Boreas Afm-04 Twin Otter Aircraft Sounding Data

Book Description

The Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) Airborne Fluxes and Meteorology (AFM)-4 team used the National Research Council, Canada (NRC) Twin Otter aircraft to make sounding measurements through the boundary layer. These measurements included concentrations of carbon dioxide and ozone, atmospheric pressure, dry bulb temperature, potential temperature, dewpoint temperature, calculated mixing ratio, and wind speed and direction. Aircraft position, heading, and altitude were also recorded. Data were collected at both the Northern Study Area (NSA) and the Southern Study Area (SSA) in 1994 and 1996. These data are stored in tabular ASCII files. The Twin Otter aircraft sounding data are available from the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The data files also are available on a CD-ROM (see document number 20010000884).MacPherson, J. Ian and Desjardins, Raymond L. and Hall, Forrest G. (Editor) and Knapp, David E. (Editor) and Smith, David E. (Technical Monitor)Goddard Space Flight CenterBOUNDARY LAYERS; METEOROLOGICAL PARAMETERS; FORESTS; AIR LAND INTERACTIONS; AMBIENT TEMPERATURE; ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE; DEW POINT; OZONE; TEMPERATURE RATIO; WIND VELOCITY

Newly Available in 2000

Book Description

Since its inception, the U.S. Global Change Research Program has had the policy of full and open data availability. This policy has already been implemented not only through the participating agencies but through many inter-agency mechanisms such as publications, Internet based services, and in many international settings. This fourth of a series of yearly publications represents another important step in this interagency process of making the data and information related to the Global Change Research Program available. It is particularly needed at this time since the users of this data and information have expanded from being primarily researchers to being a full mix that also includes educators, those making assessments of potential effects of global change, the commercial world, and the public as well as policy makers at all levels. One of this publication's objectives is to provide this diverse user community with a concise summary of what data has been cataloged and made newly available each year. This is being done in both this published form and in the Global Change Data and Information System on the Internet( with links to each data set, where available. Other objectives, however, are also important. These include giving recognition to the individuals and organizations who have done the important job of making the data available and providing a mechanism where the data sets used in a publication or assessment can be cited similarly to the citations now commonly used in publications to reference other publications.