Church Membership

Book Description

Jonathan Leeman addresses the commonly asked (and often unanswered) question of, "Why should I join a church?" in a time when many are shunning the practice of organized religion. By offering a brief, straightforward explanation of what church membership is and why it's important, Leeman gives the local church its proper due and builds a case for committing to the local body. Church Membership is a useful tool for churches to distribute en masse to new and potential members of their congregation. This volume is part of the 9Marks: Building Healthy Churches series. Look for upcoming, quick-read formats of the following marks of a healthy church: expositional preaching, biblical theology, the gospel, conversion, evangelism, church discipline, discipleship and growth, and church leadership.

Behave as a Church Member

Book Description

Behave as a Church Member takes a look at how church members can use their spiritual gifts, which are given by the Holy Spirit, to grow more mature in their walk with Christ, edify the church by helping others, and glorifying Jesus Christ.

I Am a Church Member

Book Description

It is impossible to grow to spiritual maturity by yourself. You must be connected to the other parts of the Body. This wonderful little book explains the power of belonging to a church family.

The Church Member

Book Description

The Church Member is written as a handbook. It is a collection of exegetical studies on strategic passages that cover the biblical expectations for those who profess Jesus Christ. It provides sound interpretation to some of the most controversial issues in the church today such as baptism, the Lord's Supper, worship through music, and church leadership. While it is written from a Southern Baptist perspective, this book is the result of experiences from a variety of other denominations. It captures what the Scriptures teach regarding membership in a "church" and ultimately reveal that church is more than something a believer does; it is something he is. If you are interested in understanding your place in the body of Christ, this book is for you!

What Is a Healthy Church Member?

Book Description

Biblically and practically instructs church members in ways they can labor for the health of their church. What Is a Healthy Church Member? takes its cue from Mark Dever's book What Is a Healthy Church?, which offered one definition of what a healthy church looks like biblically and historically. In this new work, pastor Thabiti Anyabwile attempts to answer the natural next question: "What does a healthy church member look like in the light of Scripture?" God intends for us to play an active and vital part in the body of Christ, the local church. He wants us to experience the local church as a home more profoundly wonderful and meaningful than any other place on earth. He intends for his churches to be healthy places and for the members of those churches to be healthy as well. This book explains how membership in the local church can produce spiritual growth in its members and how each member can contribute to the growth and health of the whole.

The Church Member's Guide

Book Description

Behave as a Church

Book Description

This book addresses the church and how our behavior as a church affects the work which we are called to do. We will look at what Jesus commanded us to do as well as look at where we are lacking in areas when it comes to the ministry of the church.

Love Your Church

Book Description

How to grow in love for your church. God calls us to be "devoted to one another in love" (Romans 12:10). What does this look like for us today? How can we be the kind of church member who makes a real difference? This engaging book by Tony Merida explores what church is, why being part of it is exciting, and why it’s worthy of our love and commitment. He sets out eight privileges and responsibilities of a church member: to belong, to welcome, to gather, to care, to serve, to honour, to witness and to send. As we see how wonderful it is to belong to God’s family and be a part of his amazing witness to both the earthly and the heavenly realms, we’ll grow in our love for and commitment to our local church. This is a great book for every churchgoer to read, whether they’re new or have been attending for some time but need re-energising with God’s vision for the local church. With a discussion guide at the end of the book, Love Your Church is also a great resource for small groups.

Church Etiquette

Book Description

If you stand at the doors of your church to let worshippers in and out or if you assist in keeping order and decency in the sanctuary, this book is for you. If you are interested in the characteristics and qualities necessary to be a doorkeeper or usher in your church, this book is for you. This book provides important information about being a doorkeeper, as outlined in the Word of God. The focus of this book is on the spiritual characteristics of an effective doorkeeper. Some instructional rules are discussed, but this book uniquely connects the rules of courtesy with the responsibilities of a doorkeeper. The book also connects courtesy with the Word of God as stated in 1 Peter 3:8: "Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as bretheren, be pitiful, be courteous." Whether doorkeeper, pastor, leader, or layperson in the church, this book will provide insight into the role of those who stand at the door of the house of the Lord.