Boer Politics. 1881 - 1900

Book Description

Yves Guyot (6 September 1843 - 22February 1928) was a French politicianand economist.He was born at Dinan. Educated alRennes, he took up the profession ofjournalism, coming to Paris in 1867. He wasfor a short period editor-in-chief ofL'Independent du midi of Nîmes, but joined the staff of Le Rappel on its foundation, and worked subsequently on other journals.In this book he examines the Boer Politics from the days of Kruger to 1900, with emphais on treaties and conventions.These editions are facsimile prints and may contain some formatting errors or lack of graphical clarity.Some images may have been replaced or removed from original manuscript.

Boer War Illustrated

Book Description

Diamonds, Gold, and War

Book Description

Southern Africa was once regarded as a worthless jumble of British colonies, Boer republics, and African chiefdoms, a troublesome region of little interest to the outside world. But then prospectors chanced upon the world's richest deposits of diamonds and gold, setting off a titanic struggle between the British and the Boers for control of the land. The result was the costliest, bloodiest, and most humiliating war that Britain had waged in nearly a century, and the devastation of the Boer republics. The New Yorker calls this magisterial account of those years “[an] astute history.… Meredith expertly shows how the exigencies of the diamond (and then gold) rush laid the foundation for apartheid.”

War of Words

Book Description

Tussen 1899 en 1902 woedde in Zuid-Afrika een oorlog tussen de Boerenrepublieken en het Britse Rijk. Veel Nederlanders steunden in die tijd de Boeren. Dit uitte zich in een vloedgolf aan propagandamateriaal om een tegenwicht te bieden aan de Britse berichtgeving over de oorlog. Dit boek bevat een grondige analyse van de Nederlandse pro-Boeren-beweging vanaf haar begin in de jaren 1880. Kuitenbrouwer gaat in op de organisaties die de banden tussen Nederland en Zuid-Afrika trachtten aan te halen en zo belangrijke knooppunten werden in een internationaal netwerk. Aan de hand van bronnenmateriaal toont de auteur aan dat de propagandacampagne voor de Boeren nog lang nagalmde in de twintigste eeuw.0.

Forgotten Protest

Book Description

McCracken (history and humanities, U. of Durban-Westville, South Africa) illuminates the contact between Ireland and South Africa in the age of high imperialism, and the interest aroused in Ireland by developments in South Africa and their effects on Irish politics of the time. The first edition was

Kruger, Kommandos & Kak

Book Description

The second Boer War is the most important war in South African history; indeed, without it, South Africa would likely have not existed. But itÕs also one of the least understood conflicts of the era. Over a century of Leftist bleating and insidious, self-serving revisionism, first by Afrikaner nationalists and then by the apartheid regime, has left the layman with a completely skewed view of the war. Incredibly, most people will tell you that the British attacked the Boers to steal their gold, and that when the clueless, red-jacketed Tommies advanced under orders of bumptious, incompetent British generals they were mowed down in their thousands. Others think of the conflict in terms of ÔBritain against South AfricaÕ and many believe that the Boers actually won the war; the marginally more enlightened explain away the Boer defeat by claiming it took millions of British troops to beat them, or that it was only the ÔgenocideÕ of the concentration camps which forced the plucky Boers to throw in the towel. Ê ItÕs all bosh. This book will take everything you thought you ÔknewÕ about the war and turn it on its head. From KrugerÕs expansionist dream of an Afrikaans empire Ôfrom the Zambesi to the CapeÕ, to the murder and devastation wrought on Natal by his invading commandos, to the savage massacres of thousands of blacks committed by the ÔgallantÕ bitter-einders, the reader will have his eyes opened to the brutal realities of the conflict, and be forced to reassess previously held notions of the rights and wrongs of the war. Hard-hitting and uncomfortable reading for those who do not want their bubble of ignorance burst, Kruger, Kommandos & Kak exposes that side of the Boer War which the apartheid propaganda machine didnÕt want you to know about.

Archives of Empire

Book Description

DIVA collection of original writings and documents from British colonialism in Africa./div