
Book Description

Radioactive Waste Forms for the Future

Book Description

This volume presents a compilation of important information on the full range of radioactive waste forms that have been developed, or at least suggested, for the incorporation of high-level nuclear waste. Many of the results were published in the ''gray literature'' of final reports of national laboratories or in various, generally less available, proceedings volumes. This is the first publication to draw information on nuclear waste forms for high-level wastes together into a single volume. Although borosilicate glass has become the standard waste form, additional research in this compound is still necessary. With improved technology (particularly processing technologies) and with a more detailed knowledge of repository conditions, glasses and second generation waste forms with improved performance properties can be developed. Sustained research programs on nuclear waste form development will yield results that can only add to public confidence and the final, safe disposal of nuclear waste. The aim of this volume is to provide a 'spring board' for these future research efforts. A detailed presentation is given on the properties and performance of non-crystalline waste forms (borosilicate glass, sintered glass, and lead-iron phosphate glass), and crystalline waste forms (Synroc, tailored ceramics, TiO 2 - ceramic matrix, glass-ceramics and FUETAP concrete). A chapter on Novel Waste Forms reviews a number of methods that warrant further development because of their potential superior performance and unique applications. The final chapter includes a tabulated comparison of important waste form properties and an extended discussion on the corrosion process and radiation damage effects for each waste form. Of particular interest is a performance assessment of nuclear waste borosilicate glass and the crystalline ceramic Synroc. This is the first detailed attempt to compare these two important waste forms on the basis of their materials properties. The discussion emphasizes the difficulties in making such a comparison and details the types of data that are required. Each chapter has been written by an expert and includes a current compilation of waste form properties with an extensive list of references. This volume will provide a stimulus for future research as well as useful reference material for scientists working in the field of nuclear waste disposal and materials science.

Engineering and Design

Book Description

This manual provides practical guidance for the design and operation of soil vapor extraction (SVE) and bioventing (BV) systems. It is intended for use by engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, and soil scientists, chemists, project managers, and others who possess a technical education and some design experience but only the broadest familiarity with SVE or BV systems.

Decommissioning Techniques for Research Reactors

Book Description

This is the first report published by the IAEA which provides guidance on the preparation and implementation of the decommissioning of different types of research reactor. Different construction and operational features of research reactors have a major impact on the decommissioning techniques required. This report offers information on the conclusions drawn from a number of completed projects and identifies their similarities and differences. It is complemented by a computerized research reactor databank. Staff requirements, decommissioning costs waste activity are presented graphically according to reactor thermal power and integrated energy.