Between Zeus and the Salmon

Book Description

Demographers and public health specialists have been surprised by the rapid increases in life expectancy, especially at the oldest ages, that have occurred since the early 1960s. Some scientists are calling into question the idea of a fixed upper limit for the human life span. There is new evidence about the genetic bases for both humans and other species. There are also new theories and models of the role of mutations accumulating over the life span and the possible evolutionary advantages of survival after the reproductive years. This volume deals with such diverse topics as the role of the elderly in other species and among human societies past and present, the contribution of evolutionary theory to our understanding of human longevity and intergenerational transfers, mathematical models for survival, and the potential for collecting genetic material in household surveys. It will be particularly valuable for promoting communication between the social and life sciences.

Life Script

Book Description

With the decoding of the human genome, researchers can now read the script in which evolution has written the program for the design and operation of the human body. A new generation of medical treatments is at hand. Researchers are developing therapies so powerful that there is now no evident obstacle to the ancient goal of conquering most major diseases. Nicholas Wade has covered the sequencing of the genome, as well as other health and science stories, for The New York Times, in the course of which he has interviewed many of the principal researchers in the field. In this book he describes what the genome means for the health of present and future generations. Someday soon physicians will have access to DNA chips that, from a drop of blood, will screen a person's genes for all the diseases to which he or she may be genetically vulnerable. From full knowledge of the instruction manual of the human body, provided by the genome, pharmaceutical companies hope to develop a new generation of sophisticated drugs; one of the first genome-derived drugs is already undergoing clinical trials. Another vital tool will be regenerative medicine, a new kind of therapy in which new organs and tissues will be grown from a patient's own cells to replace those that are old or diseased. With the help of DNA chips, medical researchers will soon be able to diagnose diseases such as cancer much more precisely and to tailor specific treatments for each patient. Individualized medicine will also become an important part of the pharmaceutical world. Many drugs will be prescribed based on information from DNA chips that identify which of a range of drugs is best for each patient, as well as which drugs are likely to cause side effects. The medicine of the post-genomic era will be customized for a patient's genetic make-up, providing treatments based on a precise understanding of the mechanism of disease. Life Script describes a future in which good health, even perfect health, may become the standard for everyone -- at every age.

The Theoretical Biologist's Toolbox

Book Description

Mathematical modelling is widely used in ecology and evolutionary biology and it is a topic that many biologists find difficult to grasp. In this new textbook Marc Mangel provides a no-nonsense introduction to the skills needed to understand the principles of theoretical and mathematical biology. Fundamental theories and applications are introduced using numerous examples from current biological research, complete with illustrations to highlight key points. Exercises are also included throughout the text to show how theory can be applied and to test knowledge gained so far. Suitable for advanced undergraduate courses in theoretical and mathematical biology, this book forms an essential resource for anyone wanting to gain an understanding of theoretical ecology and evolution.

Demography - Volume II

Book Description

Zeng Yi is a Professor at the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development and Geriatric Division / Dept of Medicine of Medical School, and Institute of Population Research and Dept. of Sociology, Duke University. He is also a Professor at the China Center for Economic Research, National School of Development at Peking University in China, and Distinguished Research Scholar of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Germany. He received his doctoral degree from Brussels Free University in May 1986, and conducted post-doctoral study at Princeton University in 1986-87. Up to Feb. 2008, he has had 81 professional articles written in English published in academic journals or as book chapters in the United States and Europe; among them, 51 articles were published in anonymous, peer-reviewed academic journals. He has had 85 professional articles written in Chinese and published in China; among them, 55 articles were published in national top Chinese academic journals. He has published sixteen books, including five research books (as first author), such as “Family Dynamics in China,” published by the University of Wisconsin Press; one textbook on demographic methods (as the sole author); two volumes of demographic software and user’s manuals (as the first author) on family status life table analysis; six edited books (four as the chief editor, and two as the second editor), such as the 2005 and 2008 books published by Springer for which he served as the chief editor. Six of Zeng Yi’s published books were written in English, one was written in both Chinese and English, and the remainders were written in Chinese. Zeng Yi has been awarded more than ten national and international academic prizes, such as the Dorothy Thomas Prize of the Population Association of America, the Harold D. Lasswell Prize in Policy Science awarded by the international journal Policy Sciences and Kluwer Academic Publishers, the second-class prize for advancement of science and technology awarded by the State Sciences and Technology Commission of China, the first-class prize for advancement of science and technology awarded by the State Education Commission, and the highest academic honor of Peking University: "Prize for Outstanding Contributions in Sciences." According to the search report, up to March 1, 2008, the internationally most important literature sources SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) and SCI (Science Citation Index), published in the U.S., indicate that Zeng Yi’s articles and books have been cited in 755 journal articles by authors other than Zeng Yi. Among them, 440 citations refer to the work of Zeng Yi as the first author; 315 citations refer to the work of Zeng Yi as a co-author. Zeng Yi is one of the authors of “High Impact Papers” worldwide in the period of 1981 -1998, as announced by International Scientific Institute (ISI) in September, 2000.

The Paradoxes of Longevity

Book Description

An ever greater number of our contemporaries will reach a very much greater age than their ancestors. Longevity is one of the most fertile fields for paradoxes: it is clear that the same causes do not produce the same effects at the age of ten and at the age of one hundred! On the subject of longevity, the "recipe book" is far from having been written. Nevertheless, the Fondation IPSEN has chosen a few of these paradoxes to discuss and try and explain them.


Book Description

The first global account of what seismic shift in the age profile of the world's population means for our money, our work, and the quality of our lives in the new millennium. 35 illustrations.

From Birth to Death

Book Description

From Birth to Death is a detailed analysis of how population statistics are collected in the United States, particularly by the Bureau of the Census. It describes the errors and other flaws typically found in such data.Petersen sets out the fundamentals of demography and reviews the current proposal to use sampling in the census. He then reviews examples of how ignoring age and sex structure leads to false conclusions. Petersen explores race and ethnicity and the dilemmas inherent in the necessarily ambiguous definitions of these categories. He also analyzes the problems of women who postpone having children to ages when risks of failure become significant.The author also reviews the two most prominent population theories Malthus and the fertility transition and questions why predictions of future population size are often completely wrong. The final chapter discusses the pros and cons of state intervention in the control of fertility and efforts to cut family size in less developed countries and their unclear results. A principal topic is the relative accuracy of population statistics and the degree to which one should accept data as published. The main focus is on the United States and especially on the Bureau of the Census, but general points are sometimes illustrated with examples of how data from other countries should be evaluated.

Cells and Surveys

Book Description

What can social science, and demography in particular, reasonably expect to learn from biological information? There is increasing pressure for multipurpose household surveys to collect biological data along with the more familiar interviewer-respondent information. Given that recent technical developments have made it more feasible to collect biological information in non-clinical settings, those who fund, design, and analyze survey data need to think through the rationale and potential consequences. This is a concern that transcends national boundaries. Cells and Surveys addresses issues such as which biologic/genetic data should be collected in order to be most useful to a range of social scientists and whether amassing biological data has unintended side effects. The book also takes a look at the various ethical and legal concerns that such data collection entails.

The Fountain of Youth

Book Description

If effective anti-aging interventions were achieved, they would likely bring about profound alterations in the experiences of individual and collective life. What if modern scientists could find the modern equivalent to the Fountain of Youth that Ponce de Leon sought? This book addresses this question by exploring the ramifications of possible anti-aging interventions on both individual and collective life. Through a series of essays, it examines the biomedical goal of prolongevity from cultural, scientific, religious, and ethical perspectives, offering a sweeping view into the future of aging.