Biografi Kehidupan Nabi Idris AS (Enoch) Edisi Bahasa Inggris Classic Version Hardcover Edition

Book Description

Biografi Sejarah Kehidupan Nabi Idris AS atau Enoch Dalam Bahasa Inggris Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran, Hadist Rasulullah SAW Dan Tulisan Para Ulama Ilmuwan Muslim Versi Hardcover. Allah SWT (God) says in The Holy Qur'an: "And mention Idris in the Book, surely he was a truthful man, a Prophet. And We raised him high in heaven. (The Holy Quran 19:57-58) From authentic books, it is narrated from Wahab that Prophet Idris AS (Enoch) was a well-built man with a broad chest. He had less hair on his body and more on his head. His one ear was bigger than the other. He had scanty hair on his chest and spoke in a low voice. While walking his feet used to come close to one another. He is known as Idris because he used to teach about the magnanimity of Allah SWT (God) and the excellence of Islam. He pondered about the majesty, grandiose and glory of Allah SWT (God), that the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and clouds and all other creations have a creator who by His power has created them, formed and arranged them.

Biografi Kehidupan Nabi Idris AS (Enoch) Edisi Bahasa Inggris Classic Version

Book Description

Biografi Sejarah Kehidupan Nabi Idris AS atau Enoch Dalam Bahasa Inggris Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran, Hadist Rasulullah SAW Dan Tulisan Para Ulama Ilmuwan Muslim. Allah SWT (God) says in The Holy Qur'an: "And mention Idris in the Book, surely he was a truthful man, a Prophet. And We raised him high in heaven. (The Holy Quran 19:57-58) From authentic books, it is narrated from Wahab that Prophet Idris AS (Enoch) was a well-built man with a broad chest. He had less hair on his body and more on his head. His one ear was bigger than the other. He had scanty hair on his chest and spoke in a low voice. While walking his feet used to come close to one another. He is known as Idris because he used to teach about the magnanimity of Allah SWT (God) and the excellence of Islam. He pondered about the majesty, grandiose and glory of Allah SWT (God), that the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and clouds and all other creations have a creator who by His power has created them, formed and arranged them.

The Life of Prophet Idris AS (Enoch) Bilingual Version English Germany Standar Edition

Book Description

The Life of Prophet Idris AS (Enoch) Bilingual Edition In English and Germany Languange Based From The Holy Quran and Al-Hadith. Allah SWT (God) says in The Holy Qur'an: "And mention Idris in the Book, surely he was a truthful man, a Prophet. And We raised him high in heaven. (The Holy Quran 19:57-58) From authentic books, it is narrated from Wahab that Prophet Idris AS (Enoch) was a well-built man with a broad chest. He had less hair on his body and more on his head. His one ear was bigger than the other. He had scanty hair on his chest and spoke in a low voice. While walking his feet used to come close to one another. He is known as Idris because he used to teach about the magnanimity of Allah SWT (God) and the excellence of Islam. He pondered about the majesty, grandiose and glory of Allah SWT (God), that the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and clouds and all other creations have a creator who by His power has created them, formed and arranged them. Allah SWT (Gott) sagt im Heiligen Koran: "Und erwähnt Idris im Buch, er war sicherlich ein wahrhaftiger Mann, ein Prophet. Und Wir haben ihn hoch in den Himmel erhoben. (Koran 19:57-58) Aus authentischen Büchern wird von Wahab erzählt, dass der Prophet Idris AS (Henoch) ein gut gebauter Mann mit einer breiten Brust war. Er hatte weniger Haare am Körper und mehr auf dem Kopf. Sein eines Ohr war größer als das andere. Er hatte spärliche Haare auf der Brust und sprach mit tiefer Stimme. Während des Gehens kamen seine Füße einander immer näher. Er ist als Idris bekannt, weil er über den Großmut Allahs SWT (Gott) und die Vortrefflichkeit des Islam zu lehren pflegte. Er dachte über die Majestät, Großartigkeit und Herrlichkeit Allahs SWT (Gott) nach, dass der Himmel, die Erde, die Sonne, der Mond, die Sterne und Wolken und alle anderen Schöpfungen einen Schöpfer haben, der sie durch Seine Macht geschaffen, geformt und angeordnet hat.

Islamic Folklore The Biography of Prophet Idris AS English Edition Hardcover Version

Book Description

Prophet Idris AS, known as Enoch in some traditions, played a vital role in Islam as a monotheistic guide. His wisdom led him to caution against idolatry, advocating devotion to Allah SWT (God). Remarkably, he lived 960 years, using his extended life to propagate his teachings. His exceptional ascension to the heavens paradise, untouched by death, underscores his unwavering commitment. His story in The Noble Quran and Al-Hadiths underscores the significance of faith, righteous conduct, and dedication to God's message.