Becoming Living Stones

Book Description

Growing up as a pastor's daughter, Becoming Living Stones author Denae Haas gained a broad knowledge of Scripture and its interpretation. Knowledge and understanding without relationship, though, is ineffective. It lacks life. When Denae's knowledge of God, of the Holy Spirit, became relational--experiential--a greater bond formed and new life blossomed. When her belief in God collided with doubt, a faith struggle began. Here the Holy Spirit began to cultivate experiential knowledge of His presence, His love, and the ability to truly know His constant transformative working in our lives. In this groundbreaking book, readers both witness this transformation in Denae and are led into their own journey with God. A journey both rooted in Scripture and alive in the Spirit. The result is a deepening relationship with God, emerging from a broader understanding of God's immense personal love for His children. Ultimately, this growing faith and relationship bring healing and restoration. Denae's experience of the Holy Spirit combined with knowledge is rich soil from which readers are drawn and invited to meditate and pray for their own transformation--for new life in the Spirit.

Becoming Living Stones

Book Description

The Christian life is not static. We are each becoming "living stones," built by God into a "spiritual house" where others can find refuge. Dennis Lanning offers short insights in these hundred short articles on how we change, with encouragement on how we can cooperate with God's work.

Living Stones in the Household of God

Book Description

A full generation has passed since black theology burst onto the American religious scene, ignited by the powerful work of James H. Cone. Now an illustrious group of theologians takes the measure of black theology's legacy and explores the radically new context - ecclesial, social, global, and interreligious - that is setting the black theological agenda for tomorrow.

Living Stones

Book Description

Throughout the ages Creation has been groaning for its true identity, dominion, and ultimately restored intimacy and communion with the Father. If we are in Christ, we are a new creation. We are made in His image. But what does it mean to be made in His image? Who am I as a new creation? What is my destiny? Desperately seeking on her own journey of identity, author Marie Fowler spent twenty-five years researching the tribes of Israel to answer these questions. Our heavenly Father designed us for one sole purpose: habitation. God chooses to build His house through His family. Living Stones is a love letter in which you will discover your place within God's family. Worship (intimacy) reveals identity. One does not come face-to-face with someone and remain unaltered. As we encounter the Father with unveiled faces, we become like Him. Our utmost destiny is that we might take on His reflection found in the embodiment of habitation. Join Marie in her fascinating and biblically grounded study of the tribes of Israel as foundational keys to reveal every believer's identity in Christ. Watch in wonder as the author explains with amazing prophetic and revelatory insight how the characteristics of each tribe fit together as living stones displaying the facets of the Father's nature and character thereby building His holy habitation. You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (I Peter 2:5).

Living Stones Family Devotional

Book Description

Many times in scripture God uses things in the natural to describe things in the spiritual. God sees everything in the "seen" world with an "unseen" perspective; not from the narrow view finder of this world, but from lenses so vast, so deep, and so wide that our minds can hardly comprehend it. In order to teach us and give us understanding of a world we cannot see, the kingdom of heaven, God in His word often times uses metaphors and natural illustrations to give us a picture, or reflection, of what His kingdom is truly all about; He uses things in the "seen" world as a mirror that reflects things about the "unseen" world. One of those such times in scripture is found in 1 Peter 2:4 as God calls us to become as living stones, "Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." Through a detailed word study, both in the Old and New Testament, of how God chooses to use stones in the "seen" world, a picture begins to form that reveals who we are in the "unseen" world, God's kingdom. I invite your family to come along with me as the Holy Spirit, through the word of God, paints a beautiful picture on the canvas of your hearts revealing who you are as to living stones, and through family worship seals this calling deep within each member of your family.

Your Best Life Now

Book Description

In this remarkable New York Times bestseller, Joel Osteen offers unique insights and encouragement that will help readers overcome every obstacle in their lives.

Living As Jesus Lived

Book Description

Living Stones

Book Description

Great for New Believers! Change your world with the Bible's most powerful Scriptures on Salvation, the Resurrection, and how to build a lifetime foundation for success. "Living Stones" includes an index and easy-reference Scriptures.

How Did We Get the Bible?

Book Description

Readers will gain even more appreciation for their Bible when they see how God directed its development, from the original authors through today’s translations. How Did We Get the Bible? provides an easy-to-read historical overview, covering the Holy Spirit’s inspiration of the writers, the preservation of the documents, the compilation of the canon, and the efforts to bring the Bible to people in their own language. This fascinating story, populated by intriguing characters, will encourage readers with God’s faithfulness—to His own Word, and to those of us who read it. It’s a fantastic, value-priced resource for individuals and ministries!

In the Dust of the Rabbi

Book Description

This sixth Faith Lessons volume takes you to Galilee in Israel where Jesus called his first disciples to follow Him. Then on to Priene and Didyma in Turkey where their disciples learned what it meant to follow the Rabbi.