with just eleven verses in sanskrit, where he has summarized the most authentic account of Ramayana. This booklet attempts to provide a simple translation of these verses in english.

The Ramayana

Book Description

The Ramayana Is Derived Basically From Valmiki'S Sanskrit Classics. The Epic Exemplifies Righteous Outlook And Action, Devotion To Duty, Fearlessness And Compassion. The Reading Of Saga Has Been Deemed, Through The Ages, To Bestow Merit, Besides Literary Joy. The Epic Is One Of The Most Widely Read Lore In Indian Homes, And Abroad. Rama'S Story Has, Through Generations, Influenced The Quality Of Human Beings, The Poet Himself Offering The Testament Of A Supreme Transformation.

RAMAYANA The Poisonous Tree

Book Description

As the title indicates, this book is a critical study of an Indian epic, ëThe Ramayanaí. It proceeds in the same order as that of Sanskrit original consisting of : Bala kanda, Ayodhya kanda, Aranya kanda, Kishkindha kanda, Sundara kanda, Yuddha kanda and Uttara kanda. While Valmikiís Ramayana is composed of about 24,000 slokas (verses), ëRamayana the Poisonous Treeí consists of 16 stories, long and short, accompanied by 11 ëlinksí (narratives that ëlinkí the stories) and 504 foot-notes that show evidence from the Sanskrit original in support of the critique. Besides the main components of the text, this book has a long ëPrefaceí discussing the social essence of the epic in the context of history of evolution of human society from the ancient times to the modern times. The book also offers a critical review of the works of ësome earlier critics of Ramayanaí. The authoress describes Ramayana as a Poisonous Tree because it defends the autocratic rule of the kings against the people, their imperial expansion by invading other weak kingdoms, exploitation of the poor by the rich, oppression of lower castes by upper castes, aggression of the civilized non-tribal communities against primitive tribal communities, male chauvinism against women, superstitious beliefs against the rational thinking, fathersí domination over sons, elder brothersí superiority over younger brothers and so on. She substantiated her arguments by providing hundreds of foot notes from the Sanskrit original. She characterizes the culture of Ramayana as predominantly ëfeudalí in nature with an admixture of remnants of primitive ëtribalí culture. The book, it is hoped, will be of interest to both academic and non-academic circles. It is relevant to the students, teachers and researchers who are connected with such disciplines as South Asian Studies, Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature, Comparative Religions, Indology, Literary Criticism and so on. It is also relevant to the social and political activists who would like to disseminate ëprogressiveí ideas among the people who are subjected to various forms of inequality: Class, Caste, Gender, Race, Ethnicity. Ranganayakamma (born 1939) is a writer of novels, stories and essays in Telugu. She has published about 60 books.

Sundara Kandam

Book Description

This book comprises the fifth kanda or section of the Ramayana. The direct meaning of the name "Sundara" is "beautiful" referring to the literary excellence of this Kanda. It brings out two great characters , Hanuman standing for the ideal of masculine strength and Sita for the feminine expression of courage. This book deals with the heroic exploits of Hanuman for one day and night in which he crosses over to Sri Lanka, finds Sita ,defeats the enemy ,sets fire to the city and returns with the news of Sita's discovery. The hidden meaning is represented as the quest of the awakened spiritual aspirant represented by Hanuman to cross over the ocean of samsara and seek the divine spirit within through an analysis of the various layers of human personality.

Shri Ram Yogi Yug Purush : Volume - I

Book Description