Book Description
From the first time that I painted, I had no interest to be a derivative of other artists. My driving intuition was to be influenced nonconsciously by brain insights. My privileged view of the brain, is of overseeing the data patterns of human brain function in the world’s largest brain database. My art is mainly abstract expressionism that reflects my understanding of how the human brain and behavior works. Each series of paintings continue for a few months and are driven by a different inspiration from the nonconscious-conscious dynamics of my brain. The last series in this book: “Unbridled” – is where my nonconscious brain most dominated whatever spontaneously emerged (with no preconceptions) ‘in the moment’, in each painting. I am indebted to the wide influences from my background in brain science, medicine and the international brain database that I set up. As well as the feedback and inspirations from true friends (and attendees at my exhibitions, including 2 exhibitions in New York). Further details and contact information is on the website: