Brutal Force against Satan and Demons

Book Description

This world is a battleground and anyone that wants to succeed must be involved to fight the battle of life until he won. Enemies possess spiritual weapons they fight with. They have demonic strategy and technology to tame, weaken, capture and destroy victims. If you are loose in character and in the spirit, you will lose in the physical. If you are strong in the spirit against the activities of the devil, you will excel. Weapon of darkness is real, fight of darkness is real; you must not sit on the fence. It is time you pray better, enemies are equipped with demonic missiles loaded with dark bullets of destruction. They apply high grade weapons from satanic armoury guided by evil powers. Enemies don’t want you to fulfil your destiny. This is why they opt to pull you down and makes you drink from cup of sorrow. This shall not be your portion in the name of Jesus. This book is unique. It discusses every area enemy takes to pull you down or destroy you. These areas include silencing activities of satanic sacrifice against you. The book goes deep to address evil altar used to destroy destiny. It goes deep to tell us evil arrows enemy applies and how they are confronted and nullified. Occult powers are systematically destroyed in this book. Charms and incantations dark powers boast of are reduced to nothing and ineffective. This is God’s doing. What are the benefits of this book to us? This book will open your eyes to what operates in the spirit and the way out. You will gain the followings. 1. This book will enable you to dislodge enemies of your soul and turn you to a rising sun. 2. Altars of darkness are pulled down in the spirit and witchdoctors are disgraced. 3. Satanic remote control troubling you to be spiritually blind and unable to see the light of breakthrough shall expire and doors of opportunities and success shall open. 4. Arrows of darkness fired against you are nullified and reversed to the sender. 5. This book makes it clear that no charm shall allow evil embargo reign in your life. 6. Cry and weep shall not stand in your life. 7. Every crack in your marriage shall be sealed by blood of Jesus. 8. Owner of evil load shall carry his load. 9. What operates in the realm of darkness to destroy you shall be nullified. Above all, the Lord is with you and you will never fail. It is settled in heaven. Pick this book and be blessed. Ensure you buy one or two copies for loved ones. God bless you. Amen You are a conqueror in the battle of life. Fear no other power except the heavenly. Whatever name they bear, whatever action they take, whatever they know, their boast is nothing. You are great in the hands of the Lord. I congratulate you for holding this book. Once again I say you are great.

Devil, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare

Book Description

The Battlefield: Our MindsOur most powerful enemy has many names—Satan, the devil, the evil one, the serpent. No matter what you call him, he seeks to conquer and destroy your spirit, soul, and body. But the power God has made available to you is far greater than anything in Satan’s realm. Through this book, you will learn how to: Be empowered to resist Satan’s attacks Conquer entrenched sins and habits Overcome your temptations Pray and see miracles happen Release others from spiritual bondage Realize that Jesus drove out demons, and you can do the same. The time is now for you to defeat Satan and live a life of power and victory!

Spiritual Warfare

Book Description

SPIRITUAL WARFARE: Defeating the Forces of Darkness is a theological and practical book on overcoming the attacks of the Devil. Christians need to use the many spiritual resources that the Lord of Hosts, the Commander in Chief of the heavenly army, has provided for us to defeat the attacks of the Wicked One. Dr. Bailey describes the nine different types of attacks by demons along with how to respond to each type of attack in order to have victory. He also describes Satan's organizational structure of demons and how they scheme to attack people. Dr. Bailey has appeared on numerous television shows and was the producer and host of a weekly series called "The Christian Counselor." He has trained police departments about Satanic Ritual activities and been a consultant with law enforcement on occult related crime. He was appointed by the Governor as Chairman of the Task Force on Child Abuse and later appointed on the Juvenile Anti-crime Task Force that helped reduce juvenile crime in Florida. Since he has many years of experience in dealing with most types of occult and satanic related groups, he has done numerous seminars in churches and Christian organizations on the subject. Dr. Bailey also has counseled thousands of demonized people and hundreds of people who were ritually abused. Since he has led many Satanists, witches, warlocks, and those involved in the occult to Christ, his insight into the occult has helped him train thousands of Christian counselors in Europe, Canada, and throughout the United States and minister to those who have been demonized. God has given him many unique experiences that he has shared in this book which will enrich your life and reveal startling truths about spiritual warfare and how to have victory over the attacks of Satan.

Take Back Your Life

Book Description

If you want to be free NOW from the dark forces plaguing your life, keep reading ... Do you struggle to live a joyful, healthy and prosperous life even though you live according to Christian principles? Despite your best efforts, do things always seem to go wrong for you and your loved ones? Are you slowly losing hope and can't help feeling some kind of power is working against you? The fact is that an unseen enemy is seeking to destroy your health, your relationships, your children, your mental health and your future. He is a cunning, masterful and patient enemy who will not stop until he has laid waste to your life and those around you. My name is Celeste Brown and I am a mother of three from Wisconsin. Ten years ago I found myself on the brink of divorce, my health was deteriorating fast, my children were failing at school and I was in a constant state of mental distress. I prayed, attended church and was a good Christian, yet my life continued to fall apart. My life changed when I confided my problems to a retired pastor. He suggested the malign influence of Satan and then disclosed a prayer that, he claimed, had the ability to cast him out of my life. I didn't for a minute believe that Satan was causing my misfortunes, yet I had hit rock bottom and was willing to try anything. So in Christian fellowship I accepted the prayer and took heed of his instructions on how to use it to best effect. A week after using this prayer a huge weight lifted off my chest and I felt clear and pain-free for the first time in years. I actually felt the mental fog, sickness and dark energy evaporate. Only after I tasted this sweet freedom did I know beyond doubt that I had been in the grip of the Devil. No other power could have laid waste to my life and household so thoroughly for all these years. However, I also knew beyond doubt that this prayer was my new spiritual armor that would never allow dark forces to enter my life again. I now had a weapon against Satan and, like the coward he is, he went off looking for easier defenseless prey. I was able to save my marriage and show my children a more productive path for their lives. Seeing the changes in those you love is truly the greatest blessing. Since that time I have shared this prayer with many who were in need and it has not failed to bring change for the better. Now with God's grace and guidance I have been able to release this book to spread the teaching. This is a concise 40-page book that gets right to the point and arms you with the knowledge to defeat the Devil. There's no need to read hundreds of pages of theory before you can take action. You can start using the prayer TODAY. You will discover: ✅ The EXACT prayer that will drive out Satan and his dark influence from your life FOR GOOD ✅ Instructions on HOW to use the prayer so it is 100% effective ✅ How to make sure no dark forces can harm you again in future ✅ How to open the way for abundance in your life ✅ How to ensure your loved ones come under the prayer's protection and are NEVER harmed This small book is all you need to defeat Satan and make your life the miracle it was meant to be. You will be saved even if you have prayed without result in the past, even if you have tried countless strategies to turn your life around and they have all failed. This WILL work for you as it has done for countless others. I strongly encourage you to join the thousands who are now immune to the dark designs of Satan. Do this for yourself and for your family. Health, good fortune and prosperity await you and those you love. If you are ready to take back your life today then scroll up and click Add to Cart now

From Darkness to Light

Book Description

DEMONIC OPPRESSION IS REAL. SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! Author Areon Potter knows that Satan, demons, and their ploys have tormented humanity since the Fall. In From Darkness to Light, Areon provides practical tools to effectively arm the reader for spiritual battle. Discover how the forces of darkness scheme against Gods people. Learn the importance of knowing God and what His names reveal. Discern how to effectively put on the full armor of God. Protect yourself from the attacks of the enemy through prayer. Realize how demonic forces oppress Christians. Areon and I were in a counseling ministry together when it became very evident that spiritual warfare had to be an integral part of the counseling process. Areon is gifted in this difficult and often neglected ministry of dealing with the demonic. His 30+ years of counseling extremely difficult cases has given him a solid Biblical understanding of this subject. Bill Woods, Campus Crusade for Christ JESUS Film Project From Darkness to Light is a great resource for our times. It gives solid Biblical insights into an arena that most people choose to deny exists. Its an excellent tool for skeptics, and those who feel ill equipped to deal with spiritual warfare. It is a valuable read. Pastor David McGarrah, Deer Flat Church, Caldwell, Idaho The belief or lack of belief in demonic forces will not change the Biblical fact that demons exist. The Bible speaks of Satan roaming to and fro, searching for whom he may devour. Evil may lurk in the darkness, but hope gleams in the Light. Let From Darkness to Light transform your vision, your choices, and your life.

Defeating Dark Angels

Book Description

A Practical, Complete Guide to Defeating Demons Demonic oppression is a very real spiritual phenomenon, yet it remains a terrifying and misunderstood subject for many Christians. What does the Bible say? Can demons exert power over Christians? Can a Christian be possessed? How do you know if a problem is psychological or spiritual? In this revised edition of Defeating Dark Angels, Dr. Charles H. Kraft, a retired evangelical seminary professor and experienced deliverance minister, reveals everything you need to know. With clarity and biblical insight, he explains · why and how dark forces come against God's people · our authority as Christians over demons · how to resist the influence of demons · how to break their hold on the lives of others · the need for continued healing and care after deliverance through counseling Weaving practical application with firsthand accounts of demonic activity in the lives of real people, this is your complete guide to defeating dark angels and ministering God's freedom to others.

How to fight the devil

Book Description

WHO IS OUR ENEMY? Many people are deceived, fighting against things, against people, against problems or against diseases, not knowing who their true enemy is. Let us see, through the Word of God, that our true enemies are “demons”, organised into castes. These “demons” are led by the Devil, also called Lucifer or Satan. Jesus said – "the Devil comes only to Steal, Kill and Destroy." John 10:10 As the devil and his angels (demons) are not seen, many people have difficulty believing in them. We also cannot see the WIND, however it exists. The wind is felt, and its MANIFESTATION is seen, for example, through the movement of the trees. Such is the MANIFESTATION of demons. They cannot be seen because they are spirits, but we can see their MANIFESTATIONS. If we are able to identify the demons when they operate against us and if we know how to fight against them, we will have victories in our lives like we never dreamt of having. This is what this book is about: To teach how to RECOGNISE demons; To teach how to FIGHT against them.

Total Liberation From Evil Altars: A Handbook for Comprehensive Deliverance, Restoration and Dominion.

Book Description

Satan has been described as THE god OF THIS WORLD (II Cor. 4 vs 4). He is the originator of all evil. Right from Eden, his number one target is man. He has nothing good to offer. His three-pronged programme for man is to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY. Unfortunately, the whole world is under his influence. The Bible tells us in 1 John 5:19 that the "WORLD LIETH IN WICKEDNESS". This means that the world is under the power of the evil one. Satan gets his job done through evil spirits, otherwise known as DEMONS.Although Satan is not omnipresent, he has so masterfully organized his kingdom of darkness that evil has become as pervasive as the air.Satan tries to replicate the kingdom that God had set out to establish in the beginning. The devil is a copycat. He is not omniscient, neither is he omnipotent. He is a created being and not the CREATOR. He runs a parallel kingdom to that of God. From the twentieth verse of the tenth chapter of the book of Daniel, we learn that every political system has a controlling spirit. The devil is the prince of this world. God's original plan for man was that man would co-operate with Him to dominate the earth.Unfortunately, the devil deceived man. Right from then, man's will became united (married) to the will of the Edenic serpent, in opposition to God's will. Also, it is the perfect will of God that HIS WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN but the devil fights tooth and nail to stop this, hence, the "conflict of the ages" known as "spiritual warfare".Spiritual warfare may be defined as a state of perpetual armed battle between the kingdom of God and the rebellious kingdom of Satan. It is the pitching of uncompromising spiritual forces against each other in order to enforce control over creation. In this warfare, there is no neutrality. You are either for the kingdom of God or you are for the kingdom of Satan, the evil one. Every aspect of your thought, word or action either furthers the kingdom of God or it furthers the kingdom of darkness.

The Invisible War

Book Description

Some Christians believe strongly in the existence of demons and spiritual warfare. Others downplay or even ignore the idea. With such divergent views, how are Christians supposed to know the truth about demonic forces at work in this world? The Invisible War examines what every believer needs to know about Satan, demons, and spiritual warfare, offering a balanced look at this controversial subject. This provocative book will help Christians understand what the Bible says about these threats and will show them how they can safeguard themselves and their families through prayer. Now repackaged for a new generation, The Invisible War offers a balanced look at what is going on in the spiritual realm and what believers can do to defend themselves.

Satan Vs. God

Book Description

Did Noah's Flood really occur, or is it a MYTH? Yes! God did really drown that world, except for Noah and a PART of his family. But why did God submerge that entire world? How really WICKED had that society become? Who were the main characters that led it to its doom? What kind of EVILS were they practicing? Gleaning information from ancient sources, Herman Saini provides detailed answers to these questions. He explains why pre-Flood history seemed lost, and restores much of that history. He tells the gripping, yet sobering history of the universe and man from the creation of Adam and Eve, and how their son Cain sold himself to work EVIL. His descendents followed in his footsteps and led the world to its doom. He draws vital lessons from that experience to enable men to avoid the same fate in a fast approaching great tribulation. HERMAN SAINI has been an accountant and business consultant for over 16 years. He has developed a model of economic development and international trade that nations can use as a guide to develop plans for economic growth. He holds a chemical engineering degree, a MBA, and has been a Ph.D. candidate in marketing, having completed three years of work towards the degree. He is also licensed as a Certified Public Accountant. He maintains two blogs, the purpose of which is to "preach the gospel of the soon coming kingdom of God," in fulfillment of the prophecy in Matthew 24:14. You can read his articles at, and his weekly messages at He currently lives in Holiday, Florida.