Being and Becoming a Teacher in Initial Literacy and Second Language Education for Adults

Book Description

The aim of the thesis is to explore what being and becoming a teacher of Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults (LESLLA) mean. The study, which applies situated learning theory combined with some Bourdieuan concepts as thinking tools, seeks to depict how the professional identity of LESLLA teachers can be understood from their memberships in different communities of practice. The empirical study is based on observational data and on semi-structured interviews, which have been analysed thematically. The results show that the LESLLA teachers construct professional identity in regard to the particular nature of the learners, i.e. that the learners are simultaneously adult emergent readers and second language learners establishing themselves in a new society. This is, for example, seen in the teachers’ teaching actions and in how they respond to learning opportunities and changes. Likewise, the results illustrate that becoming a LESLLA teacher is an ongoing process in which some periods are particularly critical for learning. It takes place in a number of different communities of which the teaching practices are the most crucial. When it comes to the other communities to which the teachers belong, their significance differs from teacher to teacher. Moreover, power plays a central role in the identity formation. Societal forces, and the position and trajectory of the teacher in different communities in the landscapes of LESLLA teaching and Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) contribute to it. Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att utforska vad det innebär att vara och bli lärare för kortutbildade vuxna inom svenska som andraspråksutbildning. Med hjälp av situerat lärande som övergripande teoretiskt perspektiv, och några av Bourdieus begrepp som kompletterande tankeverktyg, analyseras hur den professionella identiteten för den här lärargruppen kan förstås utifrån deras medlemskap i olika professionella praktikgemenskaper. Denna empiriska studie är baserad på data från observationer och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att lärare konstruerar sin professionella identitet i relation till sina deltagares särart, d.v.s. kombinationen av att dessa är kortutbildade vuxna som ska lära sig grundläggande litteracitet och ett andraspråk, samtidigt som de etablerar sig i ett nytt samhälle. Detta ses t.ex. i lärarnas undervisning, i hur de tar till vara på möjligheter till lärande och bemöter förändringar. Resultatet illustrerar också att även om vissa perioder betyder mer för deras yrkesidentitet så är denna något som utvecklas hela tiden. Detta sker i många olika praktikgemenskaper parallellt. Undervisningspraktiken är den mest centrala, men i övrigt varierar betydelsen av de olika praktikerna från lärare till lärare. Läraridentiteten formas också av olika maktaspekter. Samhälleliga krafter, liksom ens egen position i de olika gemenskaper som finns inom andraspråks- och vuxenutbildning, bidrar till formandet av den.

The Power of Reading

Book Description

Continuing the case for free voluntary reading set out in the book's 1993 first edition, this new, updated, and much-looked-for second edition explores new research done on the topic in the last ten years as well as looking anew at some of the original research reviewed. Krashen also explores research surrounding the role of school and public libraries and the research indicating the necessity of a print-rich environment that provides light reading (comics, teen romances, magazines) as well as the best in literature to assist in educating children to read with understanding and in second language acquisition. He looks at the research surrounding reading incentive/rewards programs and specifically at the research on AR (Accelerated Reader) and other electronic reading products.

Student teachers’ and beginning teachers’ coping with emotionally challenging situations

Book Description

Avhandlingen behandlar lärarstudenternas och nyblivna lärares erfarenheter av obehagliga situationer. Frågeställningar innefattar: Vilka situationer beskriver lärarstudenter och nyblivna lärare som emotionellt påfrestande? Hur hanterar lärarstudenter och nyblivna lärare emotionellt påfrestande situationer som beskrivs? Avhandlingen innefattar fyra artiklar som behandlar dessa frågeställningar. Resultat visar att lärarstudenters hanterandestrategier innefattar (1) att skjuta fram lärande att hantera känslomässigt påfrestande situationer när de börjar att arbeta samt (2) att acceptera att det inte går att påverka situationer som är känslomässigt påfrestande och då enbart acceptera de förhållanden som skapar känslomässigt utmanade situationer. Andra strategier som studierna har visat innefattade att verka för förändring, vara en del av ett kollektiv eller att förminska ansvar som sätt att hantera känslomässiga utmaningar. Lärarstudenter etablerade gränser som ett sätt att hantera påfrestande situationer i relation till känslomässigt arbetet och i förhållande till olika relationer. De nyblivna lärarna var tvungna att förhålla sig till konflikter. Detta gjorde nyblivna lärare i studien genom att verka för sin autonoma position, genom att engagera sig i samarbete, genom att försöka påverka eller genom att alliera sig med arbetsplatsens värdeförmedling. Dessa strategier verkar vara sammanlänkade med olika konsekvenser, där autonomi och att vara en påverkanskraft i större utsträckning verkar leda till tankar om att byta skola eller att sluta som lärare.

Tracking Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills

Book Description

Understanding the origins of poor literacy and numeracy skills in adulthood and how to improve them is of major importance when society places a high premium on proficiency in these basic skills. This edited collection brings together the results of recent longitudinal studies that greatly extend our knowledge of what works in raising skill levels, as well as the social and economic returns to improvement. Many fundamental research questions in adult education involve change over time: how adults learn, how program participation influences their acquisition of skills and knowledge, and how their educational development interacts with their social and economic performance. Although a growing number of longitudinal studies in adult basic education have recently been completed, this book is the first systematic compilation of findings and methods. Triangulating findings from different methodological perspectives and research designs, and across countries, this text produces convergence on key conclusions about the role of basic skills in the modern life course and the most effective ways of enhancing them.

Bringing Literacy to Life

Book Description

The result of a 2-year research study funded under the National English Literacy Demonstration Program for Adults of Limited English Proficiency, this handbook on adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) literacy education represents a synthesis of ideas derived from various sources. It is meant as a resource for teachers who have some experience in teaching but are new to ESL literacy. It contains the following nine chapters: (1) "Adult ESL Literacy: State of the Art," which discusses some of the special features of adult ESL literacy; (2) "Approaches and Materials," which maintains that meaning-based approaches show the greatest promise in helping adults develop full literacy; (3) "Teaching Adult ESL Literacy in the Multilevel Classroom," which shows that group work is the most effective strategy for dealing with multilevel classrooms; (4) "Using Computer and Video Technology in Adult ESL Literacy," which discusses the pros and cons of using technology in ESL literacy teaching; (5) "Native Language Literacy," which demonstrates that using the native language of the learners is a viable approach to introducing literacy to adults who are not literate in their first language; (6) "Learner Assessment," which shows that program-based assessments are superior to standardized tests; (7) "Curriculum," which demonstrates that curriculum decisions are value decisions that mirror a program's philosophy; (8) "Staff Development and Program Issues," which holds that effective staff development should focus on the social context, adult learning, second language acquisition, literacy development, and effective teaching processes; and (9) "Curriculum Modules," which presents 10 teaching units that demonstrate meaning-based teaching. (LB) (Adjunct ERIC Clearinghouse on Literacy Education)

Educating Refugee-background Students

Book Description

This collection of empirical work offers an in-depth exploration of key issues in the education of adolescents and adults with refugee backgrounds residing in North America, Australia and Europe. These studies foreground student goals, experiences and voices, and reflect a high degree of awareness of the assets that refugee-background students bring to schools and broader society. Chapters are clustered according to the two themes of Language and Literacy, and Access and Equity. Each chapter includes a discussion of context, researcher positionality and implications for educators, policy-makers and scholars.

Transforming Schooling for Second Language Learners

Book Description

The purpose of Transforming Schooling for Second Language Learners: Theoretical Insights, Policies, Pedagogies, and Practices is to bring together educational researchers and practitioners who have implemented, documented, or examined policies, pedagogies, and practices in and out of classrooms and in real and virtual contexts that are in some way transforming what we know about the extent to which emergent bilinguals (EBs) learn and achieve in educational settings. In the following chapters, scholars and researchers identify both (1) the current state of schooling for EBs, from their perspective, and (2) the particular ways that policies, pedagogies, and/or practices transform schooling as it currently exists for EBs in discernible ways based on their scholarship and research. Drawing on current and seminal research in fields including second language acquisition, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, and educational linguistics, contributing authors draw on complementary theoretical, methodological, and philosophical frameworks that attend to the social, cultural, political, and ideological dimensions of being and becoming bi/multilingual and bi/multiliterate in schools and in the United States. In sum, we are deeply committed to asserting hope, possibility, and potential to discussions and discourses about bi/multilingual students. We value the urgency around improving the conditions, experiences, and circumstances in which they are learning languages and academic content. Our aim is to highlight perspectives, conceptualizations, orientations, and ideologies that disrupt and contest legacies of deficit thinking, linguistic purism, language standardization, and racism and the racialization of ethnolinguistic minorities.

What Teachers Need to Know About Language

Book Description

Rising enrollments of students for whom English is not a first language mean that every teacher – whether teaching kindergarten or high school algebra – is a language teacher. This book explains what teachers need to know about language in order to be more effective in the classroom, and it shows how teacher education might help them gain that knowledge. It focuses especially on features of academic English and gives examples of the many aspects of teaching and learning to which language is key. This second edition reflects the now greatly expanded knowledge base about academic language and classroom discourse, and highlights the pivotal role that language plays in learning and schooling. The volume will be of interest to teachers, teacher educators, professional development specialists, administrators, and all those interested in helping to ensure student success in the classroom and beyond.

Improving Adult Literacy Instruction

Book Description

A high level of literacy in both print and digital media is required for negotiating most aspects of 21st-century life, including supporting a family, education, health, civic participation, and competitiveness in the global economy. Yet, more than 90 million U.S. adults lack adequate literacy. Furthermore, only 38 percent of U.S. 12th graders are at or above proficient in reading. Improving Adult Literacy Instruction synthesizes the research on literacy and learning to improve literacy instruction in the United States and to recommend a more systemic approach to research, practice, and policy. The book focuses on individuals ages 16 and older who are not in K-12 education. It identifies factors that affect literacy development in adolescence and adulthood in general, and examines their implications for strengthening literacy instruction for this population. It also discusses technologies for learning that can assist with multiple aspects of teaching, assessment,and accommodations for learning. There is inadequate knowledge about effective instructional practices and a need for better assessment and ongoing monitoring of adult students' proficiencies, weaknesses, instructional environments, and progress, which might guide instructional planning. Improving Adult Literacy Instruction recommends a program of research and innovation to validate, identify the boundaries of, and extend current knowledge to improve instruction for adults and adolescents outside school. The book is a valuable resource for curriculum developers, federal agencies such as the Department of Education, administrators, educators, and funding agencies.

Becoming a Teacher of Language and Literacy

Book Description

This book explores what it means to be a 21st century literacy educator, promoting a reflective and inquiry-based approach.