National Library of Medicine Current Catalog

Book Description

First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.

Index of NLM Serial Titles

Book Description

A keyword listing of serial titles currently received by the National Library of Medicine.


Book Description

Intl Biblio Pol SC 1965

Book Description

First published in 1966. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Social Security at the Dawn of the 21st Century

Book Description

Presenting a periodic overview of the most significant developments and trends in the field of social security has become, for the International Social Security Association, a tradition and a firm commitment. Benefiting from the vast quantity of information uniquely available to the ISSA, its triennial review takes stock of the current state of social security world wide and focuses, through expert analyses, on some of the most pressing social security issues. Social Security at the Dawn of the 21st Century, the outcome of the most recent review, is intended to significantly extend the access of an international readership to accurate and up-to-date information and analyses on social security, which has without question developed during the twentieth century into one of the most important publicly financed and administered institutions in modern society. The chapters are grouped into two parts. Part one treats subjects related to policy trends and regional developments, with special emphasis on such important issues as redesigning social security programs, new management practices, and the informal care dilemma. It features major aspects of developments in Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Part two focuses on specific program areas, with special emphasis on problems and reforms in employment policy, pension systems, and public disability schemes. Information is also provided on new approaches to ensuring adequate access to health care and on policies in response to changes in family structures as well as an recent experience with social assistance programs. Dalmer D. Hoskins has held the post of Secretary General of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) since 1990. Before his election to this post, he held positions in the United States Social Security Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services. Donate Dobbernack is currently chief of communications and publications within the International Social Security Association (ISSA). Before assuming responsibilities in this area, she was chief of the technical activities program of the Association, dealing with international enquiries and studies on various aspects of social security and related fields. Christiane Kuptsch is a research officer with the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the editor of the quarterly publication Trends in Social Security. She is a regular contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica on the issue of developments in social protection.

Register of periodicals

Book Description

European Yearbook / Annuaire Europeen 1955

Book Description

The "European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications.

European Yearbook

Book Description

Le troisieme volume de l'Annuaire Europeen suit le schema deja trace par ses predecesseurs, qui, pour autant que nous puissions en juger d'apres les critiques publiees, paraissent avoir rencontre l'approbation generale des lecteurs auxquels l'ouvrage Hait destine. Le volume III est cependant plus mince que les volumes anterieurs: l'ampleur du second volume (et, partant, son cont) ayant depasse les previsions initiales, on a voulu en effet maintenir une moyenne raisonnable au double point de vue du format et du prix. Les articles reproduits dans ce volume et la documentation comprise dans la partie II embrassent, selon nous, les principaux developpements intervenus dans la cooperation europeenne au cours de la periode consideree, c'est-a-dire, en principe, l'annee civile 1955 avec, pour des raisons de continuite, certaines incursions dans l'annee 1956. On relevera cependant une lacune majeure: l'omission de toute documentation concernant la Relance europeenne amorcee en juin 1955, a Messine, par la Con ference des six ministres des affaires Hrangeres des Etats mem bres de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de I' Acier et les negociations ulterieures de Bruxelles en vue de l'etablissement du Marche commun et de I'Euratom. Etant donne que ces nego ciations Haient encore en cours au moment ou ce volume a He mis sous presse, i1 a semble preferable d'attendre leur conclusion et d'en donner un aperc;u plus complet dans le volume IV.

Periodical Title and Abbreviation by Abbreviation

Book Description

Volume 1 is a comprehensive dictionary with more than 230,000 entries. It covers periodicals from a wide variety of subjects, including: science, social sciences, humanities, law, medicine, religion, library science, engineering, education, business, and art. Volume 1lists, in a single in letter-by-letter sequence, abbreviations commonly used for periodicals together with their full titles.