Intelligence, Defence and Diplomacy

Book Description

What was Britain's reaction to the death of Stalin? How has Britain reconciled a modern nuclear strategy with its traditional imperial defence commitments around the world? How has secret intelligence affected the Special Relationship' since 1945? Certain clear questions and perennial themes run through British overseas policy since 1945. This book examines them, drawing on new research by leading historians and scholars in the field.

Power and Stability

Book Description

This work assesses British policy in those 100 years when Britain's international position diminished from the only global power to a regional European state.

British Defence Policy

Book Description

This study of British defence policy argues that a "one-off" defence review is not enough but a regular process of defece reviews every five years provide a long-term strategic direction which, the author maintains, is lacking at present.

British Foreign Policy

Book Description

Has the 20th century been one of steady decline for British foreign policy? Can there be a distinct British foreign policy in age of regionalism and globalization? This study challenges perceptions of irrevocable decline and suggests a more balanced assessment of Britain's strengths and weaknesses. As "high politics", including security concerns diminish in importance, economic and commercial concerns increasingly seem to dictate foreign policy. On the assumption that what the population seeks is a combination of physical security, prosperity and what could be termed "moral self-approbation", this study suggests ways in which Britain could capitalize on its influence and assets to promote its interests. A framework is provided for thinking about British foreign policy at a time when globalization, multinational companies, NGOs, the European Union and other factors increasingly constrain the freedom of government and the traditional role of the foreign office.

British foreign and defense policy

Book Description

Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: Is Great Britain really a desperate European? This was the question in mind whilst writing this essay. Would Britain go to war against Iraq with the United States of America, or would it search for a peaceful solution together with old Europe within the United Nations. The answer to this question is well known today. The UK decided to wage war on Iraq together with America. Once again Britain gave its continental European partners the feeling to be more the fifty-first state of America than a member of the European Union, trying to find a common European position in foreign and security policy. Why does the UK behave the way it does? Is it really taking a reluctant position against an ever increasing importance of the EU in foreign and security affairs? What is it about its relationship to the US, and which role does the Commonwealth play in this area traditionally the domain of sovereign national politics? The essay examining these questions will come to an astonishing conclusion. At the moment Britain is celebrating its 30th anniversary of EU membership. This should be an occasion to find out more about its foreign and defence policy. At the time of writing, Britain was the only European power coupled with the US in preparing for a war against Iraq. The question has to be asked as to why Britain has adopted such a pro-American stance? Since Blair's election to power in 1997, time and time again he has emphasized that Britain's future is in Europe. However, certainly with regard to foreign and defence policy, such a statement appears hollow. What happened with those honourable aims of European integration like a Common Foreign and Security Policy, which was established as a 'pillar' of the EU by the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. Finding an agreed European Common and Foreign Policy certainly has not been obtained and could even be said to be in its worst state ever. Nothing illustrated this better than the diversity of opinion within the EU concerning the possible war with Iraq. Italy and Spain tended towards the position of the US and Britain. France wanted to formulate a new UN resolution before deciding the course of action they wish to take. Germany stood against the use of any force. At present, it would seem that the CFSP remains an objective to be realised at a later date. Past and present, none of the other EU members act as closely with the US as Britain. Is Britain's policy influenced by American interests [...]

British Foreign Policy, 1918-1945

Book Description