Advances in Fluid Mechanics II

Book Description

This text covers developments in fluid research, from basic mathematical formulations of fluid mechanics to computer modelling of fluid dynamic applications. Topics covered include numerical and experimental comparison, fluid-structure interactionm, and bio fluid mechanics.

Fundamentals of Two-Fluid Dynamics

Book Description

Two-fluid dynamics is a challenging subject rich in physics and prac tical applications. Many of the most interesting problems are tied to the loss of stability which is realized in preferential positioning and shaping of the interface, so that interfacial stability is a major player in this drama. Typically, solutions of equations governing the dynamics of two fluids are not uniquely determined by the boundary data and different configurations of flow are compatible with the same data. This is one reason why stability studies are important; we need to know which of the possible solutions are stable to predict what might be observed. When we started our studies in the early 1980's, it was not at all evident that stability theory could actu ally work in the hostile environment of pervasive nonuniqueness. We were pleasantly surprised, even astounded, by the extent to which it does work. There are many simple solutions, called basic flows, which are never stable, but we may always compute growth rates and determine the wavelength and frequency of the unstable mode which grows the fastest. This proce dure appears to work well even in deeply nonlinear regimes where linear theory is not strictly valid, just as Lord Rayleigh showed long ago in his calculation of the size of drops resulting from capillary-induced pinch-off of an inviscid jet.

Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 2

Book Description

The purpose and organisation of this book are described in the preface to the first edition (1988). In preparing this edition minor changes have been made, par ticularly to Chap. 1 (Vol. 1) to keep it reasonably current, and to upgrade the treatment of specific techniques, particularly in Chaps. 12-14 and 16-18. How ever, the rest of the book (Vols. 1 and 2) has required only minor modification to clarify the presentation and to modify or replace individual problems to make them more effective. The answers to the problems are available in Solutions Manual jor Computational Techniques jor Fluid Dynamics by K. Srinivas and C. A. J. Fletcher, published by Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1991. The computer programs have also been reviewed and tidied up. These are available on an IBM compatible floppy disc direct from the author. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many readers for their usually generous comments about the first edition and particularly those readers who went to the trouble of drawing specific errors to my attention. In this revised edi tion considerable effort has been made to remove a number of minor errors that had found their way into the original. I express the hope that no errors remain but welcome communication that will help me improve future editions. In preparing this revised edition I have received considerable help from Dr. K.