Big 5 Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, Emotionen und Absicht eine starke künstliche Intelligenz zu nutzen

Book Description

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Informatik - Künstliche Intelligenz, Note: 2.3, , Veranstaltung: Vertiefende Forschungsmethoden, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser Studie wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen der Ausprägung der Offenheit des Neurotizismus und der Verträglichkeit eines Individuums mit der Absicht eine starke künstliche Intelligenz zu nutzen untersucht. Weiterführend wurde auf den Einfluss auf diesen Zusammenhang durch Emotionen gegenüber künstlicher Intelligenz eingegangen. Dieser Forschungsbereich ist höchst relevant, weil Digitalisierung und die Verwendung von künstlicher Intelligenz im Alltag in den letzten Jahren immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen hat. Allerdings wurden bisher wenige Studien dazu durchgeführt, welche Persönlichkeitsdimensionen die Akzeptanz von künstlicher Intelligenz unterstützen oder diese verhindern. Die Studie ist quantitativ und wurde anhand einer anonymen Onlinebefragung durchgeführt. Es haben 265 Personen an der Umfrage teilgenommen und die Verteilung der Geschlechter war nahezu gleichmäßig. Die Untersuchung der Hypothesen hat ergeben, dass kein Zusammenhang zwischen den Persönlichkeitsdimensionen Neurotizismus und Verträglichkeit mit der Absicht eine starke künstliche Intelligenz zu nutzen besteht. Auch unter dem Einfluss von Emotionen ist dieser nicht gegeben. So müssen die Hypothesen verworfen und die Forschungsfrage mit nein beantwortet werden. Dies bedeutet, dass noch weitere Studien unabdingbar sind, um sich ein ganzheitliches Bild bezüglich des Zusammenhangs der Persönlichkeit eines Individuums mit der Akzeptanz von starker künstlicher Intelligenz machen zu können. Aus der wissenschaftlichen Perspektive kann festgehalten werden, dass noch weitere Untersuchungen notwendig sind, um anwendbare und auf die Praxis umsetzbare Ergebnisse zu erlangen.

Voyage to the Sonorous Land, Or, The Art of Asking ; And, The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other

Book Description

This book presents two plays, both of which are translated into English for the first time. In Voyage to the Sonorous Land, or The Art of Asking, a cockeyed optimist and a spoilsport lead a group of characters to the hinterland of their imaginations, where they search not for the right answers but for the questions. The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other takes place in a city square where more than four hundred characters pass by one another without speaking a single word.


Book Description

Edited by Gerfried Stocker and Christine Schepf. Essays by Peter J. Bentley, Erkki Huhtamo, Friedrich Kittler and Pierre Levy.

Patterns of Commoning

Book Description

What accounts for the persistence and spread of "commoning," the irrepressible desire of people to collaborate and share to meet everyday needs? How are the more successful projects governed? And why are so many people embracing the commons as a powerful strategy for building a fair, humane and Earth-respecting social order? In more than fifty original essays, Patterns of Commoning addresses these questions and probes the inner complexities of this timeless social paradigm. The book surveys some of the most notable, inspiring commons around the world, from alternative currencies and open design and manufacturing, to centuries-old community forests and co-learning commons - and dozens of others. David Bollier ( is an American author, activist and independent scholar who has studied the commons for nearly twenty years. Silke Helfrich ( is a German author and independent activist of the commons who blogs at, and cofounder of the Commons-Institut in Germany. With Michel Bauwens, Bollier and Helfrich are cofounders of the Common Strategies Group. For more information, go to the book's website, Patterns of Commoning (

Philosophy of the Information Society

Book Description

This is the second of two volumes of the proceedings from the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, August 2007. It contains selected contributions on the Philosophy of media, Philosophy of the Internet, on Ethics and the political economy of information society. Also included are papers presented in a workshop on electronic philosophy resources and open source/open access.


Book Description

Ottmar Ette’s TransArea proceeds from the thesis that globalization is not a recent phenomenon, but rather, a process of long duration that may be divided into four main phases of accelerated globalization. These phases connect our present, across the world’s widely divergent modern eras, to the period of early modern history. Ette demonstrates how the literatures of the world make possible a tangible perception of that which constitutes Life, both of our planet and on our planet, which may only be understood through the application of multiple logics. There is no substitute for the knowledge of literature: it is the knowledge of life, from life. This English translation will be of great interest to English-speaking scholars in the fields of Global and Area Studies, Literary Studies, Cultural Studies, History, Political Science, and many more. About the author Ottmar Ette has been Chair of Romance Literature at the University of Potsdam, Germany, since 1995. He is Honorary Member of the Modern Language Association of America (MLA) (elected in 2014), member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (elected in 2013), and regular member of the Academia Europaea (since 2010).

Distance Education

Book Description

Distance education, for long the Cinderella of the educational spectrum, had emerged in the 1970s and early 1980s as a valued component of many national educational systems in both developed and developing countries. The foundation of the Open Universities, developments in communications technology and in audio-, video- and computer-based learning, a new sophistication in the design of print-based materials and better support systems for the student learning at a distance had all contributed to the availability and quality of distance education programmes. Originally published in 1988, this book chronicles this great change in distance education. It presents the best writings on the subject published during the previous ten years. The articles selected for this volume provided a new scholarly basis for the theory and practice of distance education. The editors have brought together contributions from many countries and present authoritative introductions to each of the nine sections. This book provided those in both developed and developing countries with a guideline to one of the most rapidly expanding areas of education at the time.

A Cinema of Loneliness

Book Description

In this 20th anniversary edition, Kolker continues and expands his inquiry into the phenomenon of cinematic representation of culture by updating and revising the chapters on Kubrick, Scorsese, Altman and Spielberg.

Boundary Objects and Beyond

Book Description

The multifaceted work of the late Susan Leigh Star is explored through a selection of her writings and essays by friends and colleagues. Susan Leigh Star (1954–2010) was one of the most influential science studies scholars of the last several decades. In her work, Star highlighted the messy practices of discovering science, asking hard questions about the marginalizing as well as the liberating powers of science and technology. In the landmark work Sorting Things Out, Star and Geoffrey Bowker revealed the social and ethical histories that are deeply embedded in classification systems. Star's most celebrated concept was the notion of boundary objects: representational forms—things or theories—that can be shared between different communities, with each holding its own understanding of the representation. Unfortunately, Leigh was unable to complete a work on the poetics of infrastructure that further developed the full range of her work. This volume collects articles by Star that set out some of her thinking on boundary objects, marginality, and infrastructure, together with essays by friends and colleagues from a range of disciplines—from philosophy of science to organization science—that testify to the wide-ranging influence of Star's work. Contributors Ellen Balka, Eevi E. Beck, Dick Boland, Geoffrey C. Bowker, Janet Ceja Alcalá, Adele E. Clarke, Les Gasser, James R. Griesemer, Gail Hornstein, John Leslie King, Cheris Kramarae, Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, Karen Ruhleder, Kjeld Schmidt, Brian Cantwell Smith, Susan Leigh Star, Anselm L. Strauss, Jane Summerton, Stefan Timmermans, Helen Verran, Nina Wakeford, Jutta Weber

Digital Transformation of Learning Organizations

Book Description

This open access volume provides insight into how organizations change through the adoption of digital technologies. Opportunities and challenges for individuals as well as the organization are addressed. It features four major themes: 1. Current research exploring the theoretical underpinnings of digital transformation of organizations. 2. Insights into available digital technologies as well as organizational requirements for technology adoption. 3. Issues and challenges for designing and implementing digital transformation in learning organizations. 4. Case studies, empirical research findings, and examples from organizations which successfully adopted digital workplace learning.