Calendrical Variations in Second Temple Judaism

Book Description

Starting from the seminal work of the French scholar Annie Jaubert on the date of the Last Supper, the present work revisits known - and identifies new - calendrical issues in the literature of Second Temple Judaism. The research supports the conclusion that all known calendrical traditions functioned on the tenet that orthopraxis in ancient Judaism meant close interconnection between cultic and agricultural cycles. From this perspective the book removes the calendrical objection leveled at the Jaubertian theory. Further, the research brings new light on current debates about Qumran calendrical documents and proposes the identification of a previously unknown calendrical polemic in the Astronomical Book of Enoch concerning the synchronization of the 364DY tradition with the lunar cycle.

Calendrical Variations in Second Temple Judaism

Book Description

From a consideration of previously known and from newly identified calendrical polemics, this book offers new perspectives on internal tensions within Second Temple Judaism and their possible impact on the long standing debate about the day of the last supper.

Calendrical Variations in Second Temple Judaism

Book Description

From a consideration of previously known and from newly identified calendrical polemics, this book offers new perspectives on internal tensions within Second Temple Judaism and their possible impact on the long standing debate about the day of the last supper.

Jesus and the Last Supper

Book Description

Who did Jesus of Nazareth claim to be? What was his relationship with early Judaism? When and how did he expect the kingdom to come? What were his intentions? Though these key questions have been addressed in studies of the historical Jesus, Brant Pitre argues that they cannot be fully answered apart from a careful historical analysis of the Last Supper accounts. In this book Pitre offers a rigorous, up-to-date study of the historical Jesus and the Last Supper, filling a significant gap in current Jesus research. Situating the Last Supper in the triple contexts of ancient Judaism, the life of Jesus, and early Christianity, Pitre brings to light crucial insights into major issues driving the quest for Jesus. His Jesus and the Last Supper is sure to ignite discussion and debate.

A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 3

Book Description

This is the third volume of the projected four-volume history of the Second Temple period, collecting all that is known about the Jews from the period of the Maccabaean revolt to Hasmonean rule and Herod the Great. Based directly on primary sources, the study addresses aspects such as Jewish literary sources, economy, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Diaspora, causes of the Maccabaen revolt, and the beginning and end of the Hasmonean kingdom and the reign of Herod the Great. Discussed in the context of the wider Hellenistic world and its history, and with an extensive up-to-date secondary bibliography, this volume is an invaluable addition to Lester Grabbe's in-depth study of the history of Judaism.

Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: The Interbellum 70‒132 CE

Book Description

This volume discusses crucial aspects of the period between the two revolts against Rome in Judaea that saw the rise of rabbinic Judaism and of the separation between Judaism and Christianity. Most contributors no longer support the ‘maximalist’ claim that around 100 CE, a powerful rabbinic regime was already in place. Rather, the evidence points to the appearance of the rabbinic movement as a group with a regional power base and with limited influence. The period is best seen as one of transition from the multiform Judaism revolving around the Second Temple in Jerusalem to a Judaism that was organized around synagogue, Tora, and sages and that parted ways with Christianity.

Das lukanische Doppelwerk in neuen internationalen Perspektiven / Luke-Acts in New International Perspectives

Book Description

In der Erforschung des lukanischen Doppelwerks ist einiges in Bewegung geraten, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Fragen nach der Datierung, nach den dem Verfasser vorliegenden Quellen und seiner Kreativität in der Gestaltung seines Werks. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Beiträge von Exegeten und Exegetinnen, die das lukanische Doppelwerk aus einer Vielzahl internationaler, theologischer und exegetischer Perspektiven in den Blick nehmen. Einer Reihe von ihnen ist die Zweiquellentheorie zweifelhaft geworden. Der Band reflektiert und befördert die gegenwärtigen Diskussionen um die angemessenste synoptische Theorie. Als Anhang ist zum ersten Mal in deutscher Übersetzung der klassische Aufsatz von Austin M. Farrer »On Dispensing with Q« beigefügt. In the study of Luke-Acts, there has been a lot of development, especially with regard to the questions of dating, the sources available to the author, and his creativity in shaping his work. This volume brings together contributions by exegetes who examine Luke-Acts from a variety of international, theological, and exegetical perspectives. A number of them share the doubt on the two-source theory. This volume reflects and advances the current discussions about the most appropriate synoptic theory. Included as an appendix, for the first time in German translation, is the classic essay by Austin M. Farrer »On Dispensing with Q«.

Medieval Latin Christian Texts on the Jewish Calendar

Book Description

During the later Middle Ages (twelfth to fifteenth centuries), the study of chronology, astronomy, and scriptural exegesis among Christian scholars gave rise to Latin treatises that dealt specifically with the Jewish calendar and its adaptation to Christian purposes. In Medieval Latin Christian Texts on the Jewish Calendar C. Philipp E. Nothaft offers the first assessment of this phenomenon in the form of critical editions, English translations, and in-depth studies of five key texts, which together shed fascinating new light on the avenues of intellectual exchange between medieval Jews and Christians.

Legal Exegesis of Scripture in the Works of Josephus

Book Description

Michael Avioz builds upon his earlier work on Josephus as an exegete, providing a comprehensive study of Josephus' contribution to the crystallization of the Halakha which focuses on the similarities (and dissimilarities) between his work and the tannaitic sources, as well as contemporary Second Temple sources. Avioz begins by providing a clear definition of Halakha, and offering an explanation of methodology and sources. He then examines the structure and contents of the Pentateuch in Josephus' writing, before moving on to more specific coverage of the Decalogue in the work of Josephus and its relation to other laws in the Pentateuch. Further analysis is applied to the laws in the books of Leviticus-Deuteronomy and on laws that appear outside the Pentateuch. Throughout, Avioz makes close comparisons between biblical laws and Josephus' rewriting of them, in order to consider the reasons behind this rewriting and the origins of the texts that Josephus may have had access to in his exegetical work. Avioz is consequently able to draw clear conclusions about the interpretative traditions that Josephus had access to and worked within, and about how he used them in his writing.

Do this in Remembrance of Me

Book Description

Bryan Spinks is one of the world’s leading scholars in the field of liturgy and to have a comprehensive work by him on the Eucharist is a major catch for SCM. Like the author’s previous work on Baptism, this will become a standard work about the Eucharist and Eucharistic theology worldwide. The book, a study of the history and theology of the Eucharist, is the fifth volume in the SCM Studies in Worship and Liturgy series and will help to establish the series as a place for landmark books of liturgical scholarship.