Biodiversität und Gesellschaft Biodiversity and Society : Gesellschaftliche Dimensionen von Schutz und Nutzung biologischer Vielfalt

Book Description

Die Tagung „Biodiversität und Gesellschaft“ diskutierte Themen der Biodiversitätsforschung aus gesellschafts- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Die Einbeziehung dieser Perspektiven in die bisher vor allem naturwissenschaftlich geprägte Forschung ist für die Definitionen von Schutzzielen und Bewertungsmaßstäben sowie für die Entwicklung von Instrumenten für den Schutz und die Nutzung der Biodiversität notwendig. Da insbesondere die Instrumente stets innerhalb komplexer sozialer, ökonomischer und rechtlicher Zusammenhänge eingesetzt werden, müssen diese als gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen berücksichtigt werden. Dazu leistet dieser Tagungsband einen Beitrag, indem er Erkenntnisse verschiedener Disziplinen aufzeigt, die eine fundierte und nachhaltige Auseinandersetzung mit dem Verhältnis des Menschen zur und den Auswirkungen menschlichen Verhaltens auf die Biodiversität eröffnen. The conference “Biodiversity and Society” discussed topics of biodiversity research from the perspective of social sciences and humanities. The inclusion of these perspectives in the until now scientifically orientated biodiversity research is necessary for the definition of conservation goals and value standards, as well as for the development of instruments for the preservation and use of biodiversity. Since the instruments in particular are applied in complex social, economic and legal contexts, these societal conditions should be considered. This proceedings volume presents findings of multiple disciplines and thereby contributes to an integral and fruitful analysis of the human relation to and influence on biodiversity.

Social Ecology State of the Art and Future Prospects

Book Description

This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Social Ecology. State of the Art and Future Prospects" that was published in Sustainability

Experimentalism and Sociology

Book Description

This book is based on the understanding that the diversity and heterogeneity of science and society are not only issue of critique, but engender experimental forms of collaboration. Building on John Dewey’s experimental theory of knowledge and inquiry, practice theory, science and technology studies and the anthropology of nature, the book offers a trenchant redefinition of a present-focused sociology as a science of experience in the spirit of experimentalism. Crisis, instead of being a mere problem, is understood as the baseline for creativity and innovation. Committed to the experimental pursuit, the book provides an experience-based methodological approach for an inter- and trans disciplinary sociology. Finally, it argues for a globalized and transformative sociological outreach beyond established epistemic and national borders. This book is of interest to sociologists and other social scientists pursuing experimentalism in theory, method and/or practice.

Biodiversität, Ökosystemfunktionen und Naturschutz

Book Description

Der weltweite Verlust an biologischer Vielfalt, verursacht durch eine nicht nachhaltige Nutzung von Ökosystemen, birgt schwerwiegende gesamtgesellschaftliche Risiken, welche jenen des Klimawandels vergleichbar sind. Doch erst seit wenigen Jahren verstehen wir genauer, warum biologische Vielfalt eine Grundvoraussetzung für die Stabilität und das Funktionieren von Ökosystemen und damit auch für gesellschaftlichen Wohlstand ist. Das vorliegende Buch stellt in anschaulicher und allgemeinverständlicher Form das heute verfügbare Wissen über die „funktionelle Bedeutung“ der globalen biologischen Vielfalt vor und erläutert anhand von faszinierenden und vielen wissenschaftlich neuen Beispielen, warum wir den Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt als dringende, gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe begreifen müssen. Es erklärt, wie Pflanzen- und Tierarten miteinander zusammenleben und wie gerade ihre Wechselbeziehungen verschiedenste Ökosysteme – einem Uhrwerk vergleichbar – zum „funktionieren“ bringen oder diese gar gegenüber Störungen oder globalen Veränderungen stabilisieren. Anhand gut verständlicher und fesselnder Fallbeispiele zeigt das Buch, wie Artenvielfalt und diverse Lebensgemeinschaften unabdingbar sind für intakte Ökosysteme, und dass wir eine ungestörte Artenvielfalt schon deshalb benötigen, weil ohne sie die von uns Menschen zum Überleben notwendigen Serviceleistungen der Ökosysteme gar nicht zustande kämen.

Biodiversity for Sustainable Development

Book Description

Divided into three sections, this book explores the three main pillars of sustainable development, namely economy, environment and society, and their interlinkages at the regional level. The first section, Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) for sustainable development, focuses on international agreements and national legislation, as well as the challenges in implementing ABS in e.g. India. In turn, the second section examines the process of forming Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) at the Local Self Government (LSG) level to promote environmental sustainability, highlighting local and community-level conservation initiatives that have led to the conservation of habitats and species. The third section addresses poverty eradication and food security. The case studies included demonstrate how the combination of traditional knowledge and modern techniques can enhance the productivity of traditional crop varieties, yielding greater benefits for communities. The aim of this volume is to disseminate the lessons learned from these case studies, as well as the findings from projects already in place, which can offer recommendations that can be applied to similar problems elsewhere in an attempt to find environmental solutions for sustainable development. Further, it introduces readers to new approaches to inclusive development, demonstrating that participation and grass root empowerment are key drivers of equitable and sustainable development.

Erhalt und Finanzierung biologischer Vielfalt - Synergien zwischen internationalem Biodiversitäts- und Klimaschutzrecht

Book Description

Das Buch analysiert das Problem der unzureichenden Finanzierung von Maßnahmen zum Erhalt der globalen biologischen Vielfalt. Dafür verknüpft der Autor neueste naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse mit ökonomischer Analyse und rechtswissenschaftlicher Auslegung. Zunächst ermittelt er die Ursachen des Verlustes und den Nutzen von Biodiversität, um dann zu untersuchen, wie die rechtlichen Verpflichtungen zwischen Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern in der Biodiversitätskonvention und dem Klimaschutzregime ausgestaltet und verteilt sind.

Biodiversity and Education for Sustainable Development

Book Description

This book gathers interdisciplinary reflections from researchers, educators, and other experts on the subject of biodiversity closer to education and learning. The book also highlights its role as an added value to strategic principles for healthy ecosystems and sustainable human development. It promotes critical thinking and foster practices and attitudes for Education for Sustainable Development reconciling education with principles of human behaviour and nature. Readers especially find this book a timely resource in light of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020, the Aichi Targets, and the new EU biodiversity strategy “Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020”. Along with the challenge of ecosystems and public health, biodiversity conservation is essential for humanity’s continued security and sustainability, as it touches on all aspects of people’s lives.

Concepts and Values in Biodiversity

Book Description

Biodiversity may refer to the diversity of genes, species or ecosystems in general. These varying concepts of biodiversity occasionally lead to conflicts among researchers and policy makers, as each of them require a customized type of protection strategy. This book addresses the questions surrounding the merits of conserving an existing situation, evolutionary development or the intentional substitution of one genome, species or ecosystem for another. Any practical steps towards the protection of biodiversity demand a definition of that which is to be protected and, in turn, the motivations for protecting biodiversity. Is biodiversity a necessary model which is also useful, or does it carry intrinsic value? Debates like this are particularly complex when interested parties address it from different conceptual and moral perspectives. Comprised of three parts, each complemented by a short introductory paragraph, this collection presents a variety of approaches to this challenge. The chapters cover the perspectives of environmental scientists with expertise in evolutionary, environmental biology, systematic zoology and botany, as well as those of researchers with expertise in philosophy, ethics, politics, law and economics. This combination facilitates a truly interdisciplinary debate by highlighting hitherto unacknowledged implications that inform current academic and political debates on biodiversity and its protection. The book should be of interest to students and researchers of environment studies, biodiversity, environmental philosophy, ethics and management.


Book Description

Biodiversity, sometimes simply understood as "diversity of species", is a specific quality of life on our planet, the dimensions and importance of which have just lately been fully realized. Today we know that "biological diversity is a global asset of incalculable value to present and future generations" (Kofi Annan). Biodiversity is spread unequally over the world: in fact, the main share of biological resources worldwide is harboured predominantly by the so-called developing countries in the tropics and sub tropics. Therefore, Biodiversity - A Challenge for Development Research and Policy was chosen as the title for an international conference which was held in Bonn in 1997 as one of the first major events organized by the then newly established North-South Centre for Development Research (ZEF) at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn (Germany). Since the ZEF, founded by the Senate of the University of Bonn in 1995, has played a central role in turning Bonn into a centre for international cooperation and North-South dialogue. The Centre is a product of the Bonn Berlin agreement of July 1994 which was adopted to offset the effects caused by the Parliament and much of the Government moving to Berlin. It fits in well with the double strategy to strengthen Bonn's position as an interna tional science arena and as an eminent place for development policy and the national and supranational agencies dealing with this issue.


Book Description

Biodiversity is the foundation of life. So far the protection of biodiversity is often associated with creating and managing sanctuaries and habitats. But the question arises which policy areas have to be dealt with by politics when the goal is to create an effective and comprehensive biodiversity policy. In this study not only social or individual factors are analyzed with regard to their impact on biodiversity but also the existing social and economic order. As a result it is concluded that a second tier of biodiversity policy is needed, focusing especially on the existing capitalistic and growth oriented economic system. In a second part, it is asked whether or not first steps towards this second tier can be already seen within the German federal administration or the parties elected to the German parliament, the Bundestag.