Benchmarking in Food and Farming

Book Description

At a time when food producers have to make significant changes to their businesses in order to survive, a review of benchmarking in agriculture and discussion of its future potential is critical. This book meets that need by providing an overview of existing benchmarking practices in agriculture and the food supply chain, and evaluating the potential of these practices to drive sustainable innovation in food and farming. Increasing pressures from commodity markets, corporate buyers, government and rising input prices (particularly fuel prices) are creating an environment in which farmers and their advisors are keen to make greater use of performance information for survival and growth. Where farmers are diversifying into alternative production methods, non-agricultural enterprises and on-farm production and sales, the greater the interest in a wider range of accounting tools for decision making. Lisa Jack and her contributors draw on a wide range of data and sources from Australia, New Zealand, the USA, the UK and Europe to provide critical evaluations of what might be considered 'state of the art' benchmarking practices at this time, including recent strategic developments such as the use of non-financial measures in balanced scorecards. The food and farming industry is unusual in that benchmarking takes place among large numbers of small, family-owned businesses working in a global industry. Not only, therefore, is this book important for those working in food supply chain businesses, but also for those involved in the general practice of benchmarking.

Farm Business Analysis Using Benchmarking

Book Description

The purpose of this guide is to provide a better understanding of the concept and practice of entrepreneurship. This guide has been prepared for people who want to start a farm business for the first time and for farmers that want to make changes to their farming systems by introducing high value enterprises directed to the market. This guide can also help extension workers be better able to help farmers develop the skills and spirit of an entrepreneur. It is part of a series of booklets on farm business management designed to help extension workers support farmers.

Food Safety, Risk Intelligence and Benchmarking

Book Description

This book comprehensively argues for more future benchmarking between nations. Since the initial food safety benchmarking report was published in 2008, the sharing of data and protocols among nations has dramatically increased. It was intended to identify and evaluate common elements among global food safety systems. More specifically, benchmarking identifies those countries that employ comparatively best practices to assess, manage, and communicate the risks related to the safety of food and their respective food systems. The overarching intent of this benchmarking assessment, however, is to stimulate exchange and discussion on food safety performance among nations.

Animal Welfare Governance in EU Agriculture

Book Description

This ground-breaking book sets out a comprehensive governance framework to raise the welfare of animals across EU agriculture and the agri-food chain. Diane Ryland argues that a global response is needed to promote animal wellbeing in agriculture, focusing on the importance of the relations between public and private standard-setting bodies.

The Development of a Conceptual Benchmarking Tool Representing Big Data and Agricultural Technology Adoption on the Farm

Book Description

One of the latest buzzes amongst agriculture is the storage and analysis of "Big Data." There are a number of questions surrounding the quality, quantity, and capacity of big data to form real-world decisions based upon past information. Much like the teachings of history, the storybook that big data can reveal about a grower's operation may hold the answers to the question of: "what is necessary to increase food production which will be required to feed an ever-growing world"? With the increase in interest in precision agriculture, sustainability practices, and the processing of the immense spatial dataset generated on the farm, the next challenge at hand will be in determining how to make technology not only streamlined, but also profitable. Over the past few years, precision agriculture technology has become widely adopted as an agronomic decision making tool. Much like a scientific experiment, the greater the number of similar observations, the greater the degree of confidence can be placed upon a decision. As a means of increasing the number of observations that a farmer can use to base a decision upon, there is becoming increasing demand in being able to combine the data of similar farming operations in order to increase the size and scope of the dataset to generate better decisions benefitting many farms instead of just one. The growing interest in forming community data pools for farm data demonstrates the need for a study for determining how farming practices can be properly benchmarked. The goal was be to evaluate how to use farm data to make economic decisions in a similar manner as one would make agronomic decisions using similar observations. The objective was to design the proper protocol for benchmarking the farm's potential, and evaluating potential increases in technical efficiency by adopting precision agriculture technology. To accomplish this, a data envelopment analysis was conducted using scale efficiency as a means of determining the frontier of efficient farms. The resounding goal for this study in the future will be to use the model as a means of implementing the secondary process of pooling precision agriculture data to analyze efficiencies gained by the adoption of technology. By demonstrating the value of generating peer groups to increase observations and refine farming practices, farmers can find increased profitability and efficiency by using resources that may already be held within the operation.

OECD Food and Agricultural Reviews Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in Canada

Book Description

The Canadian food and agriculture sector is for the most part competitive and export-oriented: although challenges and opportunities vary significantly between regions, primary agriculture benefits from an abundance of natural resources and faces limited environmental constraints.

Food Safety, Risk Intelligence and Benchmarking

Book Description

This book comprehensively argues for more future benchmarking between nations. Since the initial food safety benchmarking report was published in 2008, the sharing of data and protocols among nations has dramatically increased. It was intended to identify and evaluate common elements among global food safety systems. More specifically, benchmarking identifies those countries that employ comparatively best practices to assess, manage, and communicate the risks related to the safety of food and their respective food systems. The overarching intent of this benchmarking assessment, however, is to stimulate exchange and discussion on food safety performance among nations.