The Future of China's Bond Market

Book Description

China’s bond market is destined to play an increasingly important role, both at home and abroad. And the inclusion of the country’s bonds in global indexes will be a milestone for its financial market integration, bringing big opportunities as well as challenges for policymakers and investors alike. This calls for a good understanding of China’s bond market structure, its unique characteristics, and areas where reforms are needed. This volume comprehensively analyzes the different segments of China’s bond market, from sovereign, policy bank, and credit bonds, to the rapidly growing local government bond market. It also covers bond futures, green bonds, and asset-backed securities, as well as China’s offshore market, which has played a major role in onshore market development.

The Asian Bond Markets Initiative

Book Description

The Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI) was launched in December 2002 by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea---collectively known as ASEAN+3 to strengthen financial stability and reduce the region’s vulnerability to the sudden reversal of capital flows. This paper also provides recommendations for addressing new sources of market volatility and other challenges within and outside the framework of the Asian Bond Markets Initiative.

Primer on Social Bonds and Recent Developments in Asia

Book Description

Social bond markets have grown rapidly in Asia and around the world amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Today, the global social bond market is dominated by bonds that address pandemic-related social impact areas. To better understand the potential contribution of social bonds in tackling developing Asia’s most urgent social issues, this study reviews the current status and recent trends of global and Asian social bond markets. It further analyzes social impact areas that can be addressed by social bonds in both the short and long term. The study’s findings can help align finance with the Sustainable Development Goals and maximize the impact of the social bond market for sustainable development.

Infrastructure Financing In Asia

Book Description

First, the book documents the evolution of Asia's infrastructure over the past half-century and reviews existing literature on the role of infrastructure investment in supporting growth and social development. It highlights the positive impact of mass transit investments on land and property values, and the possibility of taxing the increase in values to finance these investments. It then examines Asia's current practices and new solutions that can help meet the infrastructure gap. It discusses the role of institutions, how innovation can foster energy infrastructure investments, and the role of bond markets in infrastructure investments. The book explores ASEAN+3 efforts in developing local currency bond markets to provide long-term local financing for infrastructure investment while providing financial resilience. It also examines the use of green bonds to finance sustainable growth in Asia.

Bond Market Development in Asia

Book Description

This conference proceedings of the second "Round Table on Capital Market Reforms in Asia" held in Tokyo in April 2000, which was organised by the OECD and the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), focused on bond market development in Asia.

Guidance Note For Developing Government Local Currency Bond Markets

Book Description

This guidance note was prepared by International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group staff under a project undertaken with the support of grants from the Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Initiative, (FIRST).The aim of the project was to deliver a report that provides emerging market and developing economies with guidance and a roadmap in developing their local currency bond markets (LCBMs). This note will also inform technical assistance missions in advising authorities on the formulation of policies to deepen LCBMs.

ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guide 2017 Indonesia

Book Description

ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guide is a comprehensive explanation of the region's bond markets. It provides information such as the history, legal and regulatory framework, specific characteristics of the market, trading and transaction (including settlement systems), and other relevant information. The Bond Market Guide 2017 for Indonesia is an outcome of the support and contributions of ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum members and experts, particularly from Indonesia.

Asian Capital Market Development and Integration

Book Description

The fiscal crisis in Europe continues to cast a shadow on the global economic outlook, and the securities issued by the United States and European nations are losing their status as traditional safe assets and reserve value. As a result, investors and governments are looking to diversify their investment portfolio with emerging markets, particularly Asian bonds. Such renewed interest has led to excessive capital inflows, making the region increasingly vulnerable to external shocks. However, on the other hand, it leads to abundant liquidity in the capital markets, which reduces financing costs and expands investment opportunities. This book analyses this dilemma and proposes that development of local bond markets and achieving greater market depth and interconnectedness is the best bet to prevent the reoccurrence of a currency crisis like 1997. It thus, assesses the progress achieved thus far in capital market integration in Asia, and compares it with its global peers. The study also assesses the degree to which volatility in equity and bond market returns, driven by financial turmoil originating at both the regional and global levels, spills over into emerging Asia domestic equity and bond markets. The results of this analysis indicate that such spill-over significantly impacts both domestic equity and bond markets in the region. This finding suggests that on-going regional capital market integration initiatives should take into account the risk of contagion that regional financial integration presents, and introduce measures for mitigating such risk as a means of ensuring financial stability in the region.

ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guide 2016 Singapore

Book Description

The Singapore bond market has become one of the most developed open capital markets in Asia with over US$221 billion in total local currency bonds outstanding with an additional US$53 billion of bonds outstanding. The Singapore Bond Market Guide is an outcome of the support and contributions of ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum members and experts, particularly from Singapore, while the ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guide as a whole is a comprehensive explanation of the region’s bond markets. This report should be recognized as a collective good to support bond market development among ASEAN+3 members.

Promoting Social Bonds for Impact Investments in Asia

Book Description

Social bond markets have grown rapidly in Asia and around the world amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Today, the global social bond market is dominated by bonds that address pandemic-related social impact areas. To better understand the potential contribution of social bonds in tackling developing Asia's most urgent social issues, this study reviews the current status and recent trends of global and Asian social bond markets. It further analyzes social impact areas that can be addressed by social bonds in both the short and long term. The study's findings can help align finance with the Sustainable Development Goals and maximize the impact of the social bond market for sustainable development.