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Invencible (Unstoppable Spanish edition)

Book Description

USA TODAY BESTSELLER Un nuevo libro de memorias de la cantante ganadora del Latin Grammy y autora bestseller del New York Times, Chiquis Rivera, quien comparte sus triunfos, desafíos y lecciones de vida tras la muerte de su madre, Jenni Rivera. En los meses que siguieron a la trágica muerte de su madre, el mundo de Chiquis Rivera cayó en picada. Después de dejar de lado sus sueños para apoyar la metamorfosis de Jenni Rivera de cantante en ciernes a legendaria “Diva de la Banda”, un desgarrador malentendido impulsó a Jenni a excluir a Chiquis de su testamento y a desterrar a su hija de su vida. Aun abatida y procesando esta peripecia, Chiquis luego se vio sumida en la oscuridad con el fallecimiento prematuro de su madre. Mientras intentaba desesperadamente recoger los pedazos rotos de su vida, también tuvo que sacar fuerzas para volver a criar y cuidar a sus hermanos como hermana, figura materna y amiga. Rendirse no era una opción. Salir de la sombra de la ilustre carrera de su madre y descubrir su propia identidad como cantante fue un reto en sí mismo...pero navegar sus relaciones malsanas casi la hunde. Cuando Chiquis conoce y se casa con quien cree ser el hombre de sus sueños, parece que por fin todo se empieza a acomodar. Pero un secreto oscuro desmorona su relación, empujándola a recurrir a su resiliencia para emerger como una mujer soltera, chingona y segura de sí misma. Con la calidez, el humor y la positividad que la caracterizan, Chiquis comparte su cruda e íntima batalla para reconstruirse después de Jenni. También revela los detalles detrás de lo que ocurrió en su matrimonio, dónde se encuentra con respecto al legado de la familia Rivera, cómo pasó de ser una cantante con los nervios de punta y una emprendedora novata a una intérprete ganadora de un Grammy y una próspera empresaria, y qué visualiza para su futuro. Al final, nada puede detener a Chiquis. Su filosofía de vida lo dice todo: “O gano o aprendo”. Lleno de revelaciones afirmativas, Chiquis comparte su mayor regalo con sus fans: las lecciones inspiradoras y accesibles que la han hecho invencible.

New Perspectives on Intercultural Language Research and Teaching

Book Description

Illustrated by an empirical study of English as a Foreign Language reading in Argentina, this book argues for a different approach to the theoretical rationales and methodological designs typically used to investigate cultural understanding in reading, in particular foreign language reading. It presents an alternative approach which is more authentic in its methods, more educational in its purposes, and more supportive of international understanding as an aim of language teaching in general and English language teaching in particular.

Quédate para siempre

Book Description

Las primeras palabras de Marta Vázquez Malleira son pronunciadas por su alter ego, Dana. Con este primer relato, la novel autora asturiana protagoniza su diario íntimo en el que nos desvela sus inquietudes e impresiones sobre el amor, la amistad o la familia, entre otros varios temas, con Quédate para siempre’. Marta Vázquez nos ofrece un retrato del ambiente en las ciudades pequeñas y cómo los adolescentes afrontan sus problemas y aprenden superarlos. Una novela que podría ser el reflejo de las adolescentes lesbianas que descubren su sexualidad y no tienen ningún temor a vivirla en completa libertad y visibilidad. ¿Acaso encontrar el verdadero amor es un sueño? ¿Se convertirá en real ese sueño de Marta? La joven asturiana nos narra a través de Dana, su alter ego literario, su particular manera de entender el amor. Dana deberá superar sus relaciones anteriores para hacer frente a un nuevo reto en el juego del amor llamado Carmen.

A Concordance to Juan Ruiz Libro de Buen Amor

Book Description

This book represents the first concordance of Juan Ruiz's Book of Good Love (Libro de Buen Amor), written in the fourteenth century. The volume's editors, dealing with three slightly different manuscripts, have chosen to meticulously integrate the language from all three editions into one thorough concordance. The result is a significant work that serves as a companion to Ruiz's work that would be vital to any study of medieval Spanish linguistics. In addition to the usual material to be found in a concordance, this book has the following features: the text appears in diplomatic transcription from the manuscripts, for fidelity, while the entry list of words has been partly normalized as for spelling, for convenience; an extensive list of homographs; no omission of high frequency words; frequency list at the end; no reproduction of bulky and difficult computer printout. The book has been photocomposed from the tape.

Mi Patria Desconocida

Book Description

Mi patria desconocida: es mensaje de amor, amistad, una aventura que tiene mucho humor y diversion, con un lenguaje simple. Disfrutalo. De repente se transportaron a un mundo de placer y ya no lo pudieron evitar, ya que los dos lo deseaban, consumar su amor en una entrega total de dos almas y dos cuerpos que se aman. El exquisito embeleso los llevo a un extasis de amor, desconocido, pero placentero para los dos. En el rostro de Mary se veia un color hermoso y resplandeciente. Pedro la acariciaba como queriendo detener el tiempo, que ese momento sublime se quedara ahi entre ellos, para siempre y por toda una eternidad. --No Javi, yo tengo mas de lo que necesito, el dinero no es las vida. Con el abrazo que me dieron ayer, me basto para sentirme bien pagado, les aseguro que yo los quiero igual. --Asi se habla Pachito --dijo David emocionado--, la amistad entre los hombres es lo que mas cuenta en las vida. La amistad no tiene credos, limites, ni nacionalidades, cuando nace una amistad no importa de donde seas, que creas, o que posicion tienes, a una amistad sincera no le importa si eres rico o pobre, siempre perdura toda una vida.


Book Description

Es éste un fantástico relato en el que los pensamientos; las acciones; las metas obtenidas por los amigos del personaje principal así como lo alcanzado por él (vencer la muerte cuatro veces - la primera a los tres meses de nacido-) indican que sí podemos, si realmente lo deseamos, obtener el triunfo personal y colectivo. El conjunto de tristezas, de sufrimientos, de éxitos y de alegrías descrito con gran realismo, nos deja una suave sensación de tranquilidad y, asímismo, un fuerte deseo de seguir luchando .

Selected Prose and Prose-Poems

Book Description

The first Latin American to receive a Nobel Prize for Literature, the Chilean writer Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) is often characterized as a healing, maternal voice who spoke on behalf of women, indigenous peoples, the disenfranchised, children, and the rural poor. She is that political poet and more: a poet of philosophical meditation, self-consciousness, and daring. This is a book full of surprises and paradoxes. The complexity and structural boldness of these prose-poems, especially the female-erotic prose pieces of her first book, make them an important moment in the history of literary modernism in a tradition that runs from Baudelaire, the North American moderns, and the South American postmodernistas. It's a book that will be eye-opening and informative to the general reader as well as to students of gender studies, cultural studies, literary history, and poetry. This Spanish-English bilingual volume gathers the most famous and representative prose writings of Gabriela Mistral, which have not been as readily available to English-only readers as her poetry. The pieces are grouped into four sections. "Fables, Elegies, and Things of the Earth" includes fifteen of Mistral's most accessible prose-poems. "Prose and Prose-Poems from Desolación / Desolation [1922]" presents all the prose from Mistral's first important book. "Lyrical Biographies" are Mistral's poetic meditations on Saint Francis and Sor Juana de la Cruz. "Literary Essays, Journalism, 'Messages'" collects pieces that reveal Mistral's opinions on a wide range of subjects, including the practice of teaching; the writers Alfonso Reyes, Alfonsina Storni, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Pablo Neruda; Mistral's own writing practices; and her social beliefs. Editor/translator Stephen Tapscott rounds out the volume with a chronology of Mistral's life and a brief introduction to her career and prose.

Spanish and the Medical Interview: Clinical Cases and Exam Review

Book Description

Offering a practical, case-based approach, Spanish and the Medical Interview: Clinical Cases and Exam Review is a unique, immersive study and review resource for medical Spanish. It provides extensive training and review in two formats: the print book contains numerous cases spanning a wide variety of clinical settings, formatted as a patient would present for medical attention, while the audio cases provide multiple opportunities to hone your listening comprehension skills. Together, these learning components test your knowledge and skills in caring for Spanish-speaking patients and prepare you for case-based examinations that test clinical skills in Spanish. This first-of-its-kind title is ideal as a stand-alone resource or as a companion to Dr. Ortega’s Spanish and the Medical Interview: A Textbook for Clinically Relevant Medical Spanish. Helps you improve your interviewing skills, your understanding of patient responses, and your ability to explain a diagnosis and plan of care to Spanish-speaking patients, so you can provide a higher quality of patient care and safety in your practice. Covers multiple presentations of cases in main organ system areas, including musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, endocrine, genitourinary, neurologic, psychiatric, eye/ear/nose/throat, and pediatric, in multiple patient care settings such as urgent care, emergency department, outpatient clinic, and inpatient wards. · Focuses on topics that are particularly common in Hispanic/Latino patients and includes cultural health issues that may impact the patient's understanding of medical information, belief system, decision-making preferences, or access to care—all of which have a significant impact on your medical decision making and interviewing styles and effectiveness. Leads you through key information for each case, prompting you to use your medical Spanish clinical skills in a series of prompts and questions as the case unfolds. Assessment questions follow each case to test your comprehension. Provides more than two dozen audio cases to improve your listening comprehension of different nationalities and accents of Spanish-speaking patients. Provides real-world content from Drs. Pilar Ortega and Marco Alemán, who serve on the steering committee for the National Medical Spanish Taskforce that aims to standardize the educational approach to a national assessment examination for Medical Spanish. Expands your global skills set: in your home country, when caring for patients who speak Spanish, or when caring for patients in other countries through global medicine programs. Evolve Instructor site with an image and test bank is available to instructors through their Elsevier sales rep or via request at