Bilingualism as Interactional Practices

Book Description

Foregrounds the practical usefulness of bilingualism, with specific reference to talk organisation Research on bilingualism and on code-switching in particular has traditionally been geared towards rehabilitating bilingualism and bilingual language use. From being seen as a sign of lack of competence, code-switching is now seen as a sign of high competence in the languages involved. However, this rehabilitation of bilingualism raises an entirely new problem: Where to from here? How can the study of bilingualism continue to be interesting and relevant? In order to overcome the challenges the discipline faces as a result of its own success, here Joseph Gafaranga argues, the notion of bilingualism itself must be redefined. Bilingualism must be seen as consisting of diverse interactional practices and investigated as such. This book details the rehabilitation effort which has been undertaken to get us where we are today, proposes a methodology which can be used in moving forward and illustrates it with three case studies, all the while inviting other researchers to contribute to this new research direction. Key Features Demonstrates empirically how bilingualism can be thought of as a resource, drawing on data from a variety of sociolinguistic contextsExamines specific aspects of conversational organisation (such as turn-taking, sequence organisation, repair organisation) where language choice is used as a resourceInvestigates the role of language choice in bilingual conversation against the backdrop of clearly set out theoretical backgrounds

Second Language Interaction

Book Description

Members of divergent societies are increasingly involved in interactional situations, both publicly and privately, where participants do not share linguistic resources. Second language conversations have become common everyday events in the globalized world, and an interest has evolved to determine how interaction is conducted and understanding achieved in such asymmetric conversations. This book describes how mutual intelligibility is established, checked and remedied in authentic interaction between first and second language speakers, both in institutional and everyday situations. The study is rooted in the interactional view on language, and it contributes to our knowledge on interactional practices, in particular in cases where some doubt exists about the level of intersubjectivity between the participants. It expands the traditional research agenda of conversation analysis that is based on the concepts of 'membership' and 'members' shared competences'. By showing in detail how speakers with restricted linguistic resources can interact successfully and achieve the (institutional) goals of interactions, this study also adds to our knowledge of the questions that are central in second language research, such as when and how the non-native speakers' 'linguistic output' is modified by themselves or by the native speakers, or when the non-native speakers display uptake after these modifications.

Second and Foreign Language Learning Through Classroom Interaction

Book Description

This volume brings together the current theoretical interest in reconceptualizing second and foreign language learning from a sociocultural perspective on language and learning, with practical concerns about second and foreign language pedagogy. It presents a set of studies whose focus is on the empirical description of particular practices constructed in classroom interaction that promote the learning of a second or foreign language. The authors examine in detail the processes by which the learning of additional languages is accomplished in the interaction of a variety of classrooms and in a variety of languages. Not only will the findings from the studies reported in this volume help to lay a foundation for the development of a more expansive, sociocultural model of second and foreign language learning, but on a more practical level they will help language educators in creating a set of principles for identifying and sustaining classroom interactional practices that foster additional language development. The volume is distinguished in three ways: * Following a Vygotskyan perspective on development, the studies assume that language learning is a fundamentally pragmatic enterprise, intrinsically linked to language use. This breaks from a more traditional understanding of second and foreign language learning, which has viewed learning and use as two distinct phenomena. The importance of classroom interaction to additional language development is foregrounded. * The investigations reported in this book are distinguished by their methodological approach. Because language learning is assumed to be a situated, context-sensitive, and dynamic process, the studies do not rely on traditional experimental methods for collecting and analyzing data, but rather, they involve primarily the use of ethnographic and discourse analytic methods. * The studies focus on interactional practices that promote second and foreign language learning. Although a great deal of research has examined first language learning in classrooms from a sociocultural perspective, little has looked at second and foreign language classrooms from such a perspective. Thus there is a strong need for this volume of studies addressing this area of research. Researchers, teacher educators, and graduate students across the fields of second and foreign language learning, applied linguistics, and language education will find this book informative and relevant. Because of the programmatic implications arising from the studies, it will also appeal to teacher educators and teachers of second and foreign languages from the elementary to the university levels.

Innovative Research and Practices in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism

Book Description

This volume brings together theoretical perspectives and empirical studies in second language (L2) acquisition and bilingualism and discusses their implications for L2 pedagogy. The book is organized into three sections that focus on prominent linguistic and cognitive theories and together provide a compelling set of state-of-the-art works. Part I consists of studies that give rise to innovative applications for second language teaching and learning and Part II discusses how findings from cognitive research can inform practices for L2 teaching and learning. Following these two sections, Part III provides a summative commentary of the theories explored in the volume along with suggestions for future research directions. The book is intended to act as a valuable reference for scholars, applied linguists, specialists in pedagogy, language educators, and anyone wishing to gain an overview of current issues in SLA and bilingualism.

Developing and Evaluating Quality Bilingual Practices in Higher Education

Book Description

This book provides an overview and evaluation of the quality of bilingual education found in internationalised higher education institutions. Its authors focus on the multifaceted roles that language(s) play in these growing multilingual spaces and analyse and identify the many factors that account for quality multilingual degree programmes. The chapters cover themes such as language policy, quality assurance tools and indicators of quality and the authors approach issues of quality from very different and complementary perspectives, adopting for example, temporal, evaluative and developmental positioning, and taking micro, meso and macro level perspectives, while still keeping sight of the local realities, practices and possibilities. The contributions are written by authors working in Brazil, Finland, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK and have implications for researchers, education coordinators, practitioners and other stakeholders who are looking to design, launch and evaluate new programmes in any higher education context worldwide.

The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education

Book Description

This book addresses two critical calls pertaining to language education. Firstly, for attention to be paid to the transdisciplinary nature and complexity of learner identity and interaction in the classroom and secondly, for the need to attend to conceptualizations of and approaches to manifestations of (in)equity in the sociohistorical contexts in which they occur. Collectively, the chapters envision classrooms and educational institutions as sites both shaping and shaped by larger (trans)communal negotiations of being and belonging, in which individuals affirm and/or problematize essentialized and idealized nativeness and community membership. The volume, comprised of chapters contributed by a diverse array of researcher-practitioners living, working and/or studying around the globe, is intended to inform, empower and inspire stakeholders in language education to explore, potentially reimagine, and ultimately critically and practically transform, the communities in which they live, work and/or study.

The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism

Book Description

The ability to speak two or more languages is a common human experience, whether for children born into bilingual families, young people enrolled in foreign language classes, or mature and older adults learning and using more than one language to meet life's needs and desires. This Handbook offers a developmentally oriented and socially contextualized survey of research into individual bilingualism, comprising the learning, use and, as the case may be, unlearning of two or more spoken and signed languages and language varieties. A wide range of topics is covered, from ideologies, policy, the law, and economics, to exposure and input, language education, measurement of bilingual abilities, attrition and forgetting, and giftedness in bilinguals. Also explored are cross- and intra-disciplinary connections with psychology, clinical linguistics, second language acquisition, education, cognitive science, neurolinguistics, contact linguistics, and sign language research.

Storytelling in Multilingual Interaction

Book Description

Integral to the tapestry of social interaction, storytelling is the focus of interest for scholars from a diverse range of academic disciplines. This volume combines the study of conversation analysis (CA) with storytelling in multilingual contexts to examine how multilingual speakers converse and manage various aspects of storytelling and how they accomplish a wide range of actions through storytelling in classroom and everyday settings. An original, book-length endeavor devoted exclusively to storytelling in multilingual contexts, this book contributes to broadening the scope of the foundational conversation analytic literature on storytelling and to further specifying the nature of second language (L2) interactional competence. Designed for pre-service and in-service second or foreign language teachers, students of applied linguistics, as well as scholars interested in storytelling, this volume explores the cross-linguistic nature of generic interactional practices, sheds light on the nature of translanguaging and learner language, and provides insights into teacher practices on managing classroom storytelling.

Sign Bilingualism

Book Description

This volume provides a unique cross-disciplinary perspective on the external ecological and internal psycholinguistic factors that determine sign bilingualism, its development and maintenance at the individual and societal levels. Multiple aspects concerning the dynamics of contact situations involving a signed and a spoken or a written language are covered in detail, i.e. the development of the languages in bilingual deaf children, cross-modal contact phenomena in the productions of child and adult signers, sign bilingual education concepts and practices in diverse social contexts, deaf educational discourse, sign language planning and interpretation. This state-of-the-art collection is enhanced by a final chapter providing a critical appraisal of the major issues emerging from the individual studies in the light of current assumptions in the broader field of contact linguistics. Given the interdependence of research, policy and practice, the insights gathered in the studies presented are not only of scientific interest, but also bear important implications concerning the perception, understanding and promotion of bilingualism in deaf individuals whose language acquisition and use have been ignored for a long time at the socio-political and scientific levels.

Monolingual Policy, Bilingual Interaction

Book Description

The research reported here is an investigation of bilingual instruction in Bangladeshi schools. In particular, the thesis explores how schooling takes place when a second language is used as a medium of instruction to teach subject content. The study is based on a corpus of 44 hours of video recordings from real-life classroom interaction at two Bangladeshi schools in two metropolitan cities. The age range of the students is 9 to 13 years. Using multimodal conversation analysis, the thesis analyzes the participants’ practice – as it emerges through mundane classroom activities – and thereby examines participants’ language use in the presence of an existing language policy. The findings show how everyday instructional activities are accomplished in classrooms, especially the pedagogical focus on clarifying subject content and vocabulary. It further highlights that the interrelation between classroom interaction and language policy is informed by the participants’ use of embodied resources and the surrounding material ecology. The dissertation contributes to the growing literature on social interaction in bilingual classrooms and the wider field of bilingual and multilingual pedagogy. Den här avhandlingen undersöker tvåspråkig undervisning i skolor i Bangladesh, med särskilt fokus på hur ett andraspråk, engelska, används för att undervisa ämnesinnehållet. Studien är baserad på videoinspelningar av klassrumsinteraktioner i två skolor i Bangladesh belägna i två storstäder. Åldern på de deltagande eleverna är 9 till 13 år, och den totala inspelningstiden är 44 timmar. I avhandlingen analyseras deltagarnas – både lärares och elevers – pedagogiska interaktion in situ, det vill säga så som de uttrycks i de faktiska klassrumssituationerna. Med hjälp av multimodal konversationsanalys undersöks vilka strategier deltagarna använder för att utföra klassrumsarbete mot bakgrund av skolans språkpolicy om att enbart kommunicera på engelska. Resultatet visar hur den faktiska undervisningen går till i klassrummen, och särskilt det pedagogiska fokuset på att förtydliga ämnesinnehållet och utöka ordförrådet. Avhandlingen bidrar till forskningen om social interaktion i tvåspråkiga klassrum och till den växande kunskapen om två- och flerspråkig pedagogik. বর্তমান গবেষণাপত্রটির উদ্দেশ্য বাংলাদেশী ইংরেজী-ভাষী স্কুলের বিষয়ভিত্তিক শ্রেনীকক্ষে (যেমন: গণিত, বিজ্ঞান, তথ্য ও প্রযুক্তি, কৃষি ইত্যাদি) পড়াশোনার কাজে কিভাবে পাঠদানকালীন সময়ে বাংলা ও ইংরেজীকে যুগপৎ ব্যবহার করা হয় তার সবিস্তার অনুসন্ধান। বাংলাদেশে অবস্থিত দুটি স্কুলের শ্রেণীকক্ষের দৈনন্দিন শিক্ষা কার্যক্রমের ক্যামেরায় ধারণকৃত উপাত্ত (সর্বমোট ৪৪ ঘন্টার) মাল্টিমোডাল কনভারসেশন এনালিসিস বা কথোপকথন বিশ্লেষণের মাধ্যমে এই সমীক্ষা পর্যবেক্ষণ করে যে, অংশগ্রহণকারী শিক্ষক এবং শিক্ষার্থীরা উভয়ই পাঠদানকালীন সময়ে কিভাবে প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক ইংরেজী এক ভাষা নীতি ব্যবহারের নিয়ম মেনে চলে। শিক্ষার্থীদের গড় বয়স ৯ থেকে ১৩। গবেষণাটির ফলাফল নির্দেশ করে যে, আপাত বিরোধী হলেও ইংরেজী এক ভাষা নীতির পরিবর্তে বাংলা ও ইংরেজীর যুগপৎ ব্যবহার শুধুমাত্র বিষয়ভিত্তিক জ্ঞান বৃদ্ধিই করে না বরং ইংরেজী সংক্রান্ত জ্ঞান (যেমন: শব্দভান্ডার, শব্দের গভীর অর্থ উপলব্ধি ইত্যাদি) বৃদ্ধিতে সুনির্দিষ্ট ইতিবাচক ভূমিকা রাখে। গবেষণার প্রাপ্ত ফলাফল থেকে আরো দেখা যায় যে, শিক্ষক ও ছাত্রছাত্রীরা নানাবিধ ধ্বনি-উত্তর (নন-ভার্বাল), কণ্ঠ-উত্তর (নন-ভোকাল) এবং শ্রেণীকক্ষের পারিপার্শ্বিক সংস্থানকে (ম্যাটেরিয়াল ইকোলজি) শিক্ষাসংক্রান্ত কর্মকান্ডে পদ্ধতিগতভাবে ব্যবহার করে এবংপাঠদানকালীন সময়ে বাংলা ও ইংরেজীর যুগপৎ ব্যবহারে নানাবিধ ভাষাগত ও ভাষা-উত্তর সংস্থান (রিসোর্স) বিস্তৃত ভূমিকা রাখে। দ্বি-ভাষা অথবা বহু-ভাষা সংক্রান্ত গবেষণায় আগ্রহী পাঠকের জন্য সমীক্ষাটি লিখিত।