Ice Cream for Breakfast

Book Description

'Read this for life lessons you know but have neglected.' Stylist 'Rediscover and embrace your inner silliness and watch your busy, stress-filled actual life become, well, simpler.' Red Discover the surprising art of reconnecting with your inner child in order to make your adult life that little bit simpler. You can own your own home and want to build a blanket fort on a bad day. Hell! On a good day, too. Give yourself permission to seek praise, ask for help, and have something soft snuggled against your face because you're sad. You can pay your bills on time and still exclaim out loud when something is really f*cking cool, run a business and wear cat-covered thermals under your suit. You can take time to play, just because. Full of spirit and un-self-conscious enthusiasm, Ice Cream for Breakfast: Child-Like Solutions to Bullsh*t Adult Problems is the permission slip all too-grown-up-for-their-own-good-but-secretly-scared-of-adulting adults need to locate their inner-child nestled deep within, so that we might all relax enough to laugh harder, wonder more, and marvel at magic on the daily.


Book Description

An outrageous miscellany of serious and light-hearted lies, myths, untruths, fibs and fabrications that tells the tall tale of South Africa. The fibs come thick and fast, like a burst sewerage pipe: • Why everything we've learnt about Shaka Zulu, 'Africa's Napoleon', is a pack of lies. • Back in the darkest of ages (the 1970s!), citizens were told that there were satanic messages if you played some of The Beatles songs backwards. • National icon Hansie Cronje was a paragon of virtue, and integrity ... until he wasn't. • President Nelson Mandela told us that we, as a nation, were 'special'. Turns out we aren't. Whether a fabulous fib, an artful con, a doctor's spin, or simply a bald-faced lie, there's something for everyone.

Breakfast Is Bullsh*t

Book Description

Can you dramatically improve your health just by skipping the "most important" meal of the day? You are about to find out that one of the easiest ways to become healthier is to simply stop eating breakfast. Just by not eating in the morning you will totally revolutionize your relationship with food and all of your habitual eating patterns. The popular opinion of breakfast being the most important meal of the day is a myth, and this book will provide you with better and more sustainable health solutions than conventional nutritional advice can offer.

The Bullsh*t Artist

Book Description

It's not what you know. It's what they think you know. And they will think you know it all once you learn how to bullsh*t successfully. Because there's a difference between talking out of your ass and bullsh*tting like a pro--and if you want to sound in the know without getting called out, you better know how to do it right. What you want is to be able to control any conversation and keep cool under pressure with a combination of confidence and cunning. To help out, there's a section of useful facts to stick up your sleeve. Forget being a know-it-all. You'll tap into real appeal and have a lot more fun once you become a skilled bullsh*t artist. Guaranteed.

Eat Bacon, Don't Jog

Book Description

This is your brain on Grant Petersen: Every comfortable assumption you have about a subject is turned upside down, and by the time you finish reading you feel challenged, energized, and smarter. In Just Ride—“the bible for bicycle riders” (Dave Eggers, New York Times Book Review)—Petersen debunked the bicycle racing– industrial complex and led readers back to the simple joys of getting on a bike. In Eat Bacon, Don’t Jog, Petersen upends the last 30 years of conventional health wisdom to offer a clear path to weight loss and fitness. In more than 100 short, compelling directives, Eat Bacon, Don’t Jog shows why we should drop the carbs, embrace fat, and hang up our running shoes, with the latest science to back up its claims. Diet and Exercise make up the bulk of the book, with food addressed in essays such as “Carbohydrate Primer”—and why it’s okay to eat less kale—and “You’ll Eat Less Often If You Eat More Fat.” The exercise chapters begin with “Don’t Jog” (it just makes you hungry and trains muscle to tolerate more jogging while raising stressors like cortisol) and lead to a series of interval-training exercises and a suite of kettlebell lifts that greatly enhance strength and endurance. The balance of the book explains the science of nutrition and includes more than a dozen simple and delicious carb-free recipes. Thirty years ago Grant Petersen was an oat-bran-, egg-white-, lean-meat-eating exercise fanatic who wasn’t in great shape despite all that. Today, at sixty, he is in the best shape of his life with the blood panel to prove it.

The Dictionary of Corporate Bullshit

Book Description

This caustically funny Webster’s of the workplace cuts to the true meaning of the inane argot spouted in cubicles and conference rooms across the land. It’s time to face the facts: We live in the Golden Age of Bullshit. And as anyone who has ever worked in an office knows, the corporate world is a veritable sea of B.S.—and we are all drowning in it. Thank God for Lois Beckwith, an actual human being with the courage and moral fiber to cut through the crap (so to speak) and give us citizens of the working world the lowdown on what all this corporate lingua franca actually means. Breathe easy. The Dictionary of Corporate Bullshit will make your job a whole lot easier, telling you how to get ahead (kissing ass, playing golf), avoid annoying colleagues (use caller ID), and ride the elevator without ruining your career (if you gossip, use pronouns, and never talk to the CEO). If you have ever wondered what a mindshare is (some kind of drug?), puzzled over the meaning of words like impactful or incentivize (here’s a clue: those are not actual words), or been faced with a glassy-eyed zombie of a coworker singing the praises of synergy, then The Dictionary of Corporate Bullshit is for you! Forget what you learned in Bschool—this handy reference guide will teach you everything you need to know about the empty, enraging, and just plain stupid gobbledygook that masquerades as “communication” in the working world.

Bad Jobs & Bullshit

Book Description

We have no clout whatsoever. We donOt work for a publishing house, weOre not hiding a printing press in a basement, and we arenOt part of whatever mythical body of old white men drinking scotch in a shadowed library determines the literary canon. WeOre just people who have worked a lot of bad jobs, and put up with a lot of bullshit, and decided we wanted to hear about how that same phenomenon happened to others. If youOre reading this, itOs because you want to hear about that too. We think youOll find the mix of essays, short stories, and poems in this collection speak to common experiences and make you feel less alone in your struggle against the grinding machine of entropy."


Book Description

Kidding is the new adulting. Consider this your permission slip to relax, laugh, and finally find happiness. At once hilarious, irreverent, and downright inspiring, Kidding shows you how to connect with your inner child to make your mundane, complicated adult life much simpler (and happier). It's a book about using your imagination and creativity to find joy, and about being happier by being who you are-which is to say, by being a big kid at heart. Author Laura Jane Williams argues that you can be an adult but still embrace childlike (not childish) tendencies: you can own your own home and still want to build a pillow fort when the mood strikes; you can pay your bills on time and still snuggle something soft against your face because you're sad; you can run a business and still take time to play. Divided into 40 short lessons, it's an accessible, fun introduction to the self-help world that anyone can stomach. Laura's experience as a nanny to three young, precocious children has transformed her view on life, and in this book she passes along the lessons she's learned from them. Because kids live in the present. They lose themselves in what they love, they show off, and they like themselves. Kids are curious by default, and they don't have limits because they haven't learned they exist yet. Kids do whatever the f*ck they want, precisely because they want to. To put it simply, kids have the answers, man.

Get a F*cking Grip

Book Description

- You know the key to having more energy has nothing to do with crystals and chakras... and everything to do with how much sleep you get. - You know that neglecting your friends will leave you destitute and lonely... but you're still too damn lazy to pick up your phone and get in touch. - You know you could get through your to-do list in half the time... yet you're still stalking your ex on Facebook. - You know you just need a kick up the backside... and that's what you'll find within the pages of this book. Get A F*cking Grip is the self-help book for people who hate self-help, offering simple no-nonsense advice that you can implement into all areas of your life, allowing you to get on with everything you've always wanted to do. Learning how to get a f*cking grip is the key to taking back control of your life.