The Studio

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Sésostris 3

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Le pharaon Sésostris III est l’un des rois les plus emblématiques de l’Égypte antique. Au cœur du Moyen Empire, son règne (vers 1872-1854 av. J.-C.) marque un tournant dans l’histoire de l’Égypte ancienne. Initiateur de grandes réformes politiques et administratives, ce souverain conquiert durant son règne la Nubie (Soudan actuel), où il fait construire un réseau de forteresses, délimite les premières frontières de son royaume et établit des relations commerciales et diplomatiques intenses avec ses voisins orientaux (actuels Chypre, Liban, Turquie, Syrie, Israël, Palestine). Ses expéditions militaires et la mise en place d’une administration très dévouée lui permettent d’asseoir son pouvoir face aux menaces extérieures mais aussi intérieures que représentaient les notables locaux. L’État égyptien est réinventé en profondeur. Ce changement est incarné dans l’art par la statuaire : les portraits énigmatiques du pharaon qui nous sont parvenus rompent avec les canons traditionnels et le montrent tantôt sous des traits sévères, symboles de sagesse, tantôt sous les traits idéaux d’un jeune homme. Les autres productions artistiques illustrent une prospérité retrouvée et une vitalité manifeste des échanges culturels avec les royaumes voisins.

Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century

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This comprehensive three-volume set marks the publication of the proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, held in Cairo in 2000, the largest Congress since the inaugural meeting in 1979. Organized thematically to reflect the breadth and depth of the material presented at this event, these papers provide a survey of current Egyptological research at the dawn of the twenty-first century. The proceedings include the eight Millennium Debates led by esteemed Egyptologists, addressing key issues in the field, as well as nearly every paper presented at the Congress. The 275 papers cover the whole spectrum of Egyptological research. Grouped under the themes of archaeology, history, religion, language, conservation, and museology, and written in English, French, and German, these contributions together form the most comprehensive picture of Egyptology today.

Sentimental Figures of Empire in Eighteenth-Century Britain and France

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In this ambitious and original study, Lynn Festa examines how and why sentimental fiction became one of the primary ways of representing British and French relations with colonial populations in the eighteenth century. Drawing from novels, poetry, travel narratives, commerce manuals, and philosophical writings, Festa shows how sentimentality shaped communal and personal assertions of identity in an age of empire. Read in isolation, sentimental texts can be made to tell a simple story about the emergence of the modern psychological self. Placed in conversation with empire, however, sentimentality invites both psychological and cultural readings of the encounter between self and other. Sentimental texts, Festa claims, enabled readers to create powerful imagined relations to distant people. Yet these emotional bonds simultaneously threatened the boundaries between self and other, civilized and savage, colonizer and colonized. Festa argues that sentimental tropes and figures allowed readers to feel for others, while maintaining the particularity of the individual self. Sentimental identification thus operated as a form of differentiation as well as consolidation. Festa contends that global reach increasingly outstripped imaginative grasp during this era. Sentimentality became an important tool for writers on empire, allowing conquest to be portrayed as commerce and scenes of violence and exploitation to be converted into displays of benevolence and pity. Above all, sentimental texts used emotion as an important form of social and cultural distinction, as the attribution of sentience and feeling helped to define who would be recognized as human.

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The Bijou

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