
Book Description

“Boklit” is a story of Ely’s life from his childhood until he was captured by God in a violent near death experienced under the hands of gangsters. Boklit grew up in poverty with abusive father. He desired to kill his dad at a very young age. Boklit became violent and was already in drugs, sex, smoking and booze at the age of twelve. He became wanted by the law when he was a teenager. Find out more about his life in this inspiring book- ‘Boklit’. His life changing testimony was featured on 700 Club Asia ‘Walwal’ - (The Ely Sagansay Story).

Louisiana Coushatta Basket Makers

Book Description

Louisiana Coushatta Basket Makers brings together oral histories, tribal records, archival materials, and archaeological evidence to explore the fascinating history of the Coushatta Tribe’s famed basket weavers. After settling at their present location near the town of Elton, Louisiana, in the 1880s, the Coushatta (Koasati) tribe developed a basket industry that bolstered the local tribal economy and became the basis for generating tourism and political mobilization. The baskets represented a material culture that distinguished the Coushattas as Indigenous people within an ethnically and racially diverse region. Tribal leaders serving as diplomats also used baskets as strategic gifts as they built political and economic allegiances throughout the twentieth century, thereby securing the Coushattas’ future. Behind all these efforts were the basket makers themselves. Although a few Coushatta men assisted in the production of baskets, it was mostly women who put in the long hours to gather and process the materials, then skillfully stitch them together to produce treasures of all shapes and sizes. The art of basket making exists within a broader framework of Coushatta traditional teachings and educational practices that have persisted to the present. As they tell the story of Coushatta basket makers, Linda P. Langley and Denise E. Bates provide a better understanding of the tribe’s culture and values. The weavers’ own “language of baskets” shapes this narrative, which depicts how the tribe survived repeated hardships as weavers responded on their own terms to market demands. The work of Coushatta basket makers represents the perseverance of traditional knowledge in the form of unique and carefully crafted fine art that continues to garner greater recognition and appreciation with every successive generation.


Book Description

“Expulsions” is about the sure Debts, Deaths, and the Day of the Lord. It’s been over our head since conception. The unstoppable Expulsions from Debts and Death through Jesus’ death help us live in victory and peace, otherwise in constant fear. His Second Coming is our blessed hope in the midst of debts and fear of death.

Animal farm / Скотный двор. Уровень 2

Book Description

«Скотный двор» – сатирическая повесть-притча Джорджа Оруэлла. Она рассказывает о группе домашних животных, восставших против своего хозяина – фермера Джонса – надеясь создать общество, в котором животные были бы свободны, равны и счастливы. Но в конце концов восстание обернулось разочарованием, так как жизнь на ферме стала еще тяжелее.Текст сопровождается комментариями и словарем, облегчающим чтение. Предназначается для продолжающих изучать английский язык нижней ступени (уровень 2 – Pre-Intermediate).В формате a4.pdf сохранен издательский макет.

Скотный двор / Animal Farm

Book Description

«Скотный двор» – сатирическая притча Джорджа Оруэлла, рассказывающая о домашних животных, восставших против фермера в надежде построить общество, в котором не будет места жестокости и неравенству. Однако одна тирания сменилась другой, а вожделенное светлое будущее теперь кажется еще более недосягаемым, чем прежде.Текст произведения снабжен грамматическим комментарием и словарем, в который вошли все слова, содержащиеся в тексте. Благодаря этому книга подойдет для любого уровня владения языком.

Mi Daily Devotion

Book Description

Mi Daily Devotion is a good source for your personal daily quiet time with the Lord. A Bible- centered daily devotion with Scriptural references already printed for you and for your convenience. It's an excellent material for Bible study, family devotion and for open discussion in Sunday school or small groups. Some churches in other parts of the world are using this book as their devotional guide in their regular choir practice or Bible study. Mi daily devotion is about love, inspiration, encouragement, encounter with God, self- evaluation, quiet time with God, challenges and comfort. This book is full of Biblical, positive and practical ideas to help us spend our time with God intimately. In spite of our busy schedules; make sure to have a copy of mi daily devotion in your car, at home, in your office or in your desk. We are abiding in God and in His will as learn to love, live and stand according to what He said in the Bible. "4- Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5- I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." (John 15:4- 5) I encourage you to get a copy and check us out on facebook at . Mi daily devotion will help you walk along His path, keep you focus and will help you draw closer to God, family and His Word.

I Can Taste the Blood

Book Description

From Bram Stoker Award-nominated authors Josh Malerman, the newly minted master of modern horror, and John F.D. Taff, the "King of Pain;" to the mind-bending surrealism of Erik T. Johnson; the darkly poetic prose of J. Daniel Stone and the transgressive mania of Joe Schwartz, I Can Taste the Blood offers up five horror novellas from five unique authors whose work consistently expands the boundaries of conventional fiction. I Can Taste the Blood opens the doors to a movie theater of the damned; travels the dusty, sin-drenched desert with an almost Biblical mysterious stranger; recounts the phantasmagoric story of birth, death and rebirth; contracts a hit that’s not at all what it seems; and exposes the disturbing possibilities of what might be killing Smalltown, U.S.A. As diverse as they are, in voice and vision, the work of the five celebrated authors assembled in this stunning volume of terror share one common theme, one hideous and terrifying nightmare that can only be contained within the pages of I Can Taste the Blood. Five Unique Voices. Five Disturbing Visions. One Nightmare. If it's groundbreaking horror stories you want. It's I Can Taste the Blood you need.

Critical Intelligence

Book Description

Operating under covert presidential directive, the clandestine antiterrorist organization Stony Man doesn't officially exist. Unofficially, they fight the fires bureaucracy can't or won't touch. Off the grid, under the radar and 100 percent deniable, the commando and cyber specialists of Stony Man are the ultimate problem solvers—and the best defense the nation has…. Stony Man launch teams are rolling hot as convergent threats erupt across the globe. From South America to Somalia, Toronto and Kiev, the action is raging. Colombian narco-terrorists, Chinese Tongs, African warlords, a Russian kingpin, a cutthroat Saudi prince and a corrupt American lawyer are linked as agents of a shadow group called Seven. The ties and power of this nebulous organization go deep and dark—with the strength to leverage the ultimate power play against Stony Man itself.

Authors Inc

Book Description

An investigation of how popular modernist writers handled their fame.