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Beyond Sing the Woods

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From Darwin to Weil

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Cultural transmitters, or mediators, play an important role in the transmission and reception of literature. What is a cultural transmitter? What role do women play in the field of cultural transfer and transmission and how active were women in developing the profession of cultural transmitter?In this volume, the first in the series Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission (CTaT), a select group of scholars from various disciplines from Belgium, the Netherlands and Scandinavia discuss the concept of 'cultural transmitter' from a gender perspective. The importance of the ideologies women cultural transmitters themselves entertained concerning the reception of literature is also investigated.The essays demonstrate that religious, political and economic structures played guiding roles in the lives of many women cultural transmitters. Therefore, they dealt with feminism and sociopolitical issues, sexual politics, the practice of translation (to earn money), the role of women in society and how women were raised, the position of women writers and critics and religion. Examples of other fields in which women cultural transmitters were involved include science and philosophy. Furthermore, the discusssion of the concept of 'cultural transmitter' from a gender perspective reveals that religion, nation, womanhood and entrepreneurship are important aspects to be incorporated into any definition of a cultural transmitter.While the focus is on Scandinavia and the Dutch-speaking region in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the positions and activities of the cultural transmitters discussed can be 'translated' into other language areas and 'transferred' to other periods.

In the Vanguard of Cultural Transfer

Book Description

Cover -- Table of contents -- Preface -- In the Vanguard of Cultural Transfer -- Spread the Word. Arne and Hulda Garborg as Cultural Transmitters of Nynorsk -- Marie-Elisabeth Belpaire and Dina Logeman-Van der Willigen: Two Cultural Transmitters in Flanders - in the Same Literary Field? -- Greta Baars-Jelgersma, Cora Sandel and the Dutch Literary Field, 1925-1950. Aspects of Cross-national Literary Transfer -- 'There is Always an Invisible Reader ... ' The Swedish Critic Margit Abenius and the Making of a Female Cultural Transmitter -- Walking the Streets of Helsinki. The Flâneur in Early Finnish Prose Literature -- One Nation - Two Literatures? From Finnish to Swedish: Some Themes in the Translation of Finnish Literature into Swedish, 1900-1950 -- About the Authors -- Bibliography -- Index

Swedish Women's Writing, 1850-1995

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Provides a survey of women's writing in Sweden, from the beginnings of the struggle for emancipation in the 1850s to the present day. These writers are seen within the political, cultural and economic context of women's lives. Modern critical currents are also assessed and Swedish feminist criticism is considered alongside the French and American traditions.

The Invasion of Books in Peripheral Literary Fields

Book Description

Cover -- Table of contents -- Preface -- The Invasion of Books -- Contra-flows in Literary Journalism? Coverage of Foreign, Non-Western and Ethnic Minority Literatures in French, German, Dutch and American Newspapers, 1955-2005 -- Monsters and Blowflies. The Representation of Nynorsk and its Speakers in Three Norwegian Newspapers -- The Colour of Female Choice. Czech and Flemish Women's Magazines as Cultural Patchworks -- A New Golden Era for Finnish Poetry? Nuoren Voiman Liitto and Nihil Interit as Cultural and Literary Transmitters in the 1990s and 2000s -- In the Wake of a Nobel Prize. On Modern Icelandic Literature in Swedish1940-1969 -- Ways of Being. Familiarity with Playwrights as Expression of Taste -- Transmitter Profiles, Power Circles and Canonising Cultural Transfer. The Case of Annie Posthumus - the First Modern Scandinavist within Dutch Academia -- A Foreigner to Her Mother Tongue. Zenta Mauriņa (1897-1978) and Konstantin Raudive (1909-1974) as German-speaking Latvian Writers in Swedish Exile -- About the Authors -- Bibliography -- Index

Modern Theatre

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Translation of some of the works of a leading Scandinavian author. Includes biographical note, bibliography of Lagerkvist's plays and performance photographs of several productions.

Event Or Incident

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Translations are crucial to the flow of themes, images, forms and ideas across boundaries. They constitute a special case of cultural dynamics as, in a sense, they are existing texts revived in a new form. The introduction of textual works in a target culture involves a high degree of strategy and control. These moments of control, selection and influence deserve special attention in cultural, receptional, and translation-historical studies. The essays in this yearbook address aspects of the central topic: the impact of translations on cultural-historical developments in Europe. First and foremost is the question which works were selected and why, and next which were neglected and why. In a wider scope: what - in the long-term processes of cultural transfer - were the «peaks» or key moments, and of which nature was the discourse accompanying the presence of a foreign-language culture in translation? Why did it all happen like this, and what was the precise impact of the introduction of new works, new ideas, new culture through the medium of translation? These are the questions to which the authors of this work attempt to provide answers. Les traductions ont une importance cruciale quant à la circulation des thèmes, des images, des formes et des idées au-delà des frontières. Elles représentent un cas particulier de dynamique culturelle, insufflant en un sens une nouvelle vie à des textes existant. L'introduction d'oeuvres écrites dans une culture cible suppose un déploiement important de stratégies visant à contrôler ces processus, qui font l'objet d'une attention toute particulière dans les études d'histoire culturelle, de réception, et d'histoire de la traduction. Les études contenues dans ce volume s'intéressent aux différents aspects du sujet principal : l'impact des traductions sur les développements historiques et culturels en Europe. Tout d'abord quelles sont les oeuvres retenues, pourquoi celles-ci et non pas d'autres ? Plus généralement, les auteurs s'intéressent aux moments où l'influence a atteint un apogée dans les processus à longue échéance des transferts culturels et à la nature du discours accompagnant la présence sous forme de traduction d'une culture en langue étrangère. Pourquoi tout cela est-il arrivé de la sorte et quel est l'impact précis de l'introduction d'oeuvres, d'idées, d'une culture nouvelles à travers le medium de la traduction ? Voilà dans tous les cas les questions clés auxquelles les auteurs de cet ouvrage entendent répondre.

Seven Plays

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Creation Revisited

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