Bulgarian Farms and Their Competitiveness in the Conditions of Eu Cap

Book Description

This publication suggests a holistic framework for assessing farm competitiveness, and analyses competitiveness of different type of Bulgarian farms during EU CAP implementation. First, it presents a new approach for assessing farm competitiveness defining farm competitiveness and its three criteria (efficiency, adaptability and sustainability), and identifying indicators for assessing the individual aspects and the overall competitiveness of farms. Next, it analyzes evolution and efficiency of farming organizations during post-communist transition and EU integration in Bulgaria, and assesses levels and factors of farms competitiveness in the conditions of CAP implementation. Third, it assesses the impact of EU CAP on income, efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness of Bulgarian farms.

Assessment of Farm Support Policies and Likely Impact of Cap Implementation on Farm Structures and Sustainability in Bulgaria

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This paper presents the dominating farming structure in Bulgaria on the eve of EU accession, and evaluates recent policies for farm and agricultural income support, and assesses likely consequences of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) implementation on farming structures and sustainability. We demonstrate that a specific farming structure dominates in the country consisting of numerous subsistence and small farms; and few large farms, cooperatives, and agro-firms; and widely used informal, vertically integrated, and mix forms. Public support to farming has been in an increase in recent years but is still far bellow the European level. Besides, only a fraction of farms benefit from some form of public support most of them being large farms, cooperatives, and tobacco producers. Farming is still an important income source for a good part of population. However, there is a significant gap in the monetary income in the large and some smaller-scale (intensive) enterprises, and the great majority of farms. Besides, development programs contribute less to agrarian and rural sustainability, and to decreasing divergence between richer and poor regions of the country. Assessment of likely short-term impact of the CAP implementation in Bulgaria shows that it will increase sustainability of farms bringing net financial benefits, enhancing competitiveness, and improving environmental performance. However, the chief beneficiary from the direct payments and other support measures will be the biggest farms in the most developed regions of the country. CAP programs will also give new possibility for extending activities of existing forms and bring to a life new organizational arrangements. All that will create more employment and income opportunities, and revitalize agrarian and rural economy. On the other hand, some effective smaller-size and family structure and livestock farms will have no or limited access to EU funding. Consequently, income and performance gap between farms of different types, sub-sectors and regions will widened unless special supplementary measures ("coupled" with production and regions) are taken. Besides, CAP will likely support "ineffective" and non-market modes (such as part-time and subsistence farming, production cooperatives), and therefore raise their sustainability and delay further restructuring. Last but not least important, there will be significant difficulties for introducing CAP and EU standards which will require more costs than in other countries, and will be associated with some time lag until "full" implementation, and would not involve less commercialized and subsistent farming.

Governance of Bulgarian Farming - Modes, Efficiency, Impact of EU Accession

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This paper employs New Institutional and Transaction Costs Economics to analyze Bulgarian agriculture. It evaluates the efficiency of dominant governing forms on the eve of EU accession, and assesses the likely impact of CAP implementation on farming structures. Firstly, assessment is made on the comparative efficiency, complementarily, and sustainability of major farm structures such as agro-firms, cooperatives, unregistered and subsistence farms. Next, principal modes of land, labor, service, inputs and financial supplies, in addition to marketing in different types of commercial farms, are identified and evaluated. Finally, a feasible pace for CAP implementation in the Bulgarian condition is projected, and the likely impact on farm structures is estimated.

Institutional and Transaction Costs Analysis of Evolution, Efficiency and Sustainability of Farm Structures in Bulgaria

Book Description

This paper incorporates achievements of a new inter-disciplinary methodology of the New Institutional and Transaction Costs Economics (integrating Economics, Organization, Law, Sociology, Behavioral and Political Sciences) into analysis of Bulgarian agriculture, and assess impact of institutional modernization and EU integration on farm structures and sustainability. Firstly, the new institutional and transacting costs economics framework is briefly presented concentrating on: evolution of formal and informal institutions; structure of transacting costs and their institutional, behavioral, dimensional and technological factors; comparative efficiency of alternative market, contract, internal, and hybrid modes of governance; farm as a governance structure with a production and transaction optimization function. Secondly, an analysis is made on development of institutional environment for agrarian sector in Bulgaria, and its impact on newly evolving farming structure and on public readiness to implement EU CAP. Third, pace of evolution, and "high" efficiency and sustainability of dominating agro-firms, production cooperatives, subsistence farming, and small commercial farms are explained, and prospects of their development in conditions of EU integration and CAP implementation determined. Forth, specific modes for governing of land supply, and labor supply, and service supply, and inputs supply, and finance supply, and insurance supply, and marketing in different type and kind commercial farms are identified, and their comparative efficiency assessed. Fifth, feasible pace of CAP implementation and further EU integration is projected, and likely impact on economic, environmental, social and organizational sustainability of farms estimated. The study is based on various official report, census, and statistical etc. data. Besides, original data for modes of organization of different type transactions have been collected from the managers of 2.8% of the cooperatives, 1.2% of the agro-firms, and 0.3% of the unregistered commercial farms. Furthermore, interviews with the leading Bulgarian experts on farm structures have been organized to get assessment on likely impact of CAP implementation on sustainability of different farms.

Transition and EU Integration of Bulgarian Agriculture - Impacts for Environment and Sustainability

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This paper presents major environmental challenges in Bulgarian agriculture, and identifies and assesses specific modes for environmental governance in farming sector, and estimate prospects for changing environmental performance of farms in conditions of EU integration and Common Agricultural Policy implementation. We adapt the framework of the New Institutional and Transaction Costs Economics, and assess efficiency of diverse market, private and public modes for environmental governance. The post-communist transformation of agriculture has changed environmental situation and brought some new challenges such as: degradation and contamination of farmland, pollution of surface and ground waters, distracting biodiversity, significant greenhouse gas emissions etc. Badly defined and enforced environmental rights, prolonged process of privatization of agrarian resources, carrying farming in structures not motivating in long-term investment, high uncertainty and assets specificity and low frequency and appropriability of environment related transactions, all they are responsible for failure of market and private modes of environmental governance. Needs for public intervention has not been met by effective Government, community, international assistance etc. intervention, and agrarian sustainability has been compromised. Analysis of likely impact of CAP implementation in "Bulgarian" conditions shows that chief beneficiary of various new support measures will be the biggest operators, and income, technological and environmental discrepancy between different farms, sub-sectors and regions will be further enlarged.

Food and Agriculture in Bulgaria

Book Description

Agriculture traditionally played a significant role in the Bulgarian economy. Before the present decade, Bulgaria was a major exporter of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables within Eastern and Central Europe. While the Bulgarian government has progressed rapidly since 1997, the delay in reforms has rendered Bulgarian food products as noncompetitive on the international market. Also, many important components of the transition are not completed. This report reviews the recent history and current state of Bulgarian agriculture and agroindustry. It examines the status of the sectoral reforms program, including reforms affecting pricing and trade, rural finance, land markets, and agroindustry, with emphasis on evaluating its progress toward meeting the criteria for EU accession. It highlights the tremendous advances made recently, and also suggests an agenda for prioritizing the remaining obstacles. This report is intended for agricultural scientists, public officials, politicians, agricultural and agroindustrial leaders, economic researchers and others interested in the transformation of agriculture in the transition economies and in issues pertaining to accession of Central and East European candidate countries to the European Union.

Sustainability of Farming Enterprises in Bulgaria

Book Description

This book explores how the sustainability of farming enterprises can be assessed, with a particular focus on the state of Bulgarian farms during EU CAP implementation and how such sustainability can be improved. It also investigates the evolution of the concept of sustainability. It analyses the economic, social and environmental sustainability of farming enterprises of different juridical types, sizes, specialization, and location. Factors and perspectives crucial in sustainable farming are identified, and directions for further research highlighted. The book will appeal to scientific researchers, teachers, students, farmers, professional and non-governmental organizations, administrators, and policy-makers.

Food, Nature and Society

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This title was first published in 2001. Focusing on the distinctive ways in which rural social, economic and political life is experienced in developed societies in late modernity, this striking volume draws on empirical material from a wide range of countries within and outside the EU. It also incorporates comparative case studies from South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

The Evolution of European Identities

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The 'European project' is in a state of perpetual crisis in which the root cause is a lack of identification by ordinary citizens with Europe and European institutions. The Evolution of European Identities employs state of the art analysis of in-depth interviews by renowned practitioners to give a unique 'bottoms up' perspective on the development (or its lack) of a sense of 'European mental space'. Linking conceptual findings with case studies, the book provides unique insights into groups that have been especially sensitized by their life experiences to question what it means to be European in the twenty-first century. The groups explored in this book include: adults who experienced European education exchanges when young; transnational workers; civil society organization activists; persons involved in cross-border intimate relationships; farmers who are subject to European markets, regulations and subsidies; and migrants into 'fortress Europe'.

The Political Economy of the 2014-2020 Common Agricultural Policy

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After five years of debates, consultations and negotiations, the European institutions reached an agreement in 2013 on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the 2014-2020 period. The outcome has major implications for the EU’s budget and farmers’ incomes, but also for Europe’s environment, its contribution to global climate change and to food security in the EU and in the world. It was decided to spend more than €400 billion during the rest of the decade on the CAP. The official claims are that the new CAP will take better account of society's expectations and lead to far-reaching changes by making subsidies fairer and ‘greener’ and making the CAP more efficient. It is also asserted that the CAP will play a key part in achieving the overall objective of promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. However, there is significant scepticism about these claims and disappointment with the outcome of the decision-making, the first in which the European Parliament was involved under the co-decision procedure. In contrast to earlier reforms where more substantive changes were made to the CAP, the factors that induced the policy discussions in 2008-13 and those that influenced the decision-making did not reinforce each other. On the contrary, they sometimes counteracted one another, yielding an ‘imperfect storm’ as it were, resulting in more status quo and fewer changes. This book discusses the outcome of the decision-making and the factors that influenced the policy choices and decisions. It brings together contributions from leading academics from various disciplines and policy-makers, and key participants in the process from the European Commission and the European Parliament.