Calvary Rock Resource Booklet Volume One

Book Description

This volume contains children, youth and adult world with stories, cartoons, poems, plays, messages, articles, Bible studies, seminars and Christian education materials. The headings include "The Child Atheist", "A Critical Debate Between An Atheist Professor And His Christian Student", "Going Haywire", "The Belief In Reincarnation", "The Game", "The Children Of God And The Slaves", "A Product Of Evangelism", "Cheap And Expensive Lies", "The Woman With Four Lovers", "Encounter With A Demon From The Grave", "The Life That Saves All" and a host of others.

Calvary Rock Resource Booklet Volume Two

Book Description

This volume contains children, youth and adult world with stories, cartoons, poems, plays, messages, articles, Bible studies, seminars and Christian education materials. The headings include "The Child Atheist", "A Critical Debate Between An Atheist Professor And His Christian Student", "Going Haywire", "The Belief In Reincarnation", "The Game", "The Children Of God And The Slaves", "A Product Of Evangelism", "Cheap And Expensive Lies", "The Woman With Four Lovers", "Encounter With A Demon From The Grave", "The Life That Saves All" and a host of others.

Christian Ministries And Basic Leadership

Book Description

As it is common to say that the hood does not make a monk, the dignified positions and bogus titles of many Christian leaders in modern days do not really make them Gospel Ministers.This course book - a compilation of five resource materials on Missions And Outreach Ministries, Christian Communication Arts, Christian Leadership, Christian Education Methodology and Ministries Of Improvisations - aims at making every matured Christian an effective minister and leader at their respective homes, communities and nations. It teaches various ways Christians can communicate the word of God, meeting up to their responsibilities as ministers and leaders that reconcile people to God, edifying the Body Of Christ and reaching out to souls at the same time. All of the resource materials are in use in Bible Schools like College Of Christian Education And Missions, in Churches and other ministries to raise Christian workers, Evangelists, Missionaries and other Ministers that serve at various levels and leadership capacities.

Network Bible Club Story Book One

Book Description

The issue of moral instructions in schools and at homes is threatened with extinction. Consequently, so many youths are involved in prostitution, drug addictions, cultism, fraudulent practices, armed robberies and other crimes. Those who are supposed to be trained as leaders in various walks of life are the ones posing serious threats to many lives. Many parents who fail to add moral values to the upbringing of their children often times breed potential criminals under their roofs without knowing it. Apart from these, many other people negatively influence young ones through the media, music, publications, films, conduct and foul language; making them to lose their moral and family values. This book one just like the rest of other volumes is an attempt to bring back moral instructions into schools and campuses through the use of stories, hymn tuned songs, poems, Bible lessons and class activities. It is designed to assist teachers and ministers in Secondary Schools, Bible Clubs, Churches and Campus Fellowships to teach people, especially youths the Word of God and serves as a school text book in subjects relating to literature, music and other creative works."

The Power Behind All The Thrones In The World

Book Description

According to the main drama paper presentation in this book, truths about economic and political catastrophes in most nations are not something someone can randomly stumble upon. This is because the activities of Globalists like the Illuminati and Freemasons are always shrouded in secrecies and mysteries. There are lots of documentary and circumstantial evidences that reveal the Globalists as the power behind all the thrones in the world, including the United States and United Kingdom. Because of their hidden agendas, the Globalists and most of the Governments in the world use lies and deceptions as their official languages. Invariably, it becomes impossible to discover the truth without thorough research works on their activities right from the time they started making history. Aside from the papers like: “The Sources Of Major Influence In The Society” and “Game Of Politics”, other short plays that depict either the game of dirty politics or how family; traditional; religious and national values are compromised include: “The Evil Generation Of Globalists”, “The Quest For Excellence At The Expense Of Values Is Rat Race”, “People Who Benefit From Bad Systems Are Threats To The Future Of The Nation”, “The Game Of Money Politics”, The Great Enemies Of The Nation”, “Corrupt People Always Corrupt Others”, “The Deeds That Corrupt Good People”, “Selfishness Is The Mother Of Regression”, “Three Things That Can Destroy Any Nation”, “Conscience Is The Best Role Model”, “The Leadership Of Intelligent Crooks”, “Hypocrisy At Every Level”, “The Costs Of Noble Course Of The Nation”, “The Riches Of Poor People”, “Education Alone Does Not Make Anyone Reasonable And Responsible”, “The Means Of Putting An End To Everything”, “The Seeds That Grow Are In Human Hearts”, “The Life Of Crisis”, “Mammon Makes Men Monsters”, “Irresponsible Generations Are A Step Ahead Of Responsible Ones”, “Disregard Of Law And Order Amounts To Crime”, “The Deadly Things In Any Nation Are Ignorance And Silence”, “The Future Of People Begins With What They Do Everyday”, “The Lessons Of Life Experience”, “The End Of All Bad Choices”, “Erosions Of Value Systems”, “The Generation Of Every Man To Himself”, “Corruption Of School Teacher In The Name Of Valentine” and “Political Cancer In The Society”.

Foundation Bilble Club A-Z Story Book

Book Description

An adage says, "a man who builds a house without building his child builds what the child will later sell." Proverbs 22:6 says, "train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This book is an attempt to assist parents and teachers to meet up to the challenges that befall them in carrying out this important function in the light of the moral decadence that is prevailing all over the world. The first edition of the book was used by several thousands of teachers, ministers and parents in schools, Churches and homes to build the moral values of young ones. Apart from the stories, songs and Bible passages for the young ones to study, there is a seminar material that is based on the lecture which the author delivered to school proprietors, children ministers and Christian professionals in this volume.

The Quests For New World Order

Book Description

While some historical accounts are distorted, so many parts were written long before they eventually become history. This is because a clique sees the need to destroy the old order and pave the way for the New World Order. The quest to dominate the world and fuse all nations together as one entity is an age-long battle which becomes more profound and pronounced in the modern days with the use of chemical, biological, psychological, spiritual and other weapons. With presentations of documentary, circumstantial and other evidences most of which are made available by ancient and modern researchers and writers, this book attempts to shed light on what actually characterized global events like the French revolution, world wars, civil wars, virus pandemic and other catastrophes that plague humanity. These research works address the question that was raised in the book, titled “Pawn In The Game” by William Guy Carr who asked, “why the Human Race can't live in peace and enjoy the bounties and blessing God provides for our use and benefit in such abundance?” This book also serves as a warning that when the New World Order emerges, humans will become semi-robots that are shackled into Computer Network through the use of Artificial Intelligence (IA), as opposed to Natural Intelligence.


Book Description

While some historical accounts are distorted, so many parts were written long before they eventually become history. This is because a clique sees the need to destroy the old order and pave the way for the New World Order. The quest to dominate the world and fuse all nations together as one entity is an age-long battle which becomes more profound and pronounced in the modern days with the use of chemical, biological, psychological, spiritual and other weapons. With presentations of documentary, circumstantial and pictorial evidences most of which are made available by ancient and modern researchers and writers, this book shed light on what actually characterized global events like the French revolution, world wars, civil wars, virus pandemic like COVID-19 and other catastrophes that plague humanity. These research works address the question that was raised in the book, titled “Pawn In The Game” by William Guy Carr who asked, “why the Human Race can't live in peace and enjoy the bounties and blessing God provides for our use and benefit in such abundance?” This book also serves as a warning that when the New World Order emerges, human beings will be shackled with Computer Network and turned into semi-robots that are controlled by a Clique of Globalists.


Book Description

This collection of sixteen short educational dramas exemplify the decadent lifestyles, especially among Nigerian youths as opposed to the family and national values that are portrayedin the pledge to the nation. All the stories are based on some of the most intriguing cases that are studied at differenttimes and locations in Nigeria. While some dramas hold westernization through means of information and entertainments accountable for the near extinction of the major part of Nigerian values, others establish the fact that parents who spare their children from rigours of normal life often create out of them menaces that would pose serious threats to lives and properties in future. This parental factor also exposes young minds to life of luxuries instead of preparing them to face the huddles ahead of them. The various issues that boil on the sources of social vices and crimes in Nigeria are so vividly presented in all the dramas that they can be imagined like motion pictures.


Book Description

According to the drama form of paper presentations in this collection, mankind is duly equipped to destroy itself right from World War II Generation up to the Global Generations known as the Millennial and Alpha. Some of the people who equip every generation with technologies and other tools are known as the Globalists. Going by various findings of researchers, the Globalists orchestrated world major events like the two world wars which shaped the psyche of every passing generation. The main story in this collection of dramas which are all either based on real life experiences or historical facts has to do with a man whose wife denied him of his conjugal rights. This exposed him to temptation to commit adultery with a lady who went to him for prayers. He went to his friend who provided an unorthodox way to solve his problem. The other twenty-eight short plays in this collection are titled: “The Generations With Self-destruction Tendencies”, “The Generations That Are Programmed To Destroy Themselves”, “The Two Cold-hearted Generations”, “Generations At War Against One Another”, “The Generations That Actually Went Rogue”, “The Conflicts Between The Young And Old Generations”, “The Making Of An Abusive Husband”, “Deformations Of Generations With Disinformation”, “The Beautiful Ones That Are Not Born But Made”, “Consequences Of Bad Choices”, “A House Divided Against Itself”, “Destructive Sins Of Sexual Immorality”, “The Battle In The Flesh”, “The Worst The Devil Can Do To You”, “Bad News Is Dirty Enough To Pollute Good Minds”, “Signs And Wonders From Pit Of Hell”, “God Hates Divorce”, “Strange Woman In A Christian Home”, “The Star Which Does Not Shine Again”, “Deliverance From Temptation To Fornicate”, “Lack Of Contentment Leads To Ungodliness”, “The Unity Of Faith”, “The Star Which Does Not Shine”, “Cultist In The Hood Of Christian Priest”, “The Rulers Of Darkness Rule The World”, “Darkness In The House Of God,” “The Christian Who Wants To Die Without Christ” and “Blind Leadership Of Blind Leaders”.