Bound Choice, Election, and Wittenberg Theological Method

Book Description

Galvanized by Erasmus' teaching on free will, Martin Luther wrote "De servo arbitrio", or "The Bondage of the Will", insisting that the sinful human will could not turn itself to God. In this first study to investigate the sixteenth-century reception of "De servo", Robert Kolb unpacks Luther's theology and recounts his followers' ensuing disputes until their resolution in the Lutheran churches' 1577 "Formula of Concord".

On the Doctrine of Election, with Special Reference to the Aphorisms of Dr. Bretschneider

Book Description

This book offers the first English translation of Friedrich Schleiermacher's "On the Doctrine of Election" (1819), a historic and influential essay published just before the first edition of Schleiermacher's magisterial systematic theology: The Christian Faith. In this essay, Schleiermacher develops a view of election as consisting of a single divine decree of both election and rejection that embraces all humanity--a theological development that became basic later for Karl Barth's treatment of election (Church Dogmatics II/2). Schleiermacher also seeks to support the church union movement between Lutherans and the Reformed by examining the doctrine of election in light of the New Testament and historic confessional traditions. This edition is enhanced by the translators' incisive introduction and a foreword by noted Schleiermacher scholar Terrence N. Tice.

The Divine Decision

Book Description

Donna Bowman utilizes the work of process thinker Alfred North Whitehead to develop a doctrine of election that dialogues with the view of Reformed theologian Karl Barth. Taking seriously Barth's contention that election is the best of all words that can be spoken about God, Bowman reinterprets Whitehead's description of God's provision of the initial aim to each entity as the central cosmological and theological fact of universal election. By combining Barth's concerns with process categories, she concludes that both systems are aimed at common theological and philosophical enemies.

Election and Free Will

Book Description

The first book in the Explorations in Biblical Theology series, Election and Free Will helps those who believe in a Reformed view of predestination to better understand their faith. It traces Scripture's teaching on election through the Bible and explains biblically the doctrine of free will. It tackles objections to predestination and concludes with applications of this neglected biblical teaching. It is clear, strongly biblically based, and solidly Reformed. This book gives special attention to free will and seeks to apply election to contemporary culture. - Publisher.

Election and Conversion

Book Description

"Whether we have gathered up all the links in our argument or not, this is sure: we have made faith in Christ the central and regulative principle, just as Paul did, just as Luther did, just as the Augustana and all other Lutheran Symbols do. If anything in our Lutheran system of doctrine must bend, or step aside, it cannot be faith in Christ; for He is the express image of God's person, His perfect revelation, and faith in Him is our only hope." - From Chapter 4 Leander Sylvester Keyser (1856-1937) was educated at Wittenberg College Seminary, Springfield, Ohio, and served pastorates in Indiana, Kansas and Ohio. In 1911 he became professor of Systematic Theology at Hamma Divinity School, and was considered one of the leading theologians of the General Synod. Prof. Keyser's books include The Conflict Between Fundamentalism and Modernism, The Rational Test, A System of Christian Evidence (Apologetics), A System of General Ethics, A System of Natural Theism, and In The Redeemer's Footsteps. The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry finds, restores and republishes good, readable books from Lutheran authors and those of other sound Christian traditions. All titles are available at little to no cost in proofread and freshly typeset editions. Many free e-books are available at our website Please enjoy this book and let others know about this completely volunteer service to God's people. May the Lord bless you and bring you peace.

A Theology of Religious Change

Book Description

A Theology of Religious Change asks a simple question with a complicated answer: Why do people change religious faiths? The study invites its readers on a trek through sociological and psychological literature that suggests many causes of religious change. Moving beyond a mere catalogue of motives for conversion, the author explores how a theological account of conversion and the doctrine of election can be broadened, strengthened, and reformulated in light of the complexity of faith's human side. This book seeks to guide pastors, church workers, and theologians in their task of communicating the message of good news effectively by drawing attention to the diverse factors influencing religious change.

Between Wittenberg and Geneva

Book Description

At the 500th anniversary of the Wittenberg Reformation, two highly regarded scholars compare and contrast the history and theological positions of the Reformed and Lutheran traditions. The authors tackle nine theological topics significant for the life of the church that remain a source of division between the two traditions. The book helps readers evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Reformed and Lutheran approaches to presenting the biblical message and invites honest, irenic, and open dialogue within the Protestant family.


Book Description

This volume introduces an important concept which hitherto has not gotten the recognition it deserves. The concept simul, the idea of a both-and in theology, is primarily associated with the Lutheran understanding of justification. The formula simul iustus et peccator is a shorthand for the nucleus and heart of the Reformation. But the concept, which implies a tension or even a paradox, appears to play a significant role in other areas of theological reflection. This volume highlights a number of areas in which this idea historically has played an important role, as well as its potential in the contemporary conversation. The aim of the work is to provide an informed and readable introduction to the simul concept in various areas of systematical theology and Biblical exegesis.

Predestination: A Guide for the Perplexed

Book Description

The concept of predestination has been an essential topic in theology and philosophy since at least the time of St. Augustine, and is notoriously among the most contentious of religious doctrines. Many people of faith have found the belief that God destines them for eternal joy a source of great comfort, but many others have found it deeply troubling. Above all, those who reject predestination have been motivated by concerns about the doctrine's implications for human free will and divine responsibility for evil. Couenhoven addresses these issues by taking up two important questions: “What does predestination actually imply?”, and “How have great theologians defended their doctrines of predestination?” He answers these queries by analyzing why Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, and Barth found the doctrine attractive, and explaining the different ways in which they combined belief in predestination, freedom, and God's goodness. The book concludes with a constructive chapter in which Couenhoven defends predestination as a doctrine of hope.

T&T Clark Companion to Reformation Theology

Book Description

This volume introduces the main theological topics of Reformation theology in a language that is clear and concise. Theology in the Reformation era can be complicated and contentious. This volume aims to cut through the theological jargon and explain what people believed and why. The book begins with an essay that explains to students how one can approach the study of sixteenth century theology. It includes a guide to major events, persons, doctrines, and movements.